1 Corinthians 6:12-20 // Sexology: Beautiful Mess Wk 3

Introduction // 5 minutes

What are some of your favorite super bowl commercials?

Leader Note:  While your group may not reference one of the more “proactive” ads (i.e. Go Daddy, Cindy Crawford/Pepsi, Kate Upton/Carl’s Jr.) try to find a natural transition from commercials and sex to set up the discussion.


Observation // 10 minutes

Read 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

What do you learn about the power of sex?

Sample Answers May Include…

  • Some say it’s the reason they were created (v.13)
  • It unites two individuals into one (v.15)
  • If Christ is in us we also unite Him to the other individual, in this case a prostitute (v.15)
  • Sexual sin is so power we must run from it (v.18)
  • It affects the whole person, not just the body (v.18)

What else has that kind power in the passage? Explain where you see it.


  • Reigns over food – stomach (v.13)
  • He created our bodies; they were made for Him (v.14)
  • He will raise us from the dead, just as He raised Jesus (v.14)

Our Bodies

  • They are parts of Christ (v.15)
  • Can be joined with Christ or people/prostitute (v.15)
  • Uniting with Christ makes us one with His spirit (v.17)
  • They are the very temple of the Holy Spirit, they house God! (v.18)
  • They have the ability to honor God (v.20)


Understanding // 15 minutes

What does the world say about sexual immorality?

Commentary: Sexual immorality relates to any sex outside of marriage or the misuse of God’s design for sex.  Jesus also makes it clear that sexual immorality goes beyond the physical act and is an issue of the mind and heart, i.e. lust, fantasy, pornography (Matthew 5:28).

Sample Answers May Include

  • Sex doesn’t damage you, it’s your body do what you want
  • It’s unnatural to put your desires in a box
  • It’s just physical, not emotional or spiritual, there is no permanent bonding
  • Your body is your own, freedom to do and express
  • Sex is equal to our Identity
  • Your desires are the most important part of forming who you are

What does it look like when people live out those beliefs?

Sample Answers May Include

  • People view others as a means to an end for their desires
  • Lack of intimacy, commitment in relationships
  • Your urges become the most important thing
  • Destroys relationships, lack of trust


Application // 20 minutes

What are some practical ways for me to flee from sexual immorality?

Leader Note:  While it isn’t necessary (or recommended) to have your group identify sexual sin they struggle with, you should consider ways to avoid sexual temptation that could lead to problems.  Talk about business travel, movies on late night television, lack of filters on computers, etc.  For singles – consider dates that end up in compromising places, talk about how you can come to an understanding with the person you are dating in regards to purity during dating.  If you have time you may also consider splitting up into men and women’s groups.


Live It Out // 5 minutes

How might your relationships be impacted by your decision to live sexually pure?

Leader Note: Be sure to make it clear that while we must decide and resolve to live this way that we are incapable of making this change without the power of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer: As you end your time together pray for courage and strength to put sex in a proper view… that is as a powerful and wonderful gift given and designed by God.  Pray that your desire for relationship with God and to keep control over your body will give you the incentive you need to run from sexual sin.