Luke 2:25-35 // The Cost of Yes: Outsiders Wk 5

Introduction // 5 minutes

What is your all time favorite game show and what do you like about it?

Leader Note: After you’ve made room for everyone in the group to answer transition to the next section by saying something like… “One of the greatest parts of any game show is the element of risk and reward.  Every decision, every answer often has a cost associated with it.”


Observation // 25 minutes

Read Luke 2:25-35

What warnings does Simeon give to Mary concerning her son, Jesus?

Sample Answers May Include…

  • He would cause division in Israel (v34)
  • People will speak against him (v34)
  • He blesses Mary while at the same time warns her of the suffering that is ahead of her… “A sword will piece your own soul too.” (v34-35)

Commentary: Luke continues to highlight the dichotomy between the outsiders and insiders in this passage.  Simeon makes it clear that Jesus is for all while at the same time emphasizing that many on the inside (the people of Israel) would fall because of their rejection of the Messiah.  Jesus would become a lightning rod that would divide cultures, nations, and families. 

It should also be noted how culturally shocking it would have been for Simeon to directly address Mary, a woman, in front of her husband.  What he says to Mary in verse 35, (“A sword will piece your soul too”) is equally shocking.  Mary, the highly favored one, is given a very clear warning of the road ahead of her and the suffering that it is to come.  Her yes would come at great cost.

Leader Note: Take time with your group to look at a few of the key narratives that illustrate the cost of Mary’s yes.

 Read… Luke 2:41-52, Luke 4:16-21, 28-29, Luke 8:19-21

Leader Note: Select three people from your group to read a passage in order to move through the readings faster.

What do you discover about the cost of Mary’s yes? What might some of her emotions been in these situations?

Commentary: There is a temptation to view Mary as some kind of picturesque symbol in the Christmas story rather than a real person who actually had to endure quite a bit in her journey as “Mary, the mother of Jesus.”

Sample Answers May Include…

  • She would have been made to feel embarrassed, ashamed or even like a bad mother
  • Frustation over not understanding her son’s actions
  • Probably would have felt rejected, isolated and frustrated, like no one could understand her
  • Perhaps she felt like a “bad mother” like she did something wrong, not good enough


Understanding // 10 minutes

Where have you seen someone live out a costly yes?

Leader: There is always a cost associated in following Jesus.  By saying yes we also have to say no to great number of things.  Where have you seen someone do this well?


Application // 25 minutes

Where have you heard something from God and then questioned it based on the circumstances you were in?

Leader Note: Allow space for personal stories at this point.  Most of us have had the experience at some level of responding in obedience to God’s call and then experiencing the struggle and trials of the in-between our yes and the fulfillment of what God calls us to.

How do you tend to respond in those costly “in-between” moments?

What do you need to be reminded of in those moments?

Where is God currently calling you to a “costly yes?”


Live It Out // 5 minutes

Who could you impact in your life and community by living out a costly yes well?

Prayer: Father we thank you for all the ways you continue to protect and guide us.  We ask that you would cause us to see the great and eternal rewards that wait for those who say yes and follow your ways through all seasons of this life.  We pray for strength when following because burdensome and for wisdom when we are meet with doubt.  Be our source of life and may the way we live reflect your glory so that others may come to see you.  Amen.