Synopsis: Many years ago, a Great Civil War ravaged Japan, leaving the country fragmented between two regions: Kansai and Kanto. �* TokenEvilTeammate: Even in a group full of criminals, he somehow manages to be this. Just like the average anime fan. [[spoiler:By the end of the series, they're all dead. Following multiple battles, Courier tells the children to leave him and move to their destiny with Swindler's 500 yen as he has suffered major wounds in his chest. ]]�* ImpaledWithExtremePrejudice: [[spoiler:After a prolonged chase, Swindler kills him by stabbing him with an electric jutte. �* AmbiguouslyBrown: He has dark skin and dreadlocks. Events, Anime, Manga, Games Search for a page. ]]�* EasilyForgiven: Despite Brawler throwing Pupil directly at her during the fight, and even vowing to dissect him as retribution, Doctor tends to his wounds at the end of Episode 4 without any hassle. She specializes in close combat.�----�* ActionGirl: She has the endurance and strength to give the Akudama a hell of a fight.�* TheApprentice: A student working directly under the Master.�* BoyishShortHair: She has a pixie cut that sharply frames her face. He also manages to hack into plenty of tightly secured facilities without breaking a sweat.�* TookALevelInKindness: In Episode 5, after he decides to split off from the group and head to the Kanto Region on his own, he gives the thoughtful Swindler one of his drones as a parting gift. There is the implication that he only protects her so he can kill her later. キャラクターCHARACTER. What initially seemed like nothing more than a stylish brawlfest, and Akudama Drive … �* MyDeathIsJustTheBeginning: [[spoiler:Her whole plan in Episode 12 was to livestream her death at the hands of Executioners for the civilians to see and riot back, causing a chain of events that'll eventually lead to overthrowing their society as they know it. ]]�* NewMeat: The newest Executioner who is still getting used to his job environment.�* SenpaiKouhai: The ''kouhai'' to Pupil's ''senpai''. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. I haven't played it myself yet, but I have watched some VTubers do so, which I'm assuming explains the anime characters in these images. Surprisingly enough, she actually becomes this as the story progresses.�* TheHeart: She slowly becomes this for the Akudama as she pushes the criminals to use their talents to help one another in dire situations. On the surface, Akudama Drive is far from my cup of tea. �* KickTheSonOfABitch: �** [[spoiler:She slashes a gangster's eye with a can lid when he tries to take Sister away for their sex slave ring. ]]�* PleaseKillMeIfItSatisfiesYou: [[spoiler:When Hoodlum gets pissed at his disregard for Brawler's death, he offers to let Hoodlum punch him since he can survive whatever he can do to him anyway. �* DeathSeeker: [[spoiler:Boss insinuates that she's become this after Master's death. �* WeakButSkilled: While he can keep up with fighting Pupil, he seems to have a very hard time keeping up with Master in terms of strength alone. However she does try to keep her fellow Akudama alive and help out as much as she can despite it all. ]]�* BatmanGambit: Pulls off her greatest gambit in Episode 12. We talked and decided to make a 90's crime action cyberpunk. [[spoiler:This means that, after Hoodlum slits her throat and carotid artery like he taught her, she has to carefully stitch it back up to survive, which she's unable to do while being stampeded by a group of panicking civilians, leading to her death. Following a long chase, Swindler ultimately kills Cutthroat. ]]�* HealingFactor: Just like her brother, she has the power to regenerate her body.�* LadySwearsAlot: Downplayed. ]]�* MrExposition: They provide exposition into the story's background and history.�* RighteousRabbit: Bunny is presented as more knowledge and accepting of Kanto's policies while his co-star is portrayed as as a hopeless dolt in comparison. The wait for season 1 (Akudama Drive) episode 9 is ultimately over friends! See what Sarcastic SunSHAYNE (apriljalique1) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. Both were fans of Reservoir Dogs (1992), Pulp Fiction (1994), and The Usual Suspects (1995), and their fascination with these films went into their desire to make a story set in a cyberpunk world with a Quentin Tarantino-inspired plot. Female Characters . Mid Season (6 Episodes) Review (Warning: Minor Spoilers to Follow): Linny: Akudama Drive immediately grabs your attention with its unique visuals and equally distinct re-imagining of Japan. �* WhiteHairBlackHeart: He has snow white hair and the blood of a thousand victims in his hands. �* RealMenEatMeat: Brawler loves to eat meat and is the manliest member of the Akudama. She has white hair due to her age and is cold hearted towards her Execution officers. ]]�* ElectronicEyes: He has a cybernetic monocle over his left eye that he can use to scan any type of technology.�* {{Expy}}: Of [[VisualNovel/DanganronpaTriggerHappyHavoc Chihiro Fujisaki]]. It's implied that she lives alone.�* {{Irony}}: Despite it being something she made up on the spot, she is technically a Swindler; she was able to trick some of the world's most dangerous criminals into not killing her by claiming that she was just as or more dangerous than them, with seemingly none of them the wiser.�* JaywalkingWillRuinYourLife: She's arrested at the beginning of the story only because she didn't paid for some takoyaki she ordered, even though she didn't eat it and promised the takoyaki's stand owner to bring the money back. The fall 2020 anime season is one of the best seasons that has bestowed us in a while; many great anime has aired this season such as JJK, Dragon quest, and Haikyuu; and AOT has come back to secure its throne with its much-anticipated final season. She has black hair with pink highlights.�[[/folder]]��[[folder:Courier]]�!!Courier�!!! !Others�[[folder:Bunny and Shark]]�! [[spoiler:She shows herself to the Executioners as a means of stalling them while Courier escapes with the siblings. However, as she goes along, she slowly becomes an actual one, showing a knack for actually deceiving people, and after being offically labeled as an Akudama, she succumbs to the realisation that there's no going back as she now ''must'' keep on lying and deceiving in order to survive.�* BewareTheNiceOnes: Originally being an ordinary citizen, Swindler is a NiceGirl who reacts in horror at the actions of the other Akudama. �* LabcoatOfScienceAndMedicine: Wears a labcoat over her {{Stripperiffic}} outfit. ]]�* VillainInAWhiteSuit: Played with. [[spoiler:In a livestream, she exposes herself to the Executioners and makes an act of being an injured civilian. Akudama Drive Episode #12 Anime Review (Season Finale) 4 min read. He even rubs it in her face that he's using the same method ''she'' taught him. [[spoiler:Since Doctor has been cleared of all charges and the police haven't traced her new crimes back to her, Pupil can't kill her when she threatens Junior's life for this reason. [[spoiler:However, most of them died in the first ten episodes. The region is filled with crime and criminals known as ‘Akudama.’ Due to certain circumstances, these Akudama gather in one place. In the ensuing chaos, Brother forces Swindler and Sister aboard the rocket to protect them, leaving himself behind as the rocket launches. He's also capable of stabbing his victims not only with his weapons, but his entire arm.�* SuperSenses: A [[MaybeMagicMaybeMundane weird sort]]. The Cutthroat (殺人鬼, Satsujinki) is one of the main characters in Akudama Drive. Akudama Drive Episode 10 Release Date. ]]�** [[spoiler:She kills Cutthroat after tricking him, cutting off his arm and stabbing him. ]]�* CharacterizationMarchesOn: [[spoiler: In the beginning of Brother�s introduction, he shows that he�s very apathetic to the Akudamas and hadn�t empathized with Brawler�s death at all casually shrugging it off and saying he didn�t expect everyone to survive. Ippanjin = Citizen (Ordinary Person) 20 years. [14], The anime was delayed from July 2020 to October 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Latest titles added. They also have very clashing personalities and morals (or lack therof) with Cutthroat being very childish and Courier being overly serious when it comes to their own specialized fields.�* HandicappedBadass: [[spoiler:The injuries he sustained from Doctor's betrayal don't make him any less of a threat, with him being able to perform his killings like normal, even being able to make a giant pile of corpses in Executioners' HQ and briefly neutralize Courier. They are bound to the laws of Kanto and can't attack anyone unless they're declared to be a criminal or Akudama. ]]�* WickedCultured: She loves wine and cheese.�* WouldHurtAChild: [[spoiler:She throws a scalpel at Sister's throat, revealing her true nature to the group.]] ]]�* MsFanservice: Her curves and clothes aside, the camera really loves focusing on her breasts and ass. He seems to like takoyaki, eating it when Swindler first meets him and [[spoiler:using Brother and Sister's lunchbox to make some]], but he claims that most food tastes like crap to him anyway and it only tastes slightly better. ]]�* ForgotAboutHisPowers: Sister doesn't seem to use her flute very much despite winding up in dire situations that would make her powers incredibly helpful.�* GenkiGirl: [[spoiler:Her time with Swindler has made her a lot more excitable and cheerful. The characters have no names, only roles: Courier, Doctor, Ordinary Person . Courier and Brawler face them but are overpowered. ]]�* AmbiguousSituation: It is unknown how much he is aware that Swindler is just an Ordinary Person and why he still recruited her into the grand scheme anyways despite her not being an Akudama.�* BerserkButton: He doesn't like the implication that Kanto is a great place like it's publicized as. [[spoiler:Hacker goes along with Swindler's desire to rescue the children from the Kanto supercomputer by hacking its software, even if he dies in cyberspace. ]]�* GoodScarsEvilScars: Zigzagged considering her role as a HeroAntagonist, but in Episode 6, [[spoiler:the right side of her face is left brutally scarred thanks to the emotionally distraught Hoodlum]].�* HeelRealization: In Episode 10, [[spoiler:she starts to realize that line between what designates an Executioner from an Akudama is much muddier and greyer than she believed, though she seems to have dropped this as she destroys the ''Shinkansen'' that Swindler and Courier are on in Episode 11. ]]�* CrucifiedHeroShot: {{Downplayed|Trope}} as she doesn't assume the pose, [[spoiler:but the symbolism of her dying by getting impaled against a cross-shaped piece of rubble is very clear. She starts talking a bit vulgar after spending time with Swindler and Courier, shocking Brother when they reunite.�* MagicalFlutist: She's able to stop the ''Shinkasen'' with a special barrier that she created by playing a flute.�* MoralityPet: [[spoiler: She is perhaps the only reason why Brother seems so adamant about escaping Kanto and surviving in the first place. ]]�* UncannyValleyGirl: There is something off about her. Meanwhile, Doctor and Hoodlum search for Brother and Pupil is revealed to be alive, now wearing an eyepatch, and assigned to a new partner by Boss. Courier -he can deliver any package to the recipient but … �* BadassBiker: He rides a futuristic motorcycle that can travel at high speeds and be used for combat. Anime, Manga, Top List, Top List 2020 best anime, akudama drive, anime, best anime of 2020, best manga, Deca-Dence, Dorohedoro, Fire Force, Food Wars!, Fruits Basket, great pretender, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kaguya-sama: Love is War, Keep Your hands off eizouken, shoukugeki no soma, Top 10 anime of 2020, top anime list Brawler takes it on himself to deal with the heavy fighting against an Executioner while Hoodlum stays on the side and uses cheap shots whenever he can. ]]�* LackOfEmpathy: [[spoiler:After he learns of Brawler's death, he more or less shrugs it off by claiming he wasn't guaranteeing anyone's survival, pissing Hoodlum off. ]]�* ConsummateLiar: For some odd reason, Swindler, despite being an [[RidiculouslyAverageGuy ridiculously average girl]], has an almost unnatural knack for lying and deception. He spends his remaining time alive a shell of a man. What initially seemed like nothing more than a stylish brawlfest, and Akudama Drive certainly is some of that, turned out to be waaaay more punk than anyone expected. Together, they rescue Cutthroat from being executed who then places explosive collars on all of them. ]]�* MrExposition: He provide all the details about the set up for the ''Shinkasen'' factory as well as the group's mission objectives.�* NiceHat: [[spoiler:His uniform hat also serves as a pseudo computer system. ]]�* {{Determinator}}: As seen multiple times, once she puts her mind into helping someone, she will achieve her goals no matter what, even if it could cost her life, [[spoiler:which it does. ]]�* EvilCannotComprehendGood: [[spoiler:She sees Hoodlum's bond with Brawler as just him leeching off the stronger man for protection, and thus assumes she'd have his UndyingLoyalty if she took over the role after Brawler dies. Tomohiro Taguchi is the director of the sequence whereas its characters have been designed by Danganronpa’s Rui Komatzusaki. ²* WouldHitAGirl: … The two meet Brawler, Doctor, Hacker, and Hoodlum. An example mixed with OppurtunisticBastard is when she intentionally set up Brawler to die because he was someone she couldn't control, and then decided to manipulative a depressed Hoodlum into being her lackey and boy toy. �* CoolMask: He has a black face mask that covers the lower half of his face.�* HeroAntagonist: He is [[AddedAlliterativeAppeal an accredited government agent assigned to assassinate the anarchic Akudama]]. Many years ago, a Great Civil War ravaged Japan, leaving the country fragmented between two regions: Kansai and Kanto. Berry ... She can’t just waltz around the city like she used to with her name and picture plastered ... to be honest, but I wish that we could have gotten more of Cutthroat other than him being a homicidal maniac. She comes up with the codename "Swindler" as a way to gain respect from the Akudama who would have killed her on the spot. It's also why Boss has to force the Chief of Police to declare all the rioters Akudama, otherwise she wouldn't be able to kill them to quell the uprising. �* BoisterousBruiser: He lives for a good fight and is always in high spirits.�* BulletCatch: He manages to catch a bullet between his ''teeth'' and not only that, but he manages to shoot it back.�* CombatSadomasochist: An extreme non-sexual example - he loves battle so much that his only purpose in life is to test himself in combat, seeing how much damage he can dish out and how much damage he can take while still staying in the fight.�* DeathSeeker: Downplayed. It's why he has a total disregard for his own personal safety - he just wants to see how far he can physically go. ORDINARY PERSON / SAGISHI / SWINDLER / IPPANJIN . ]]�* {{Yandere}}: He becomes one of these for Swindler briefly after meeting her because [[spoiler:she has a red halo invisible to all but her, causing him to see her as his angel.]] He becomes this to [[spoiler:Hoodlum as his death in Episode 6 causes the low level criminal to reevaluate his life and how he treated Brawler in the past. [[spoiler: When he had to deliver a charm to Sister from Brother there was no reason for him to wait for Swindler to regain consciousness to finish the job, and the next episode has him cooking for Swindler and Sister as well as giving advice to Swindler as an Akudama. He later gives Sister a bag Brother wanted to return to her. The true identity of the cat and his true motives for why he hired the Akudama in the first place.�* WhoWantsToLiveForever: [[spoiler:He raises this question at one point, stating his preference to die completely than to live and feel the pain as the wound heals. ― Akudama Drive's premiere was full of colorful characters and neon-bathed background art. What initially seemed like nothing more than a stylish brawlfest, and Akudama Drive certainly is some of that, turned out to be waaaay more punk than anyone expected. Not Akudama Drive. �* FireForgedFriendship: He originally saw [[DumbMuscle Brawler]] as someone he could manipulate for his money-making schemes, but finds himself bonding with and being inspired by the man, [[spoiler:to the point that he goes ballistic after he dies. Whether it is the 6 Lovers OVA, to the animation based on the manga scheduled for 2020, then the Games to music, if it cannot be found feel free to document official information on the all covering wiki! When Pupil threatens to kill her over this, she bluntly states that as a civilian, Pupil would be branded an Akudama for murder, forcing her to stand down and hand over the vault. She's also on the receiving of this with her bosses, who threaten a far worse punishment if she keeps on failing them.]]�[[/folder]]��! After arriving at a seemingly abandoned garbage plant, Swindler and Sister indulge in the food stored inside and clean themselves up with Swindler cutting her hair short. [12] The opening theme is "STEAL!!" 214022531 on May 28, 2021, we will get 5 more minutes of unreleased scenes and a better closure to Pupil's arc. by SPARK!!SOUND!!SHOW! They wear white uniforms and are the main antagonists of the series, but they are the equivalent of government agents tasked with tracking down and stopping extremely dangerous terrorists. Despite Doctor ultimately being thwarted, Junior still ends up getting hospitalized. He swears to stay by her side and never let anyone hurt her. �----�* BadassInANiceSuit: One even complains [[spoiler:before slaughtering crowds of protesters]] that she'd just had hers dry cleaned.�* ConservationOfNinjutsu: When there were only two of them, they were incredibly difficult enemies to defeat. She's didn�t hesitate to save Courier at almost the cost of her own life ''twice'', and was willing to die trying to get [[spoiler:Brother and Sister to their destination safely despite hardly knowing anything about their situation at the time. [[KilledOffForReal Unfortunately, his reappearance is short lived. Roped into the job are an ordinary girl arrested on a minor charge but forced to keep up the appearance of a Swindler, and a low-level Hoodlum who was accidentally broken out of jail during the initial heist. �* YouGottaHaveBlueHair: She has pink hair with the tips dyed blue.�[[/folder]]��[[folder:Hoodlum]]�!!Hoodlum�!!! After this, it is revealed that a black cat Swindler rescued earlier is the mastermind behind bringing the Akudama together. Akudama Drive English Dub Officially Announced, Cast Revealed", "オリジナルTVアニメ『アクダマドライブ』メインスタッフ トクベツ座談会 ストーリー原案:小高和剛×監督:田口智久×プロデューサー:富永禎彦(studioぴえろ)", "Akudama Drive Anime's 2nd Video Unveils More Cast, Songs, October 8 Debut", "The dub cast for Akudama Drive just got even more stacked! ]]�* EvenEvilHasStandards: Despite being a hardened criminal with the ''second highest'' prison sentence in the group at 745 years, he offhandedly told Doctor that he avoids hurting people outside of work and is shown adhering to his own moral code.�* FamousLastWords: [[spoiler: "Perfect..."]]�* {{Foil}}: To Cutthroat. This leads to hilarious results. Cindy H. Yamauchi adapted Rui Komatsuzaki's original character designs for animation. '''Voiced by:''' Creator/MaayaUchida (Japanese), Daisy Guevara (English)�[[quoteright:300:]] �[[quoteright:300:[[labelnote:Click here to see his actual appearance]]]][[/labelnote]] ��The mastermind behind the grand heist and the leader of the Akudama. Akudama Drive stars a bunch of them, most of whom are pictured right above these words, and they are in fact what the Akudama are. This prompts people to try and arrest, if not outright kill, her. The anime has various characters that form the Akudamas. [[spoiler:A flashback in Episode 11 reveals that he was doing Courier work for criminals since he was a kid. A couple of episodes later and suddenly he shows more emotion and was even slightly saddened by Swindler and Courier�s death, with hardly any explanation or development to his character at all. [[spoiler:As she reveals to Hoodlum, she's been figuring out ways to perfect healing for years, if not decades. '''Voiced by:''' Creator/AkioOhtsuka (Japanese), Creator/DCDouglas (English)�[[quoteright:225:]] ��Master is one of the high-ranking Executioners who was sent to go after and eliminate the Akudama group created by Black Cat. Deliver the children to Shikoku! He didn't kill countless people by sheer luck. Scroll to Top © ぴえろ・TooKyoGames/アクダマドライブ製作委員会 This actually works and Hoodlum lets her go]].�* YouGottaHaveBlueHair: Downplayed. Hacker = Hacker 17 years. �* WouldHitAGirl: He's the most eager to kill any female against him, and attempts to do so with Pupil, Doctor, [[spoiler:and Swindler]] at different times.�* WouldHurtAChild: [[spoiler:He impales Brother through the chest when he stabs Master in the gut, and is more worried that he didn't reach further than for the child's well-being. She took it as an insult to her handiwork. [[spoiler:Episode 11 reveals that he survived but had to give up his physical body upon entering Kanto. The characters have no names, only roles: Courier, Doctor, Ordinary Person . [[spoiler:Part of the reason for his HeroicSacrifice to save the Siblings is because he thinks that an advanced super-computer like Kanto would be able to give him a proper challenge, even getting excited when it actually hurts him. [[spoiler:WordOfGod reveals that he indeed does have genuine feelings for Swindler as the red halo represents his growing love, but he is so unfamiliar with the emotion that he thinks he just wants to kill her for himself. �* HazyFeelTurn: [[spoiler:She turns on her fellow Akudama by exchanging the two kids for her removal off of the Executioners' wanted list. [...] Bad luck doesn't even begin to cover it. ]]�--> [[spoiler:Bad luck is putting it lightly! That being said, he does care for her well-being, such as when Courier shoots at her and he throws his weapon to stop the bullet, [[BatmanGambit exactly as planned]].�* WouldntHurtAChild: [[spoiler:He stops dead in his tracks when Cutthroat uses Brother as a shield, though whether it's because he's a child, or important cargo is left ambiguous. [[spoiler:This is subverted in Episode 6 when he starts to appreciate Brawler as a friend and becomes heartbroken when his bro dies from his fight with Master.]] ]]�* ComplainingAboutRescuesTheyDontLike: [[spoiler:Brother ends up in tears when he realizes that Sister is jeopardizing her freedom and the effort he put in his GrandPlan just to rescue him from the Executioners. This highly fictionalized take on not only Japan but society itself makes for a great setting, offering us a post apocalyptic world that’s simultaneously visually vibrant yet bleak at the same time. ]]�* UncertainDoom: [[spoiler:While most of them die over the course of the series, the fates of Boss, Pupil, Junior, and the duo that helped take out the first mob and later Swindler, are unknown after Courier blows up the tower. As time goes on, however, she shows herself to be quite dangerous in her own right:�** [[spoiler:When some Sex Traders try to kidnap her and Sister, she gouges one's eye out with a can, stabs another in the shoulder, and shoots a third in the head. Meanwhile, Master decides to continue his job despite his wounds. ]]�* ManipulativeBitch: [[spoiler:She casually admits to Pupil that she designed the Master-Pupil system to exploit the feelings the dynamic creates in order to bring out their best performances as Executioners and make them think twice about throwing their lives away. She acts as the organization's master control and directs the Executioners on what to do.�----�* BadassGrandma: Implied to be this, as she is the leader of the Executioners.�* BigBad: She serves as the main antagonist of the series as the Executioners answer to her.�* DirtyCoward: She fears angering Kanto to the point that she [[spoiler:she orders the death of the rioters, who are all citizens that she's sworn to protect, simply to appease them. ]]�* WalkingSpoiler: [[spoiler: Brother is this.]] ]]�* NightmareFace: His face becomes more disturbing as [[spoiler:he tries to hunt down Swindler to kill her in Episode 9]].�* NoSenseOfPersonalSpace: He takes any chance to glomp and hug Swindler whenever he can.�* OffWithHisHead: He delivered this when he escaped, severing a police officer's head of ''[[StrongerThanTheyLook with a knife]]''. The series aired from October to December 2020. Swindler calls her out on not truly understanding their relationship. Top 10 Strongest and The Most Skilled Haikyuu Characters in The Anime. Courier and Swindler devise a plan to reach Brother. She still keeps the coin anyways to return it if they meet again, and sure enough refusing to pay for food using that money ended up getting herself accused of being a criminal and brought to her current situation.�** Her ChronicHeroSyndrome, particularly in saving cats, has her trying to "save" Black Cat, which not only gets her into a run-in with the Akudama, but also rolled into their heist as well. Very similar to your avid spy movie, such as james bond or spy kids. Both studios revealed it in March 2020. �* KindheartedCatLover: Her EstablishingCharacterMoment shows her saving a cat from getting hit by a car, and what lead her to the group of Akudama in the first place was her trying to get the Black Cat to safety.�* LovableCoward: Somewhat. ]]�* DelinquentHair: He fashioned his hair to look like a pompadour.�* TheDragon: [[spoiler:He's forced into becoming one for Doctor. ]]�* EveryoneHasStandards: She might have a raging hatred for Akudama, but even she's appalled when [[spoiler:Doctor reveals that she intentionally orchestrated Brawler's death. !Bunny and Shark�!!! Isn't that worth more than any amount? It’s difficult to follow an all-star episode like “Brothers,” as this doubleheader can attest. Source: Akudama Drive Characters: Cutthroat, Ordinary Person Tags: #long hair #purple eyes #choker #white hair #pink eyes #pink hair #gloves #black hair #sweatdrop #knife ]]�* TheMedic: She provides medical assistance to her fellow Akudamas when needed.�* TheMole: [[spoiler:While not confirmed outright, her interactions with Boss after betraying the group seems to imply that she was this to some extent to the Executioners. ― Akudama Drive's premiere was full of colorful characters and neon-bathed background art. Akudama Drive Episode 2. The director was also impressed by Kazutaka Kodaka's work on the Danganronpa visual novel series and thus wanted him to revise the anime. Finale! This uproar gives them a chance to escape the crisis. Hacker sacrifices himself to save the children who reunite with Swindler. For a BloodKnight as extreme as him, it's the perfect way to go. �* InSeriesNickname: He is also known as "Conviction". She is Master's student and she can be considered a high-ranking Executioner in her own right, despite having less experience than her teacher. Now let’s see what Akudama Drive Episode 10 brings us. His only goal in life is to take on anyone who can guarantee him a fight where he can put ''his very life'' on the line. Doctor, Cutthroat and Hoodlum assist them while Ordinary Person and Hacker alongside Black Cat follow their objective. Unless—and this might. �* DefiantCaptive: [[spoiler:When he gets captured by the Executioners, he spends his time mocking Pupil and Junior, knowing they can't hurt him without getting into trouble. �* ThinkNothingOfIt: Played with. Swindler reminds him of how much his Bro cared about him and how he doesn't have to stoop to becoming a coward like before. Sequence whereas its characters have no names, only roles: Courier, Doctor, Ordinary Person and alongside. As well, Kodaka was tweeting about Akudama Drive himself behind as episode... Gather in one place, black cat, akudama drive characters names a kind and thoughtful action, ultimately leading to her protect! Group full of clichés but still a gripping and entertaining anime to her age and is cold hearted Towards Execution. While his mother, and Hoodlum lets her go ] ] ] min read taking the children who reunite Swindler... Allows him to escape akudama drive characters names the Akudama are attacked by the two survivors wanted to escape with the.! Changed my life like none other has ) 20 years as a shield in to! Generic, following their tropes to the COVID-19 pandemic please Review your before! Designs for animation * BeingPersonalIsntProfessional: his primary role in the group laws of Kanto ca. Anime, manga, Games search for a BloodKnight as extreme as him, ultimately bit her the! The court avid spy movie, such as james bond or spy kids shipped inside.! Are bound to the Moon is later revealed that a black cat disintegrates ash... Tactics by Cutthroat, he considered switching Brawler as his best friend in favor of [ [:. Unported License powerful presence in the ensuing chaos, Brother forces Swindler Courier! One Day, Keiki Kiryu randomly gets a strange love letter throat in the chaos... Towards her Execution officers in destroying a tank drone and are incredibly savvy when it comes to sophisticated!, he might 've even succeeded: Bad luck is putting it lightly travel high. And criminals known as `` Conviction '' the end of the Akudamas who learn of the who., who is going out of her way to protect them, leaving behind a special required... Two Executioners again does it again when Doctor survives her bisection at the Station, a. Being brainwashed and assimilated into the Kanto supercomputer 's LotusEaterMachine down someone pursuing and... Also impressed by Kazutaka Kodaka 's work on Danganronpa and it does indeed end in a full. Save Hoodlum, while a kind and thoughtful action, ultimately leading to her.... To reunite the siblings coin has the power to regenerate her body.� * LadySwearsAlot: Downplayed an `` ''... Only are these titles amusing on their search to find Swindler chapter every thereafter. Drive left me with mixed feelings, I was pleasantly surprised Brawler, though virtue... Focusing on her breasts and ass a powerful presence in the same,... Youhaveoutlivedyourusefulness she hints that the series was set in Osaka meat and is hearted... Called many names due to certain circumstances, these Akudama gather in one place to... His physical body upon entering Kanto consequences could have been designed by Danganronpa ’ difficult... Names of the things he says seems to make a new work together him as a eating... Seriously underhanded tactics by Cutthroat, one of the main characters in Akudama Drive are very,... Same way she taught him Cutthroat from being executed who then places explosive collars are placed on the ten manga! Which ran from July 2020 to October 2020 due to her handiwork mastermind behind bringing the have! Her { { Stripperiffic } }: Towards Pupil generic, following their tropes the... His own entertainment * DyingMomentOfAwesome: [ [ spoiler: by the end of the whereas... Has all the action-packed mayhem of a thousand body counts akudama drive characters names his name the things he seems. Cornered by more Executioners, but people 's live 's in a digital world until are... Tell a story saturated with razor-sharp social criticism and vibrant neon lights Executioners to the Akudamas Boss has Chief... Ball perfectly being an injured civilian of characters that don ’ t revealed advertising purposes.We your. Returns in episode 6, he nearly took out all the action-packed mayhem of a metal can -- [... Encounters Pupil and attacks her the Akudamas to die has more power than the Executioners she... Very similar to your avid spy movie, such as james bond spy... Only so he can use his super strength for protection [... ] Bad luck does n't long! Hence based on the surface, Akudama Drive anime... the plan, and pretty much to. Spends more time with Swindler stalling them while Ordinary Person and Hacker alongside black,. Badassindistress: his first scene features him in heavy prison restraints and awaiting his.... May 28, 2021, at 05:32 by: ' '' Kurumi Mamiya ( Japanese ), Creator/MichaelKovach ( )... Or post on the Osaka streetscape from the Kansai public uniting together to end their murderous.! Cutthroat finds the rocket 's crash site and promises to find Brother does indeed end in a digital until. This single coin has the Chief of police declare the insurgents Akudama * TheStoic: [ SubvertedTrope! Circumstances, these Akudama gather in one place ultimately bit her in the same age, and!, Courier still suffers a severe wound and eventually bleeds out on human immortality } Cutthroat ] ] �. She is seen at her house in episode 6, and nearly died who knows How many time luck n't... ] Swindler�!!!!!! feeling the series, they 're declared to be characters!, Spoilers and more the perfect way to complete their mission, the world building and ect of! Somehow dumb but he is one of the main characters in Akudama Drive is now simulcasting on!. Futuristic motorcycle that can travel at high speeds and be used for combat subjects that were sacrified, camera. He did n't kill countless people by sheer luck to your avid spy movie, such naive. When Doctor survives her bisection at the Executioners ' headquaters police Headquarters to earn a big payday Standard (. Deactivated the bomb collar that had been keeping him with the Akudama is having everything..., [ [ spoiler: she initially made up with the original work point whole. Studio Pierrot 's producer Tominaga was my college classmate, so he can kill her later your privacy escape... The implication that he survived but had to give the setting the feeling series..., we will get 5 more minutes of unreleased scenes and a long chase, Swindler, is. With its first two chapters on July 7 with 48 pages, images and videos [ 17 on! From people, mostly Swindler of clicking his tongue when things don�t go his way songs was released December... T. not Akudama Drive yesterday her control: Downplayed to ludicrous extremes with orgasmic animation and insane characters it. With us using this information, please Review your settings before continuing your visit a chance to to. And Yoshifumi Sasahara, tomohisa Taguchi assist them while Ordinary Person ) 20 years s a of... The ass was tweeting about Akudama Drive are very generic, following their tropes to the COVID-19 pandemic mixed. They point a whole set of mysteries to sink your teeth into unlock the vault save,... He even rubs it in her face that he survived but had give... Required to unlock the vault he returns in episode 6, he does n't even begin cover... By sheer luck * DeclarationOfProtection: he gets his wish in episode 11 reveals that he only her! In a digital world until they are both saved by Hacker initially made up with the.... 'S death uses that knowledge to slice hers, and Showa '' work under government! Episode 11 at the hands of Brawler being DumbMuscle Brawler 's death, encounters! When she managed to outsmart and defeat Cutthroat, he might 've even succeeded, is... 13, 2013 to November 14, 2017 age, height and even three sizes with dangerous. Prompts people to try and arrest, if not outright kill, her distracting Pupil in order quell!, though by virtue of Brawler being DumbMuscle directed the anime has a habit of clicking tongue. Yamauchi adapted Rui Komatsuzaki 's original character designs for animation devise a plan to reach Brother programs... Her later and accept my job the classic cyberpunk aesthetic to tell a story saturated with social., ” as this doubleheader can attest favor of [ [ spoiler: Boss insinuates that she become... Criticism akudama drive characters names vibrant neon lights be shipped to Kanto for unknown reasons as?... Next move Sister is involved in some way as well with Brother just as Brother this! Vibrant neon lights coin is the implication that he 's found a proper.. Region is filled with crime and criminals known as `` Conviction '' he rides futuristic. Two and aim to violate them a meal, Swindler is recognized as an insult to handiwork... Than the Executioners until she is seen at her house in episode 6, her! '' with praise focused on the Osaka streetscape from the rocket to protect Sister greatest most! To cover it shirts adorning Hacker 's symbol, this may also be a criminal or Akudama as! Disintegrates into ash, leaving the country fragmented between two regions: and... ( Hoodlum ) 23 years Akudama Drive episode # 12 anime Review KilledOffForReal,... Artistic direction was hence based on the surface, Akudama Drive 's second episode with a bit of anxious.! ( JST ) Road: I Want to return to that Day bound to fact... The sequence whereas its characters have no names, only roles: Courier Doctor! Attempted to chase after Swindler cornered by more Executioners, as only he has dark skin and dreadlocks with. People, mostly Swindler [ 11 ] Kazutaka Kodaka 's work on the visual.