Apr 9, 2016 - With its prolific trailing habit, Tradescantia is a showy bi-colored leaves that contrast well with brightly colored bedding plants. In traditional Chinese medicine, the wandering jew plant is highly valued as treatment for kidney failure. 1999. Very versatile, very easy and very hard to kill, makes this a very good indoor plant to have around. Condition is "New". NC State University. The leaves and stems of this species are in striking deep purple color hence the common name ‘purple heart’. 2020. https://www.daf.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/51284/IPA-Zebrina-PP102.pdf. eBay Kleinanzeigen: Tradescantia Zebrina, Kleinanzeigen - Jetzt finden oder inserieren! This tender perennial is happiest in bright, indirect light and… Manual removal at the onset of infestation is effective but they should be closely monitored as serious attack may lead to the plant’s death. The stem is also a mixture of purple and green. Placing them by the window and turning the plant every two weeks will keep the leaves colorful and the growth even on all sides (3). Bestellen Sie Tradescantia zebrina (T7 cm H5 cm) online bei FlorAccess. Juni 2012, 23:04:01 ⏪ vorheriges - nächstes ⏩ Drucken. Die Zimmerpflanze ist sehr pflegeleicht und daher gut für Anfänger geeignet. Im Handel findet man diese Pflanzen unter den Namen: Zebrine, Zebrapflanze, Zebra-Ampelkraut und Silber-Dreimasterblume und unter den Synonymen Tradescantia pendula und Zebrina pendula. (2) Arakelyan, H. Tradescantia zebrina- Mother Nature Healing. eBay Kleinanzeigen - Kostenlos. The resulting fruit is a capsule containing tiny brown seeds. Of course, as the oldest leaves are mostly in the pot, while newer leaves are on the stems that hang downwards, this can leave the plant looking pretty awkward after a while. Da Tradescantia zebrina recht schnellwüchsig ist, braucht sie häufiger einen größeren Topf. Botanische Geschichte. Flowering & Fragrance. Tradescantia zebrina Ableger Pflanze Zimmer Wohnung Deko stecklin. Heute, 14:05. Tradescantia 2 T. zebrina, invasive Southern Mexico and Central America Munchen Botanical Garden 995/65, US. Light & Temperature. Native to Mexico, it thrives in warm temperatures and bright light and can cope with some direct sunshine. It has long fleshy stems where the leaves and roots appear. We participate in some affiliate advertising programs including Amazon Associates Program. Hallo liebe eBay-Community, ich verkaufe mehrere bewurzelte! Die Blätter sind lang, schmal und grasig bis lanzettförmig. Unbedingt notwendig ist das Schneiden nicht. The light color of the leaves provide a complementing backdrop to the bright purple flowers. This practice allows the formation of lateral stems. Spiderworts like it warm but there should be enough air circulation or else the leaves will sag. illeg. 3 Cuttings - Tradescantia Zebrina 'Burgundy Silver' Sold See item details. Heute, 13:58. Könnte es an zu trockener Luft liegen? This guide will tell you how to water a Tradescantia Zebrina; its light, temperature, humidity preferences and any additional care it might need to help it grow. Tradescantia Mystery Cuttings box ForeverDM $ 20.00. Was nicht nur daran liegt, dass sie recht robust ist, sondern weil es von ihr einige attraktive Sorten gibt. A landscape horticulturist by profession, she has been designing, installing, and maintaining various landscapes and gardens for residential and commercial use. In two or three years, the plant may become pot bound, with the roots taking up most of the space in the pot. During the heat of the summer, taking the plant outside under shade will provide the necessary cool to the plant. The leaves are ovate and clasp the stem at the base. The Wandering Jew, Inch Plant or Tradescantia is a houseplant that can be grown in a hanging basket to show off its long beautiful trailing vines, or kept contained and compact in a pot. Tradescantia zebrina var. P. 3498-3502. To promote a bushier growth pinch back by literally pinching the tip of the plant where the new growth occurs (4). - Tradescantia zebrina So 19 Aug, 2012 11:39. Additionally, fertilize once every two months by foliar application just to improve plant vigor. This will humidify the immediate vicinity of the plant aiding in its photosynthesis and transpiration processes. So, without further ado, let’s see how you can make your Wandering Jew, aka the Inch plant, as happy as possible. (4) North Carolina State Extension. Similar items on Etsy. The natural dyes were extracted from the abundant plants in the tropical region, such as Tradescantia zebrina, kapok, and pitaya. The leaves are bluish green and usually have two longitudinal stripes that are silvery on the surface and purple on the underside. Tradescantia zebrina H e y n h.e x.B o s s e.c u l t i v a t i o n,K.L.H e r t w e c k, Hertweck 0501, UMO, KC512 029*, KC512 110*, SI, c ondensed. Vermeiden Sie Staunässe. They can grow from seeds but will take years to establish so the more convenient stem cutting is best. Tradescantia zebrina verzweigt sich aber besser, wenn Sie die Triebspitzen regelmäßig abschneiden. Die Pflanzen sind hauptsächlich in dem riesigen Gebiet von Südkanada bis Nordargentinien anzutreffen. IAJPS, 4 (10). Tipps zur Pflege. If the plant is on a table, place a glass of water beneath the leaves or put the pot on a wet pebble tray. Tradescantia Zebrina Originally from Mexico, these fantastic "jungle-like" plants are becoming increasingly popular across the world. Tradescantia is one of the 37 genera under the plant family Commelinaceae (1). Spiderworts are normally harmless plants but they contain toxic properties that may cause mild gastric problems and dermatitis to pets. Tradescantia zebrina dürfte die wohl am häufigsten kultivierte Art ihrer Gattung sein. If the light is too dim, the leaf stripings will fade. Another name for this group of herbaceous perennial plants is ‘spiderwort’ after the spiderweb-like sap they produce when the stem breaks. Benutzer-Aktionen. Among the all-time best trailers to grow is the wandering jew. Thank you for your support! Since the plant is mainly soft almost like a succulent, soggy soil and too wet conditions lead to root and stem rot (4). Gut bekommt ihr im Winter aber auch ein etwas kühlerer Platz bei 15 bis 18 Grad. Mist the hanging plant early in the morning and late in the afternoon. It is also a very popular trailing plant which is easy and fast-growing and resistant to everything: drought, heat, humidity and exposure. Gorgeous leaves that feature green, burgundy and purple, streaked with silver. Although growing them is not prohibited, everyone is obliged to keep the plant’s growth under control (5). Schädlinge sind nur sehr selten. Da Tradescantia zebrina nicht giftig ist, können Sie diese Zierpflanze unbedenklich pflegen, auch wenn Kinder und Tiere im Haus leben. Stecklinge von unserer Mutterpflanze.... 3 € 22307 Hamburg Barmbek. Tradescantia Zebrina. Zebrakraut ist nicht sehr anspruchsvoll. In countries like Australia, the plant has the capacity to invade natural vegetation. greenthumb. Welche Krankheiten und Schädlinge können auftreten? Außerdem entwickelt sie dann sehr lange, kränkliche Triebe. Tradescantia zebrina var. It's a very easy process and will take less than a week. Here’s how to care for a wandering jew plant, one of the easy house plants to own. Hallo ihr Lieben, vor 10 Tagen hab ich bei LIDL ein paar abgerissene Triebe von einer Pflanze mitgenommen und sie daheim ins Wasserglas gestellt. The scentless flowers bloom perpetually. Bright, indirect light brings out the beautiful leaf color. Under shaded, they turn a hint of dull green. Tradescantia zebrina wird wegen der gestreiften Blätter auch Zebrakraut genannt. (1849), Rhoeo Hance (1852), Treleasea Rose (1899, nom. Pflanzen, Gartentipps, Anbau und Ernte... Wie gießen Sie Tradescantia zebrina richtig? The most common living enemies of the wandering jew are aphids, mealybugs, scale, white flies, and spider mites. LIGHT Your Tradescantia Zebrina requires bright, indirect light. Die Blattfarben werden besonders kräftig, wenn Sie Tradescantia zebrina nicht zu feucht halten. IPA-Zebrina. In diesem Umfang ist die Gattung Tradescantia monophyletisch.. Synonyme der Gattung sind Campelia Rich. The plant is also known to treat high blood pressure, cough, urinary tract infection and tuberculosis (1). Nov 19, 2019 - Genus: Tradescantia Species: zebrina 'Burgundy’ Synonyms: Spiderwort Pronunciation: trad-es-KAN-tee-uh zeb-REE-nuh Pot Size: 130mm Grows to: Sprawling growth Endemic: Mexico Conservation Status: N/A Description: Purple stems with small silver leaves with purple stripes. Taylor and Francis. They typically come in shades of white, pink, rose or purple. As long as the plant is receiving just enough moisture, this disease will be avoided. Tradescantia zebrina wird wegen der gestreiften Blätter auch Zebrakraut genannt. Topfen Sie sie im Frühjahr in frisches Substrat um. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases (at no extra cost to you). The most common tradescantia grown ornamentally is the T. zebrina also previously called Zebrina pendula. tradescantia vs. zebrina. Die leichte Pflege der Dreimasterblume Tradescantia pallida, Tradescantia (Dreimasterblume) gibt es in zahllosen Arten, Calathea zebrina ist wie alle Korbmaranten nicht giftig, Tradescantia: Pflege und Sorten (Dreimasterblume), So klappt es beim Zebrakraut mit der Pflege, Tipps zur Pflege von Pachypodium (Madagaskarpalme), Tipps zur Pflege von Melocactus (Melonenkaktus), Nolina oder Elefantenfuß richtig pflegen – Tipps zur Pflege. The three-petalled flower is an ombre of white and pinkish purple with yellow anthers. Dabei werden in der Regel mehrere Exemplare in einen Topf gesetzt, weil die Pflanze dann kompakter wirkt. Im Winter braucht die Pflanze noch weniger Wasser, vor allem, wenn sie in dieser Zeit kühler steht. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. (1808), Zebrina Schnizl. al. Sie können die Pflanze ganzjährig im Zimmer pflegen, dann müssen Sie nur häufiger gießen. Steht die Pflanze zu dunkel, verblassen die Farben der Blätter. Die Gattung wurde nach John Tradescant dem Jüngeren und seinem Vater John Tradescant dem Älteren benannt. Tradescantia zebrina is very easy to grow and tolerant of neglect. The green leaves are still alternately arranged but more compact which make a potted plant look more bushy than trailing. Bevor sich jemand aufregt, die Triebe waren schon abgerissen als ich sie neben den Topfpflanzen gefunden hab. Begonnen von greenthumb, 30. Tradescantia zebrina, also known as Wandering Jew or inch plant, is an easy and fast-growing plant appreciated for its lovely leaf coloration, which can vary from deep purple to bright green. Lieferung in Europa Qualität garantiert Bewertung: 4,9 / 5 Thank you for watching! The leaf sheaths are thin and translucent, 8 to 12 mm long and 5 to 8 mm wide, at … Erhalten Sie den monatlichen Gartenjournal Newsletter in Ihr E-Mail Postfach. Zebrina plants (Tradescantia zebrina, synonym Zebrina pendula), sometimes called wandering jew, produce trailing stems covered in large, variegated leaves. das kann verschiedene ursachen haben, wie z. b. zu trockene luft, zu trockenes oder nasses substrat oder sie hat sich spinnmilben eingefangen. T. brevifolia, non-invasive South Texas and northern Mexico Burns 259, US. They are fast-growing and make thick carpet of groundcovers for gardens in no time and they also create striking hanging plants for indoors. Tradescantia zebrina oder Zebrakraut ist nicht giftig! Tiny three-petaled lavender-purple flowers appear infrequently indoors. The leaves of this species are quite thicker, glossy, and covered in miniscule hairs called trichomes. Tradescantia zebrina or purple Zebrina is a herbaceous perennial often grown as a houseplant. This attractive variety showcases leaves with white, lilac, and green variegation. Repot in a larger container with a good mixture of soil, sand, and compost to replenish the nutrients and provide room for the roots to breathe. If your room is very shaded, try growing Tradescantia zebrina ‘Violet Hill’ nearer to the window. 2018. https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/tradescantia-zebrina/. The most common tradescantia grown ornamentally is the T. zebrina also previously called Zebrina pendula. ICBN-Artikel 53.1) und Setcreasea K.Schum. Tradescantia zebrina braucht einen sehr hellen Standort ohne direkte Sonnenbestrahlung. The lance-like leaves are a mixture of green and purple with silver stripes on the upper side and deep purple under (3). See item details. Einfach. Tradescantia nanouk pink. Tradescantia zebrina care is pretty straight forward, but it certainly can’t hurt to have a quick glance at the most important things to consider when caring about this herbaceous perennial plant. Tradescantia zebrina Zebrakraut Hängepflanze Blume 6€ Privat Verkauft keine Rücknahme keine... 6 € 44649 Herne. The wandering jew is considered an ornamental plant primarily because of its showy colorful foliage but the plant does produce flowers. 2017. Likewise, this attractive indoor plant has creeping or drooping fleshy stems bearing ovate, blue-green leaves. Studies showed that Tradescantia has significant effects as an anticancer, antioxidant, and antibacterial medicinal plant. Hallo, meine Zebrina hat seit kurzem leicht gelbliche Blätter. Wie pflegen Sie Tradescantia zebrina im Winter? Hazelle Cabugao has a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Whereas if you have a particularly bright room, grow your plant further away from the window. Accesed on 12 August 2020. Tradescantia Zebrina "Burgundy". (1901). 10 Kommentare zu “Zebrakraut (Tradescantia zebrina)” Annette sagt: 24/10/2009 um 12:58 Uhr. Es reicht aus, wenn Sie es während der Hauptwachstumszeit von April bis September alle 14 Tage mit etwas Flüssigdünger versorgen. There are several species of Tradescantia, and the triangular-shaped flowers vary in color from one species to the other. , everyone is obliged to keep bis 18 Grad leaves that feature green, white flies, the. Zebrina ( T7 cm H5 cm ) online bei FlorAccess and… Tradescantia zebrina Zebrakraut Hängepflanze Blume Privat! Best plants to keep the plant is also known to treat high blood,! Mist the hanging plant early in the wild, the leaf stripings will fade cleanup, wandering... Some of the 37 genera under the plant spreads easily in damp areas that ’ s growth under (... As long as the plant will make any space more inviting and interesting foliar application just to improve vigor... 1899, nom plants with trailing and creeping habits are some of the easy house plants to the! 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