When we study it reasonably well, and so acquire some usable habits of mind, as well as some basic data about the forces that affect our own lives, we emerge with relevant skills and an enhanced capacity for informed citizenship, critical thinking, and simple awareness. Join now. Each person has an identity that determines who he or she is today. Why is it important to understand other cultures? © 2014 FrogTutoring, LLC All Right Reserved. Four reasons why you should study history If you are intrigued by our past and want to learn how it will shape our future, you should consider studying history. Ask your question. History captures the stories of people and communities over centuries and millenniums. History fills our human need for tales about ourselves and about the things that we have done. I'm an Eagle Scout with much experience teaching and leading, and I enjoy sharing my experience and enabling success. These perspectives depend on the position of the narrator. It shows you the odds that people had to overcome for your generation to be where it is today. It is interesting to work at a museum or as a tour guide at a historical site. Though technology is replacing a lot of the infrastructure that exists today, historians are required to preserve the stories of people, institutions and communities. ajaur0522 ajaur0522 4 weeks ago History High School +5 pts. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. History helps us develop a better understanding of the world. Blog comments are moderated and won’t appear immediately. Who knows, maybe it will help you too. Though the study of history and in learning about the past, people are better able to understand how the present came to be. Develop an Understanding of the World . Studying history helps you to appreciate that things have changed in a nation, profession, institutions, society, among human kind, and such other places. Teaching in school, working at historical sites, researching on archeology, diplomacy, and work in the humanities sector, among others require clear understanding of history. History shows us why things happen and how things happen; how we go from knights and castles to tanks and bunkers; how empires are built and how they are town down; how states are founded and how they fall. Why is it important to study history? History is interesting to read, even when it has nothing to do with academic qualification. Here are six benefits your child will enjoy if they study history in school. Anything that takes place on american soil or was involved with the … She says learning history can be interesting and even fun. Empathy. Here are ten reasons why history is crucial to our education. By Stacia Deutsch. Change is the only permanent thin in the world. Since books take time to produce and circulate, bogging is an interesting career for historians. Chances are you’ve had to take at least one history class before, and your thoughts at the end might have gone something like “this is boring - when am I ever going to need to know when the Battle of Hastings happened?” (1066, by the way). Some people view history as a boring and unimportant subject, but one of the most important reasons to study history is that is will make you a better person. What does that make history then? If it's important to know what you did, what happened to you, where you came from, etc, it's also important to know why other things are the way they are-- to give more context and meaning to our lives. Other than fulfilling the required units, why else would you want to study history? History provides context for everything that we see around us today, and the key to understanding the world we find ourselves in now is to look at how it came to be. From studying what happened in the past, you can see people making the same mistakes. 8 TikTok Facts Every Marketer Need To Know To Work With Creators, Smart Home Ideas: How to Upgrade Your Home. History shows us models of good and responsible citizenship. History provides context for everything that we see around us today, and the key to understanding the world we find ourselves in now is to look at how it came to be. It is important for us to study history so we will learn about the significant/important people and events in the past. History helps us understand other cultures. History is the study of past events. The world is interested in learning about the histories of different people, institutions, and entities. It teaches people about conquests, origins, personalities, technology, geography, and other aspects of life. History is told from different perspectives. You can’t build a framework on which to base your life without understanding how things work in the world. Cities and historical sites have a story behind their creation. A decision may appear unpopular, but is informed by knowledge of the past. History captures the stories of people and communities over centuries and millenniums. Scholars say that teaching history to kids has many important benefits. Why study history? Who are you in the history of the world, profession, family, nation, or any such entity that you identify with? The world as it appears today is a product of hundreds and thousands of years of development. Historical perspectives play a part in decision making about the future. When I graduate, I plan to pursue a Masters degree and hope to end up working with the United Nations or the Department of State. Why is it Important to Study History The study of history is very important to help us understand an learn from mistakes that were made by people and leaders in our past, because as the old saying goes “history has a way of repeating itself.” The first people that came out of Africa to travel and explore left behind traces of their journey that are still sen even to this day. History is a relevant topic for an individual and a society to …show more content… Ancient Athenians introduced the ideology of a rule by democracy. It is interesting to know where different people and communities have come from. The Importance of Knowing History Knowing our own history, or the history of our culture, is important because it helps us to know who we are while molding the future. Answered Why is it important to study history 1 See answer ajaur0522 is waiting for your help. I was named to the Dean's List freshman year and currently serve as an assistant to an academic advisor for freshman English majors. There is never a dull moment during a history class. People and communities have made decisions and taken actions that are recorded in history books. This allows people to understand how cultural, social and societal values developed differently. All test names and other trademarks are the property of the respective trademark holders. Therefore, history plays a vital role in preparing us for the future. This can only be achieved by studying history. You will be different from a person who thinks that something new is happening. 1. "We study history not to be clever in another time, but to be wise always." The first, and most significannot reason history is important is because we learn from our mistakes. History graduates also work as writers. History is an important and interesting field of study because it grounds each and every one of us in our roots. The history we are taught in our classrooms can feel like an endless barrage of names and dates, battles and wars, historical figures and political leaders. Log in. Unless a community, profession, or individual understands the events that have brought him or her to the current position, chances of repeating similar mistakes are high. 10. To help me keep my Eye Level blog and Freelance Road Trip podcast going, and to support my teaching and training you in the creative and business aspects of art and design, I use affiliate links for reviews and recommended gear. Studying history improves our decision making and judgment. Your family history partially defines who you are—what you value, why, and where you come from shape your interactions with the world. Here we’ll take a closer look at why history is important and explore why everyone should make it a point to study it in depth. History helps us understand the world: Here is the first reason why we should study history – History enables us to understand how the world worked then and how it works now. There is one reason history is important that supersedes all others. Math Tutoring Online in Miami: Making the Move, 10 Tutoring Techniques to push a C student to an A Student. History paints us a detailed picture of how society, technology, and government worked way back when so that we … The top 10 reasons to study design history. The Study of history is important because we learn from our mistakes, we share a common experience with people that binds us together, our minds store our experiences, and society can build upon past accomplishments. Knowledge of your true identity will help you make deliberate moves to preserve this identity and advance its interest. What do you think? History has helped many people discover their talents and develop new skills. It is interesting to know where different people and communities have come from. The ability to see the world from a different perspective. SAT© is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse this product. The study of history is very important to a society. History provides identity. Studying history will also help you get into the world of writing where you are required to capture the history of the world. History also teaches us how to learn from the mistakes of others. Expert writers will assist you deliver the best paper. A career in the history sector exposes a person to dynamic situations. The world is driven by change, which is continuously shaping our lives in ways that we don’t even realize. 1. Top Answer. Why is it important to study the history of Science and Technology? The past causes the present, and so the future. There is a history of every field and topic, from medicine, to music, to art. Why do we study History / Why is History Important? The second reason history is inescapable as a subject of serious study follows closely on the first. They enable you to deepen your understanding of both the past and present while gaining important skills to prepare you for future careers in a wide range of fields. Start studying History Chapter 1- Why Study History?. I am a sophomore at Fordham University majoring in History and International Studies with a minor in French. 10 Best Get Well Gifts and Flowers for Your Best Friend, PVC Market: How You Can Thrive Your Business in This Domain, You must be logged in to post a comment Login, The 101 of Payroll: Everything You Need to Know, Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, How important for SEO. Why is it important to study the history of Science and Technology? However, a lot of people fail to appreciate this change. Join now. You need look no further than the Russian Tsars, the Egyptian Pharaohs, or the French Revolutionaries to see that history is a thrilling tale. Such understanding of history would be misleading. The past causes the present, and so the future. It is also interesting to work on a project of setting up the history departments or museums of companies, municipalities, families, and entities, around the world. The more history they learn, the better prepared they will be to solve the biggest challenges society faces now and in the future. Why study history? Here are ten reasons why history is crucial to our education. The study of history, therefore, is important both because it helps students to understand the past, and therefore the present, and because it teaches vital skills for discovering the truth. Digging up the history of your nation, family lineage, profession, and other entities help you appreciate the current situation and begin to chat the way forward for the community or family. Why Study History: The Importance History is important to study because it is essential for all of us in understanding ourselves and the world around us. I personally think it is important to know about the past to understand how the present works. Historians also work to restore sites and items that have been discovered or damaged by water, fire and other disasters. Here are four reasons why she says learning history can help them do that. To study history, you should have an interest in the past – but that should not be your only reason for studying history. Here is a quick look at 10 reasons why history is important to us. The History of Chemistry Essay -. It is also necessary to get both sides of a story to enable you understand all the details. It takes a student of history to see and appreciate the progress that societies, professions, nations, and individuals, among other entities have made over the years. A lot of jobs demand a person with skills obtained from studying history. Reading one perspective is risky because the details are skewed to favor one side. Understand Different Cultures. Studying history is the key to understanding how these forces shape our lives today - the past is the key to the present. History is every bit as fantastic and as exciting as a novel. Read also – 7 Fabulous Sources of Inspiration. It is also important that you understand the importance and value of history. The following quotations and quotes might help to persuade that both studying and knowing about History - are truly important! 1. Does A Good Web Design Matter in December Google Core Update 2020? It teaches people about conquests, origins, personalities, technology, geography, and other aspects of life. Because through learning the history, we are able to learn the new ways of thinking and innovation that can enable us to create new discoveries. Studying history is important to provide people with a sense of the past. What counts as american history? Experts who understand how to make history interesting recommend that a reader peruses through multiple books to boost his or her understanding of a historical subject. PSAT/NMSQT© is a trademark jointly owned by the College Board and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation, which were not involved in the production of, and does not endorse this product. ACT© is the registered trademark of ACT, Inc. FrogTutoring has no affiliation with ACT, Inc., which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse this product. Make the study of history more than just about fulfilling your academic requirements. Are you writing a history thesis and require assistance? History Helps Us Understand Change and How the Society We Live in Came to Be The second reason history is inescapable as a subject of serious study follows closely on the first. What you’re learning isn’t history. Chemistry is important to everyday life, because everything is made of.. Why Study History? History is also said to repeat itself. History is, in short, the study of change, and this makes it one of the most useful of disciplines. It is interesting to see how two people approach the same issue differently. History helps us understand change and how the society we live in came to be. History is a multifaceted discipline that will increase your cultural awareness and moral understanding of the world we live in. Failure to appreciate the change leads a lot of people into repeating old mistakes. 1. Assuming that things just happened could be erroneous. All of these and more are reasons the study of history is essential. 1. It helps us understand how our time is different from or similar to other periods. The answer is because we virtually must, to gain access to the laboratory of human experience. On a personal level, if history is irrelevant or unimportant, then amnesia isn't really that much of a problem either. None of the trademark holders are affiliated with FrogTutoring or this website. studying history has its own advantages and it is very important that we learn from history.. World History - The Importance of the Study of History. Ethnic, national, and cultural identity are all very real things, and studying the history of our hometowns, home countries, and related regions can give us a deeper, more meaningful glimpse into our ancestral pasts, and how we got to where we are today. The answer is because we virtually must, to gain access to the laboratory of human experience. Without excessive study of the democracy of the Athenians and its effectiveness, America would not have been born. View the step-by-step solution to: Question. 3. In their own research, faculty in the History Department use original documents and other primary sources to question, interpret, and build arguments about the past. Change affects us from the highest levels of governments and countries down to the most trivial details. Why should we study educational history? Such repetitions and mistakes are avoided by reading through different dimensions of history. History is a story: history is the story of conquest and of conquerors, of empires and emperors, of exploration and adventure, of love and betrayal, of trust and deception. Sure, those things happened, and yes they’re important, but history is so much more than just an event and a date, and maybe a war here and there. The only real benefit I can see is that, since linguistic history parallels cultural history, understanding how languages have evolved can give you insight into the distinct cultures of a region. When we study it reasonably well, and so acquire some usable habits of mind, as well as some basic data about the forces that affect our own lives, we emerge with relevant skills and an enhanced capacity for informed citizenship, critical thinking, and simple awareness. Studying history in school, however, offers more opportunities than just leisure reading. The future of history graduates is still bright. I make every effort to respond to comments. We refer to the past when comparing it with the present times and deduce the changes that have taken place. You will have a better understanding of the world and what shaped it into the world it is today. Why is it important to study history Get the answers you need, now! These actions of the past also shape our future actions. Why is it important to study the. Who cares? Log in. Systematic study of history is rewarding for enthusiasts and scholars. Ask your question. I didn’t like the subject of history at school. The value of history questioned In today’s world, where the focus is very much on today and tomorrow, the value of history is often questioned. Through history, we can learn how past societies, systems, ideologies, governments, cultures and technologies were built, how they operated, and how they have changed. Being familiar with past events gives us the ability not only to learn from past mistakes but also from the successes. Each profession requires the student to study history up to a particular level. Why should we teach our children history? History is inspiring to read. It was one of the worst subjects ever. Of others personalities, technology, geography, and so the future, origins personalities. Profession requires the student to an academic advisor for freshman English majors base your life without understanding these! Your family history partially defines who you are—what you value, why, and so the future in short the... 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