January 22, 2021 by. By the time of two weeks or after a month you'll eventually forget this and actually will start loving yourself. Just know that you will be in a vulnerable place for quite some time. Means that these kinda feelings like "I hate myself so much" are not going to stay forever, in other words these are temporary feelings. Really I was a stupid who loved you crazily. ptsblog. Because you’re one of the rare ones. 6. I've had so many suicidal thoughts but hey I could never do it, I could never cut and I can't swallow pills so lucky them. It is not "do as I say, but not as I do". Theory. i die of how much i hate ma parents and how every1 who ever made ma life so miserable as it is now can be happy about it cauze i wont be on this earth anymore. What now? of course! When you hate yourself, you have trouble accepting love and accepting compliments. I … Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than hurt yourself trying to put them back together.” ~Unknown. All worth it. I’m not sure why, but it really all came flooding out tonight. I want go be able to be in a room with me, my toy, and silence. 2. "That then left me more time for the other stuff, so I decided to refresh our photo library and have been able to organise new photoshoots. the way you left. #13 You don’t let other people talk. I’ve always described it as loving someone to hard or too much, because it feels like so much that it really does hurt. I don't like my body.I feel I am stupid.my boyfreind says that I look fine and that he loves me but I don't believe him.I hate myself.why can't I be like everyone else?I just wish I was alone.the more days pass bye I just don't want him around because I feel so ugly and discusting.I love him so much but I just want to be alone I don't like my body.. you can always send me a message on here. I hate my race and skin color. ~ Robert Crumb "No one could ever hate me as much as I hate myself, okay? Hi guys, I just need to let this off my chest. I feel humor, but it’s just too much effort to express it. Your hurt heart deserves to let everything out. I hate myself so much. 18) I hope that every single tear that drops from my cheeks becomes the karma that comes around and crushes your happiness again and again. Eventually, somebody mentioned a friend-of-a-friend who had died by suicide. It makes me so angry they don't understand how much it hurts me. If we’re really honest with ourselves, we all have a little self-loathing going on from time to time. My mom abuses me. I Hate Myself Critical Inner Voice, Self Development, Self-Destructive Behavior, Self-Esteem By PsychAlive For most of us, the expression “you are your own worst enemy” holds a lot of truth. This is my first post here so hope you like it :) I hate to break it to you but if you tell yourself: “My SO doesn’t love me anymore”- he probably doesn’t. I spend so much of my life helping my clients to be effective, how to get the most out of the time they have and how to create efficiency - and I really believe in all of what I say and work hard every day to live it. Let the tears flood the pain. I have changed so much in the last 9 months. ", then you might be second-guessing whether he is the right one for you.Maybe you would like to have a long-term relationship, but you feel like things are out of control. I hate myself for wanting him and loving him, even though he strung me along with promises of our future. So, if you’re someone who questions and critically analyzes, people aren’t going to like you much. Hating! Writing this essay was far less painful than talking to my husband about nearly all of its content. I am boring. But we don't have to hate ourselves. The first step is to realize that it’s okay to hate yourself. 3. I love my kids so much that my heart hurts. I lost my temper with my husband and hit him - hate myself. Being me! i do her work and clean the house all she does is sit around on her phone and it’s my fault i hate her so much and i want her to die. For many years I was trapped in the prison of my mind and it was a horrific experience – something that many people cannot even begin to understand. You withdraw. "At least I hate myself as much as I hate anybody else." I look at them or I think about them and my heart hurts because I love them so much! The tile floor won't hide these cuts. I just spent the last half hour sobbing on my bathroom floor because I truly despise myself so much. On the inside, I was dying at every moment. But I hate him and myself for doing this and I want to curl up and die. Posted by u/[deleted] 3 years ago. I hate you. by Cleara Aura 3 1027 by AmandaJN; I hate statistics by Creeper7000 2 1102 by Leo Volont; I'm jealous and I hate myself … You might be surprised at the people around you who secretly hate themselves—often it’s people you look up to and love. I don't know how to explain the love that I have my children. If you’re considering suicide or have thoughts of harming yourself, you can call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration at 1-800-662-HELP (4357). To Regain Control; To Shift Attention. When Mental Illness Hurts Too Much To Talk About I catch myself hiding all the time. Tweet. Relationships That Hurt: When Enough Is Enough. When you hate yourself, you accidentally hurt other people. You might be surprised at the people around you who secretly hate themselves—often it’s people you look up to and love. It’s hurts to know that I can’t love myself even though how hard I try. I also have a lot of issues from abandonment and being sexually abused as a child. So they need to keep themselves busy … I want to be away from people. You can talk to a counselor if you need extra help to get past your feelings of hating yourself, boost your self-esteem with more positive self-talk, and learn how to … I am so tired of feeling this way. Should I Forgive What He Did? One large-scale study found that rumination and self-blame over negative events were linked to an increased risk of mental health problems. I used to wonder why people would get upset when I didn’t assert myself and instead did things to please others. And I counted all the times I been crushed. https://www.suicideforum.com/2017/01/14/i-hate-myself-and-want-to-die I should be dead. Archived. And I fucking hate you too. 1. I hate everything! I am so tired of feeling this way. There are few things in the world that hurt a parent more than hearing their child say “I hate you.” The words cut like a knife. I value what other people think of me. I [13f] hate myself so much. 6 Reasons Explained. They always just hurt me or give me the same old sympathy. alqahtani10 reblogged this from yf-10. I have trouble sleeping because it feels like my brain won't shut off. You need to cry. There was a time when I was quite black-and-white with relationships. I feel ugly and discusting. Self-hate is a dark, black hole in our soul that can be easy to fall into, but difficult to get out of. “Relationships are like glass. Emotionally hurt people need to get distracted from their bothering thoughts which disturb them all the time. No. You spiral, you blame yourself and you think you're a terrible, horrible person. This text message is to let you know, that I hate you a lot. Loving! This thread is archived. toothdrop liked this . And I don't want to care! (no kidding) the cause of this "ongoing error" disease is sudden anger. The familiar ache and nausea filled my chest. I hate myself for burning every bridge and destroying my closest friendships. I compare myself, yes I do. Could I hate you more? I hate it! L et’s get real: If we’re really honest with ourselves, we all have a little self-loathing going on from time to time. But I don’t think he’s that evil and would hurt me and he’s dating someone else too. I hate myself for this. I want to give you some things to do when you feel like you hate yourself and you say things like, “I hate myself, I’m no good, I’m so stupid, or … I hate myself so much I am tired. best. Not understanding the depression behind the weight gain. Embed. Anonymous asked: can we please be friends? "I hate myself so much it hurts" is what i say whenever I'm rempremanding myself for some stupid thing I've said haha. Just because you say, "I hate myself" now, it doesn't mean you have to continue with your self-loathing forever. 1 . I am boring. So any mean thing someone's gonna think of to say about me, I've already said to me, about me, probably in the last half hour!" Sooner or later depression forces you to make changes in your worklife. Keep thinking, and hopefully, someone else will join you. i die of how much i hate ma parents and how every1 who ever made ma life so miserable as it is now can be happy about it cauze i wont be on this earth anymore. it hurts so much. We begin to focus our time and energy on this person. And I don’t mean what I say when I’ve had too much to remember in the morning. The first step is to realize that it’s okay to hate yourself. "Every long term relationship has the opportunity to become a breeding ground for resentment, hurt feelings, anger, disappointments," says Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby, marriage counselor, therapist, and life coach. I hate you so much. But, I hate myself so much. I have all the same problems and pain with breakups or lost love, but I also experience pain when I’m in love and things are fine. If you or someone you know is considering suicide, know that resources are available. I hate myself so fucking much ... you simply can’t “just” get rid of the pain, you just get used to the pain and eventually it will hurt less and less. Occupy your mind. You stop answering texts. Your appetite is closely linked to your brain. I love Jesus but I want to die: what you need to know about suicide. 9 Steps to Hating Yourself a Little Less. Facebook. OK, maybe a … It’s totally normal to not like someone or something or to get upset by them. Focusing on negative thoughts may lead to decreased motivation as well as greater feelings of helplessness. Yes, there is a possibility that you’re imagining things just because he hasn’t been treating you the way you’re used to lately but usually, your gut is telling you the truth. I believe you already know what I'm about to say, but here it is anyways. I was in California on a business trip, just yards from the beach, eating ice cream and laughing as the conversation drifted away from business. I'm not a great artist but I'd like to think I've improved. You disappoint them, you make them feel like they mean nothing to you, without meaning to do so. But I also care! Why do I hate myself so much that I feel the need to hurt myself? “I hate myself” can sometimes be an intrusive thought—something that just pops into your mind, with no real meaning behind it. Jul 14th 28 notes Reblog. Do not sit around and think because that could be very dangerous. My heart hurts and aches for them everyday. Well I still like the thought of 30 for some reason, but not because I want to feel grown up, because my thinking has grown so much. I have tried to love myself 3 times, 3 TIMES!! I can’t do it. Hi all this is my first time posting on MN so please be kind, especially as I am at a very low ebb. it really bugs me because i wanna loose weight but if i see food im gonna eat it. ~ Hannah "I hate myself for loving you and the weakness that it showed. It’s hurts to know that I can’t love myself even though how hard I try. You withdraw. If we’re really honest with ourselves, we all have a little self-loathing going on from time to time. I really hate it when I procrastinate! 1. 19 comments. I am not pretty. However difficult, impractical or even impossible the alternatives might seem, it's worth considering what else you could do. it's so very sad that things haven't changed. 46. lunalightsss reblogged this from l0st-in-the-dre4m. Now, I do recover myself. I've hated everything about myself: my personality, my looks, my lifestyle, and I've viewed everything I've done as a mistake. Looking back I hate myself for even trying. I hate my mom so much she is so rude today i was talking about how my friends were travelling and having fun and she gets mad at me for talking about it. Well, it’s hard for me to open up to anyone actually since my anxiety got worse this year so I guess I’m just afraid of opening up now and I hate that, like I really do want open up but it stops me and I really can’t handle this pain I’m handling, it been almost 5 years, I still have Depression, Anxiety, Ptsd, Dysthymia and much … I hate my new fleshy arms, my thick thighs that touch in the middle, my padded stomach, my bum and breasts. I Love My Kids So Much That My Heart Physically Hurts When I Think About Them. So any mean thing someone's gonna think of to say about me, I've already said to me, about me, probably in the last half hour!" My dad lives on an island without me my friends are bitches. This wound is so fresh and hurts so bad. Should you care about this? #drawing; #sketchbook; #pastel; Email. You disappoint them, you make them feel like they mean nothing to you, without meaning to do so. hide. Does the thought “I hate myself so much it hurts” regularly cross your mind?If you are full of emotions of self-hatred then you know the frustration it can cause. I miss my friends and being free outside of my house. It hits different when your mom calls you fat. I hate you. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I feel like running away, on many occasions I've gone for a walk down the street late at … Whether it is for 3 minutes, or 3 hours, let the tears drown your sorrows for at least the first night. I think it's wrong. So I started squashing in the parts I don't particularly enjoy (course marketing, admin, finance stuff), and realised that they didn't take me that much time if I worked really quickly. In fact, my self-hatred at one point was so strong that I resorted to self-harm in order to cope with it. save. People sometimes harm themselves because by doing so, they are able to gain a subjective sense of control over chaotic internal emotions and thoughts. You stop agreeing to attend parties and dinners with friends. I want to be able to be alone and not have someone near me! Now, having lived with depression for over 15 years, the humor I find in a joke or situation is rarely visible on my face or heard in my laugh. share. Don’t tell yourself you can’t get over your husband cheating because we can all learn to forgive over time. Sometimes it hurts So much to lose the one you love Sometimes it hurts So much to lose the one you love I tried so hard to hate you But it only makes it all worse I only end up hating myself And as my hatred grows So do the lies It's hard to face the truth sometimes God I feel so useless God I hate myself When I try to get over you I hate myself It just hurts more and more when I think about how much time has passed since I was last with my dad and sister. 9 Steps to Hating Yourself a Little Less. I hate … When you think of times that you mess up as an opportunity to get better, instead of as a reflection on yourself, you’ll achieve so much more. Medically Reviewed By: April Brewer , DBH, LPC "I Hate My Boyfriend" If you regularly find yourself thinking, "I hate my boyfriend! You absorb the pain of the person you hurt, which just manifests into endless self-loathing. I found it extremely easy to point out my faults. report. I wish you were dead!” “You are the worst mom ever!” “I … Can it really be too painful to live one more moment with emptiness, depression, and despair? When you say, ‘i hate myself’ or ‘I’m ugly’ but he spent so much time creating you… Trust gets you killed, love gets you hurt and being real gets you hated. If adapting at your present job doesn't help, then it's probably time to look at other possibilities. They tell me with hate to kill myself. So wrong. But those dark eyes that see right through me are so burned in my memory. Pin it. Reblog. Painted this while I was a bit down. When you hate yourself, you accidentally hurt other people. Remember when I use to say "I can't wait to turn 30 because then maybe I will feel grown up." I have tried to love myself 3 times, 3 TIMES!! I’m aware of the pattern. I did believe in you, who is a super fraud, a trust killer! God, we could have been incredible. Last week I wrote about some of the reasons why people hate themselves. Hate Myself Lyrics: I don't see you like I should / You look so misunderstood / And I wish I could help / But it's hard when I hate myself / Pray to God with my arms open / If this is it, then I feel I like the quote which says, “Hatred is drinking poison wishing that your enemy would die!” because hatred hurts you more than it hurts the people you hate. 9 Reasons To Stop Getting Hurt or Disappointed with People. What happens when it hurts too much to live? I've felt a small portion of the pain that you have, and I have tried to hurt myself. ~ Robert Crumb "No one could ever hate me as much as I hate myself, okay? 2. They put me in a mental hospital and i am not mental, i just wasn't able to control my anger. My biggest fear is losing my babies! im just over 10stone most of my mates r under 8 stone. It would be so much easier than anything else. I loved my mom so much I would rather hurt myself than hurt her. Sort by. I’m sure no one would notice. I believe you already know what I'm about to say, but here it is anyways. It’s so sad and I feel ridiculous, and whenever I start binging on food I know that my body is going to hurt the next day and that I shouldn’t, and I try talking to myself, but the thing is that I enjoy eating too much and it’s so comforting, and I WANT to eat, so it feels like I cannot do anything to stop it. so i though i would try and make a video about how i feel. I found it extremely easy to point out my faults. I hate others. The pandemic hit me hard in feeling more isolated and stuck. My bipolar self has completely destroyed me, it makes me feel so depressed and i hate being mean to people for no reason. When you hate yourself, you have trouble accepting love and accepting compliments. Text: 741741, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255), or visit www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org. What now? it annoys me so much because i havent ate veg or meat in 10 years and 9 months, i hardly ever eat fruit so i only eat junk but i hate eating anything else because of taste ad texture. It’s a painful reality that much of what limits us in our lives is our own feelings of unworthiness and self-hatred. Love You, Hate You. I hate my body its just so fat and heavy. You stop agreeing to attend parties and dinners with friends. 97% Upvoted. “I hate you, mom! Lots of people do. After all of this, now I am feeling so much helpless. 1. im a 12 year old girl. ~ Hannah "I hate myself for loving you and the weakness that it showed. They look at me with disgust. But we don't have to hate ourselves. It’s not a bad thing. You stop answering texts. L et’s get real: If we’re really honest with ourselves, we all have a little self-loathing going on from time to time. I am so UGLY. “I hate myself” can sometimes be an intrusive thought—something that just pops into your mind, with no real meaning behind it. Error '' disease is sudden anger my own rear for real you them... First step is to realize that it’s okay to hate yourself, you have trouble sleeping because feels! This and I am at a very low ebb... < /h3 > < /a found. Feeling more isolated and stuck sad sob-story you tell yourself you can’t get over your husband cheating because we all. Normal to `` hate '' your wife sometimes least I hate myself for this. 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