Were Called Acephali Because They Had No Lands By Virtue Of Which They Could Acknowledge A Superior Lord. In particular, they have campaigned for gay acceptance in the entertainment industry and have advocated for more homosexual characters in television and movies and encouraged other gay musicians to publicly acknowledge their sexuality. God may also be angry with people who refuse to acknowledge all He has given them. He demanded of the king, as the conditions of his retaining office, that he should give up all the possessions of the see, accept his spiritual counsel, and acknowledge Urban as pope in opposition to the anti-pope, Clement. During the reign of Alexander Byzantium was compelled to acknowledge the Macedonian supremacy; after the decay of the Macedonian power it regained its independence, but suffered from the repeated incursions of the Scythians. " The sultan was forced to acknowledge their validity, and to grant a German company a lease of his mainland territories south of the mouth of the Umba river, a British company formed by Mackinnon taking a lease of the territories north of that point. All Rights Reserved. Remember to acknowledge birthdays and occasions like Mother's Day and Father's Day with cards, small gifts or other celebratory gestures to instill thoughtfulness in the child and demonstrate caring and kindness. Members also share AMC photos and acknowledge birthdays. When the clergy, refusing to acknowledge the authority of the Burgesses in reducing their stipends, and, appealing to the king against the Assembly, entered the courts to recover damages from the vestries, Patrick Henry at Hanover court in 1763 easily convinced the jury and the people that the old church was wellnigh worthless. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. But as the Buddha did not acknowledge a soul, the link of connexion between one life and the next had to be found somewhere else. : 3 No matter what gift idea you choose, be sure to acknowledge the retiree for the years of service and say thank you if you were his boss or a coworker. In June the citizens of Bordeaux declared that they would not acknowledge the authority of the Convention until the imprisoned deputies were set free. iconographyting images acknowledge the metaphorical role that materials and objects play in developing various iconographies. They, however, refused to acknowledge Gardiner's authority, and from the Cape government he received no support.'. its power to such an extent that in 901 Dublin and Waterford were captured by the Irish and were obliged to acknowledge the supremacy of the high-king. Statement of Acknowledgment â In a sentence format, the purpose for issuing an acknowledgment receipt is stated. ð When giving his wife the silent treatment, Sam didn't acknowledge her presence or even look her way. acknowledge receipt of in a sentence - Use "acknowledge receipt of" in a sentence 1. This monster had managed to find Merrill Cooms, forcing us to acknowledge his abilities. This last clause led to a long and desultory war with Thebes, which refused to acknowledge the independence of the Boeotian towns under its hegemony: the Cadmeia, the citadel of Thebes, was treacherously seized by Phoebidas in 382 and held by the Spartans until 379. This sample letter is a format to acknowledge the receipt of documents and it is essentially for businesses that are about to merge or be acquired. He refused to acknowledge his problem until a music producer overdosed on heroin and died in Boy George's home; he then kicked the habit. Acknowledge their erotic appeal and their practicality under tight-fitting clothing. Inheriting the trade of ruined Tyre and becoming the centre of the new commerce between Europe and the Arabian and Indian East, the city grew in less than a century to be larger than Carthage; and for some centuries more it had to acknowledge no superior but Rome. bab.la is not responsible for their content. sentence; 1: Whether you will or will not be with the company in the future, I acknowledge your need to develop professionally as Agile practitioners and commit to invest in your education/training. Translations of the phrase WILL ACKNOWLEDGE from english to french and examples of the use of "WILL ACKNOWLEDGE" in a sentence with their translations: OIOS will acknowledge the receipt of ⦠In the 11th it was called Rebellum, because it refused to acknowledge the sovereignty of Amalfi, and in the 13th, when at the height of its prosperity, it had 36,000 inhabitants. " Thus cornered, he had to acknowledge that anna had been out of sorts. Ali pretended to grant an amnesty to all Omayyads who should come in to him at Abu Fotros (Antipatris) and acknowledge the new caliph,and even promised them the restitution of all their property. churlish not to acknowledge that progress has been made. The Vice-Chancellor will acknowledge receipt of the appeal within five working days and will inform the appellant which Deputy Vice-Chancellor will handle the appeal. Although the mother of the Gracchi refused to acknowledge him, the people stoned Metellus because he would not admit his claim to citizenship. Rather than acknowledge him, the duke of Lotharingia-, or Lorraine, transferred his allegiance to Charles the Simple of France; and it was in vain that Conrad protested and despatched armies into Lorraine. This means that when you tap on the screen, the mobile phone vibrates a little to acknowledge your commands. He seized the capital, Pataliputra, the modern Patna, established himself firmly in the Gangetic valley, and compelled the north-western principalities, Greeks and natives alike, to acknowledge his suzerainty. Mention of Sir Walter leads me to acknowledge the indebtedness of the Church to Scott. ", The outcome of the Committee's work was the great Protest, signed by 1500 bishops, priests and leading laymen, in which the loyalty of Catholics to the crown and constitution was strenuously affirmed and the ultramontane point of view repudiated in the startling declaration, " We acknowledge no infallibility in the pope. The key to flexibility is to acknowledge that a schedule change has occurred and adjust accordingly. She listened, not wanting to cry or acknowledge the level of pain she put him through for so long. The justice or injustice of the British cause seemed to him a much more important matter than the vindication of military honor; and he could not bring himself to acknowledge that Majuba had altered the situation, and that the terms which he had made up his mind to concede before the battle could not be safely granted till military reputation was restored. Their reluctance to acknowledge a female sovereign was increased when Henry gave her in marriage to Geoffrey Plantagenet, the heir of Anjou and Maine (1129); nor was it removed by the birth of the future Henry II. The natives have adopted many customs of white civilization, and on the Aleutians, and in coastal Alaska, and in scattered regions in the interior acknowledge Christianity under the forms of the Orthodox Greek or other churches. In common with other northern princes, Mangasha, reputed son and heir of King John, with the yelloweyed Ras Alula, 3 refused to acknowledge the sovereignty of Menelek; but, on the latter marching against them in the following January with a large army, they submitted. Do what one may, there is no getting an air of variety into a court circular, I acknowledge that. And it was not until the parliament refused to acknowledge the Instrument as the required starting point for the new legality, that Cromwell in the last resort took arbitrary power into his hands as the only method remaining for carrying on the government. The acknowledge list of example sentences with acknowledge. Programs such as those using a 12-step model can encourage meth addicts to discuss the problem and acknowledge any denial about the addiction. On the 19th of June a son was born to his wife, and in the face of his previous protestations he was induced to acknowledge himself the father. Jim will acknowledge receipt of your email even if ⦠19. The nations will be blessed when they acknowledge the Lord Jesus Jesus Christ is given absolute dominion and there is no wiggle room. : 2: Employment experts say other companies have policies of hiring only people with jobs - but do not publicly acknowledge their bias. They acknowledged that the decision was a mistake. He failed to acknowledge my departure as I returned to our room. She was coping, forcing herself to acknowledge that it might be weeks, or possibly never, before her husband's body was recovered. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Each case must be considered on an individual basis, and the doctor should acknowledge the personal feelings of the parents, as well as the individual circumstances of each child. Pepys must have heard such rumours, as in a letter to his friend Millington, the tutor of Magdalene College at Cambridge, dated the 26th of September 1693, he wrote: " I must acknowledge myself not at the ease I would be glad to be at in reference to excellent Mr Newton; concerning whom (methinks) your answer labours under the same kind of restraint which (to tell you the truth) my asking did. will perceive from the enclosed receipt of June 27, the dispatch of some music. variorum page, she here appears to acknowledge, impressionistically. The first step in treating the physical symptoms of anxiety and stress is to acknowledge that anxiety attacks can be a problem. To disown means to refuse to acknowledge a relationship with someone. When giving his wife the silent treatment, Sam didn't acknowledge her presence or even look her way. Those who practically acknowledge the supremacy of Jesus as Messiah accept all that is essential to the Christianity of Locke. Palaeologus wished the pope to acknowledge his title to be emperor of the East, and in return promised submission to the papal supremacy and the union of the two churches on the pope's own terms. Her hand dropped, though she didn't acknowledge him otherwise. How to use receipt in a sentence. On the 7th the Hungarian diet formally refused to acknowledge the title of the new king, " as without the knowledge and consent of the diet no one could sit on the Hungarian throne," and called the nation to arms. Upper and lower Lusatia, Landsberg, and the Saxon Palatinate had been inherited by female members of the family, and passed into the hands of other princes, the old mark was retained by Agnes, the widow of Valdemar, who was married again to Otto II., duke of Brunswick, and the king was forced to acknowledge these claims, and to cede districts to Mecklenburg and Bohemia. 10) ready to acknowledge its utility in counteracting unpleasant smells ("si me odor alicujus loci offenderit, Arabiae aliquid incendo"), is careful to say that he scorns to offer it as an accompaniment to his heartfelt prayers (Apol. In that year both provinces were subdued, their emirs deposed, and letters of appointment given to new emirs, who undertook to rule in accordance with the requirements of humanity, to abolish slave-raiding and slave dealing, and to acknowledge the sovereignty of Great Britain. This might explain why Disraeli never did acknowledge authorship of the book. It even appears from a study of the Greek text that some copies of the books of Samuel incorporated narratives which other copies did not acknowledge. Is there a spiritual dimension to human life which we need to acknowledge? This chief, encamped at Teheran when the communication reached him, submitted the matter to his men, who decided against Zaki, but put forward their own captain as the only master they would acknowledge. The council, with Thomas Cromwell at their head, visited him on the 7th of May 1 535, and his refusal to acknowledge Henry as supreme head of the church was the ground of his trial. 28-31), and does not acknowledge the northern priesthood to be Levitical (I Kings xii. He didn't acknowledge her as she entered the surprisingly large bathroom. It is important to acknowledge the centrality of the central premise of this book. As a result of this lack of education he prefers to lash out, rather than acknowledge your different interests. In documenting the euphoria of the Ecstasy experience, he does not fail to acknowledge the inevitable comedown. It was this threat which forced John to sue for a reconciliation; and the first condition exacted was that he should acknowledge Langton as archbishop. Furthermore, the visionary who is found at most periods of great spiritual excitement was forced by the prejudice of his time, which refused to acknowledge any inspiration in the present, to ascribe his visionary experiences and reinterpretations of the mysterious traditions of his people to some heroic figure of the past. During the medieval era of internecine strife the Buddhist priests were the sole depositaries of literary talent, and seeing that, from the close of the 14th century, the ShintO mime (Kagura) was largely employed by the military class to invo,~ce or acknowledge the assistance of the gods, the monks of Buddha set themselves to compose librettos for this mime, and the performance, thus modified, received the name of NO. Refusing to acknowledge the supremacy of the German king Conrad I., he was unsuccessfully attacked by the latter, and in 920 was recognized as duke by Conrad's successor, Henry I., the Fowler, who admitted his supremacy and the right to appoint the bishops, to coin money and to issue laws. He appears to have been quite free from envy properly so called, and to have been always ready to acknowledge the excellences of his contemporaries. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. After her grandfather's death in 1850 she was trained to teach, but her refusal to acknowledge Napoleon III. Motasim had just returned to Samarra when a serious revolt broke out in Tabaristan, Maziyar, one of the hereditary chiefs of that country, refusing to acknowledge the authority ofAbdallah Ibn Tahir, the governor of Khorasan, of which Tabaristan was a province. Extreme modesty, almost amounting to diffidence, was combined with the utmost kindliness in Lord Kelvin's bearing to the most elementary student, and nothing seemed to give him so much pleasure as an opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of the humblest scientific worker. If you want to be forgiven, you should acknowledge your mistakes to the priest and ask for mercy. Thus there originated a separate dynasty of Irak with its capital at Hamadan (Ecbatana); but Sinjar during his long reign often interfered in the affairs of the new dynasty, and every occupant of the throne had to acknowledge his supremacy. On the death of George William the last duke in 1675, however, Austria refused to acknowledge the validity of the treaty and annexed the duchies. The fact that we acknowledge "this" as now - right now - is simply a quirk of the way our brains work, not having to do with anything about how the universe is laid out. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter using the enclosed reply slip. As we had communicated earlier, we have recalled all products under 30/ 04/19 batch number for further analysis after we received complaints from several customers regarding contamination of the said batch. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins "; the Athanasian Creed, " Who (Christ) suffered for our salvation.". To acknowledge the fact is to abandon all hope. You turned out okay or something to acknowledge the issue without personalizing it. Italian arum is kept dormant and should be planted immediately upon receipt. You can laugh along with the silly quotes and ditzy stereotypes, but make sure you acknowledge the true athlete that resides in the heart of each young man and woman. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. The treaty of Irvine, by which these Scottish nobles agreed to acknowledge Edward as their sovereign lord, is printed in Rymer's Foedera. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The bishop over whom the synod of neighbouring bishops had exercised jurisdiction had no formal right of appeal; but sometimes bishops in other parts of the Church would refuse to acknowledge the local synodical sentence and would communicate with a bishop whom they deemed unjustly deposed. The president will acknowledge the soldiersâ suspicious deaths during his address to the nation. Secession is a right claimed or exercised by weaker states of a union whose rights are threatened by the stronger states, which seldom acknowledge such a principle. 2. Resolution: Work with the child to help her discover and acknowledge the life problems and stressful circumstances that may be reflected in the nightmare. It was funny, as you can't acknowledge they are The Monkeys. We will acknowledge receipt of your claim by email. Receipt definition is - a writing acknowledging the receiving of goods or money. The schism between the two parties was, however, far from being healed; the bishop of Rome and the bishops of Egypt refused to acknowledge Flavian, and Paulinus, who by the extreme Eustathians had been elected bishop in opposition to Meletius, still exercised authority over a portion of the church. Accountholders must acknowledge that they understand there will be a fee associated with overdraft protection. I just want to acknowledge receipt of the Red John files. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. click for more sentences of upon receipt: 7. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese traditional Dictionary. The most competent opinion inclines to acknowledge the hand of Leonardo, not only in the face of the angel, but also in parts of the drapery and of the landscape background. Many translated example sentences containing "i acknowledge receipt" â French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. Children of this age may also begin to acknowledge the universality of death, that it happens to everyone. Indeed, it may be remarked that he, like many other penitents who, in general terms, acknowledge themselves to have been the worst of mankind, fired up, and stood vigorously on his defence, whenever any particular charge was brought against him by others. Xander didn't acknowledge Jule's statement. Mahommedans who do not acknowledge the spiritual authority of the Ottoman sultan, such as the Persians and Moors, look to their own rulers for the proclamation of a jihad; there has been in fact no universal warfare by Moslems on unbelievers since the early days of Mahommedanism. His scruples forbade him to acknowledge the jurisdiction of the court by accepting bail, but he was soon released. All users need to acknowledge that any reliance on material posted by others will be at their own risk. She didn't acknowledge his order but headed toward the stairs. c. 330) declares: " this was admirable " amongst the Neo-Pythagoreans " that they ascribed everything to Pythagoras; but few of them acknowledge their own works as their own " (de Pythag. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. These cookies do not store any personal information. Gradually he began to acknowledge his feelings of envy towards his mother. While it took many years, the ballet world did eventually acknowledge Modern dance through the stylings of an impactful choreographer named George Balanchine. I acknowledge receipt of your letter of May 1. Cards. It wasn't normal for them to acknowledge her existence, let alone address her. refuse to acknowledge all He has given them. The duc de Choiseul, who refused to acknowledge her, was disgraced in 1771; and the duc d'Aiguillon, who had the reputation of being her lover, took his place, and in concert with her governed the monarch. Again, this helps the recipient feel a part of your big day, and it is a way for you to acknowledge that while your wedding was strictly a private affair, you are excited to share your excitement with your loved ones as soon as possible. But in spite of all this we are forced to acknowledge that, as a master of what we may perhaps call "narrative history," he has no superior in antiquity; for, inferior as he is to Thucydides, to Polybius, and even to Tacitus in philosophic power and breadth of view, he is at least their equal in the skill with which he tells his story. Many cruise lines also offer vow renewal packages and are happy to acknowledge a couple's special anniversaries. 2. Maximian and Diocletian were compelled to acknowledge the rule of Carausius in Britain; numerous coins are extant with the heads of Carausius, Diocletian and Maximian, bearing the legend "Carausius et fratres sui.". when Manfred, who by Frederick's will had been charged with the government of the two Sicilies, felt obliged to acknowledge the pope's suzerainty, Innocent threw off the mask, ignored Conradin's claims, and on the 24th of October formally asserted his own claims to Calabria and Sicily. 18. You chose lime green to be noticed, and there is much to acknowledge regarding your color choices. ð. Blinded by hubris, the terrorist refused to acknowledge that his downfall was approching. It is a view difficult to prove, and probably few will acknowledge that Clarke has conclusively proved it. 3. We acknowledge receipt of your letter. He was compelled to acknowledge himself beaten in France before his death on the I3th of September 1598. Although they acknowledge a certain "car crash" effect similar to the idea of drivers craning their necks to see a bad accident, they point towards human compassion as the driving force. Having at length received an intimation from London that the queen " could not acknowledge the independence of her own subjects, but that the trade of the emigrant farmers would be placed on the same footing as that of any other British settlement, upon their receiving a military force to exclude the interference 1 Commonly called the Republic of Natalia or Natal. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. Memon did not acknowledge his son or his words. Teen suicide is preventable if a loved one takes the time to acknowledge the suffering adolescent. The recalcitrant clergy refused to obey an act passed solely by the secular authority (convocation not having been consulted) or to acknowledge the jurisdiction of a court which had been robbed of its "spiritual" character. He brought Medina, which had previously been governed by independent sherifs, to acknowledge his authority. He is in the service of the State somewhere, and is in receipt of a good income. In dedicating to him his Commentary on the First Epistle to the Thessalonians, as "eximiae pietatis et doctrinae viro," he declares that so had he been aided by his instruction that whatever subsequent progress he had made he only regarded as received from him, and "this," he adds, "I wish to testify to posterity that if any utility accrue to any from my writings they may acknowledge it as having in part flowed from thee.". , 2. He sought to remedy the evil by liaisons with two of the most beautiful of his countrywomen, Barbara Gizanka and Anna Zajanczkowska, the diet undertaking to legitimatize and acknowledge as his successor any heir male who might be born to him; but their complacency was in vain, for the king died childless. Sayyar did not at once acknowledge the Caliphate of Yazid III., but induced the Arab chiefs to accept himself as amir of Khorasan, until a caliph should be universally acknowledged. Both grain and fruit harvests have been gathered as we give thanks for our harvest and acknowledge the waning power of the Sun. to acknowledge his brother Charles as legitimate king of Great Britain, but his efforts were defeated, chiefly through the adverse influence of Cardinal Alessandro Albani, who was bitterly opposed to the Stuart cause. It owed its ascendancy in to restore nearly a hundred churches to the sects and to acknowledge the sway of Rakoczy over the north Hungarian counties. During these years Langton had been residing at Pontigny, formerly the refuge of Becket. The idea is that the toy version of Buzz Lightyear was based on a "real" astronaut hero, but he refused to acknowledge his toy status. some way acknowledge his supremacy (Emanuel Ullmann, Volkerrecht, § 16); M. The theological calmness of the West, amid the violent theological disputes which troubled the Eastern patriarchates, and the statesmanlike wisdom of Rome's greater bishops, combined to give a unique position to the pope, which councils in vain strove to shake, and which in time of difficulty the Eastern patriarchs were fain to acknowledge and make use of, however they might protest against it and the conclusions deduced from it. Sofi indirectly confirmed something he didn't want to acknowledge: Jessi was in his life for more than one reason. The kindest thing you can do for your pet and for yourself is to acknowledge this fact, and try not to impose your sense of grief and anxiety on your dog. A thank you for your donation letter is a letter that you send to acknowledge the receipt of a donation. While we recognize in the De Rerum Natura some of the most powerful poetry in any language and feel that few poets have penetrated with such passionate sincerity and courage into the secret of nature and some of the deeper truths of human life, we must acknowledge that, as compared with the great didactic poem of Virgil, it is crude and unformed in artistic design, and often rough and unequal in artistic execution. Upon receipt in a sentence - Use "upon receipt" in a sentence 1. Nominally all the provinces and districts of Baluchistan, with the exception of the ceded territory which we call British Baluchistan, are under the khan of Kalat, and all chiefs acknowledge him as their suzerain. Although more studies need to be performed, scientists acknowledge the high number of antioxidants in the acai fruit and its theorized ability to help people lose weight fast. Example sentences with the word acknowledge. He refused to acknowledge any right to separate government whatever on the part of the Afghans, and Kandahar and Ghazni were to be recovered, as belonging to the empire of the Safawid dynasty. SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel to keep video production going! An instinct wriggled, one she didn't want to acknowledge or deal with. 98 examples: From just over b10n1 million in 1986, the division's total revenue receipts had⦠Actual modes of expression are shown to embody distinctions which average intelligence can easily recognize and will readily acknowledge, though they may tend by progressive rectification fundamentally to modify the assumption natural to the level of thought from which he begins. For the North had proclaimed a blockade of the Southern ports; and it wo-old have been both inconvenient and unfair if Lord Russell had decided to recognize the blockade and had refused to acknowledge the belligerent rights of the Southern States. I acknowledge the existence of two kinds of quality that a museum has. The Spanish government did not, however, formally acknowledge the independence of the country until the year 1842. She didn't want to acknowledge there might be truth to anything he said except for one: she couldn't dig a grave. A fee associated with black his suzerainty the screen, the ballet world did acknowledge. Years Langton had been made and she had no choice but to acknowledge his divinity with... These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent the post office did n't they! Ben refused to acknowledge the impulse of the emperor for `` to acknowledge centrality... Bail, but her refusal to acknowledge the issue without personalizing it, to! Cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the book with a form to acknowledge this subjectivity, collective. For you, '' Fred offered, as if forced to acknowledge the existence of two kinds of that! 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