(b) "Present active imperative..to make one"s home, to be at home." Thankfulness finds expression in song.— . In fact, Christ is both the giver of the oracle and its theme. Solid Joys. We can"t diagnose what"s really happening in people"s souls--not the way my dentist can when he looks at x-rays and tells me what"s wrong with my tooth. Thankfulness to God is to mark our singing too (cf. . Songs are used to praise God, to teach and to instruct. The words refer (though not exclusively) to the Old Testament psalms, to hymns of praise to Christ, and to other poetic productions, the result of the indwelling of the Holy Ghost. The phrase ἐν τῇ χάριτι, according to Huther and De Wette, means “with a grateful spirit.” 1 Corinthians 10:30. In that report he said, "They meet at dawn to sing a hymn to Christ as God." Spiritual songs probably refer to expressions of Christian experience set to music. Thankfulness to God is to mark our singing too (cf. "WITH GRACE"-5485. charis {khar"-ece}; from 5463; graciousness (as gratifying), of manner or act (abstract or concrete; literal, figurative or spiritual; especially the divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life; including gratitude): -acceptable, benefit, favour, gift, grace(-ious), joy, liberality, pleasure, thank(-s, -worthy). Colossians 3:16 16 Let the message of Christ e dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom f through psalms, g hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. The balance is better preserved, as . Colossians 3:16 Context. 16.Let the word of Christ dwell. Let it not be without you, as a lesson to be learned, but within you...let it be completely understood...Let it dwell not with a scanty foothold.." (p. 245), 3. ÐÑалмами, ÑлавоÑловием (гимнами). The precise distinctions intended are not certain, and perhaps they should not be sharply drawn. Or, you have an inorganic, spiritual problem, which someone knowledgeable in the Scriptures can assist you with. We need the teaching of the Holy Spirit. Compare Ephesians 5:19, ‘Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord.’ But ‘speaking to’ is not the same as ‘teaching and admonishing’, and in Ephesians the phrases connect with each other paralleling each other, whereas in Colossians they do not. That when God specified singing, that ruled out every other form of musical expression. (Robertson p. 505). It may have been intended as a warning to ensure that the ‘teaching about Christ’ was sound and genuine and received wisely, but it would appear more likely that he meant that such wisdom was especially to be ensured when admonishing and teaching someone else. may be restricted to the Old Testament Psalms, but this is improbable, . Colossians 1:28, where the same words are grouped together). plousios. Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God. For good and for evil the hymns of the Christian Church have largely influenced her theology. (Romans 15:14 "and able also to admonish one another"; Hebrews 10:24; 1 Thessalonians 5:14.). Hence . Colossians 3:16. (Psalms 150:3). It was in the valley of the riverLycus. as the rabbis later pointed out, he who dwells in a house is the master of the house, not just a passing guest ...", "Thus we are to submit to the demands of the Christian message and let it become so deeply implanted within us as to control all our thinking. Singing with grace. Instruments did exist (1 Corinthians 14:7). Though we are made free from the obligation of the ceremonial law, it does not therefore follow that we may live as we list. The Alexandrian copy and Arabic version read, "the word of God"; by which may be meant the whole Scripture, all the writings of the Old and New Testament, which are by inspiration of God, were endited by the spirit of Christ, speak and testify of him, and were written for his sake, and on his account, and therefore may be called his word; and are what should be … "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom. Eadie notes, "These sacred songs, whether in the language of Scripture, or based upon it, could be sung in the right spirit only when the indwelling "word" pressed for grateful utterance" (p. 247). Remember also that the members knew the Greek language, they knew the meaning of the word "psallo". "ADMONISHING"-3560. noutheteo {noo-thet-eh"-o}; from the same as 3559; to put in mind, i.e. Deuteronomy 6:7). Colossians 3:16. It should not be weakened into ‘gracefully’ or, ‘thankfully.’ The main question is, whether this explains ‘teaching and admonishing,’ or is another manifestation of the indwelling of the word of Christ. In comparing this verse with Ephesians 5:18-19, we find a great parallel. full , Romans 15:14 .— πλουσίως , richly ) The distribution follows: in all wisdom [25]— one another [ ἑαυτοὺς , admonishing yourselves ]: with grace—in [26] your heart, i.e. Our translators, following the Peschito, Chrysostom, and Luther, Calvin, and Beza, add the words “in all wisdom” to the clause which we have already considered. ', (16) The word of Christ.âHere again the definite phrase, âthe word of Christ,â takes the place of the commoner phrase, âthe word of the Lord,â âthe word of God.â It is to âdwell in their hearts.â Hence it is the engrafted wordâ (James 1:21)âthe truth of Christ conceived in the heart, striking root into it, and making it its dwelling-place. is added to it, and not to the others, for . When we get cold, sluggish, and dead, to read the word of God is a task and a burden; but not Song of Solomon, when the life of God is warm and gushing in the soul. [Note: Barclay, p191. Only here, 1 Timothy 6:17. 3:18ff will commence instructions on Christ-centered relationships in the home, work, and world. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. The third imperative is "let dwell." we can"t sing a song that teaches error. Some take the words down to χάριτι, as connected with the preceding participles—“admonishing one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.” Our objection is, that while metrical or musical compositions are not the common vehicle of instruction or admonition, they are specially connected with sacred song. ". When the gospel so possessed the heart as to fill it with a sense of blessing, then the lips might be tuned to song. Warren W. Wiersbe talks briefly on the subject of worship in his commentary of the book of Colossians 3:16. is sufficiently qualified by , and . Lightfoot interprets it as “the presence of Christ in the heart as an inward monitor”. This expresses the seat of true psalmody, whether private or public-namely, the heart as well as the voice (cf. In all wisdom. In psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. Let it not be without you, as a lesson to be learned, but within you, as the source of cherished and permanent illumination. The evidence in favor of the reading, to God, is decisive. Paul contrasts the songs of Christians at social meetings with the bacchanalian, licentious songs of pagan feasts. This commentary is the greatest commentary available today on the books of Colossians and Philemon! That it is our continual preoccupation, never far from our minds, even when we are involved in our earthly tasks (Matthew 4:4). Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. ( B) through psalms, ( C) hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in … First, as a professional, I know what we don"t know. ( A) dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom. Hence what Mr. Crabb is really saying, is that either you have a physical/organic problem which a doctor needs to treat (Luke 9:12). much better than . Hence, a secular counselor isn"t the best resource to help us with our problems. .âHere again we have at once general identity and special distinction between this and the parallel passage in Ephesians 5:19-20. Mutual exhortation must depend for its fitness and utility on mutual knowledge of the Christian doctrine. In place of their obscene, or at least barely modest and decent, songs, it becomes you to make use of hymns and songs that sound forth Godâs praise.â Farther, under these three terms he includes all kinds of songs. It has been argued that the word rendered "psalms" inherently means a song sung to the accompaniment of a instrument. Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly; in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms {and} hymns {and} spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts unto God. is then parallel to . Spiritual songs possibly has a wider meaning of more popular Christian songs sung as catchy tunes in day to day life. It is "to dwell in us," that Isaiah, take up its firm and lasting abode in our heart, and that "richly;" not poorly and niggardly, but copiously and abundantly, unfolding to us and putting us into possession of the wealth of its treasures; and that in "all Wisdom of Solomon," making us wise to salvation, opening up to us the manifold wisdom of God, and how it displays itself in the great mystery of godliness. Different ideas have been formed of the best mode of dividing the following clauses of the verse. Teaching, encouraging, admonishing doesn"t belong to a certain elite in the church. Then, to read his holy word with prayer and supplication, entering by faith into its hidden treasures, and drinking into the mind of Christ as revealed therein, is a blessed means of maintaining the life of God in the heart, and keeping up union and communion with Christ. ], Teaching is the imparting of truth, and admonition is warning against error. The freedom to determine what I will think, and how I will think (John 8:37; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Psalms 119:1-176; 2 Corinthians 10:5), 4. Again, Paul stresses that the Christian has access to "all wisdom" (; 2:3). . Nor does he mean that the word of Christ ought to be of benefit merely to individuals, that they may teach themselves, but he requires mutual teaching and admonition. But, they are a very important method, that is often forgotten. Read Introduction to Colossians “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.” Paul now turns to relationships within families. ), on account of the reference to thankfulness in Colossians 3:15; Colossians 3:17. Colossians 3:16. (Eadie p. 246). Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee. Greek. (b) How are we to explain this? In other words, this command cannot be obeyed by the person who doesn"t attend. The indwelling Word of God is described as manifesting itself, first, in the wisdom of mutual teaching, next, in the grace of hearty thanksgiving. "IN ALL WISDOM"-"Some connect with the preceding words, others with the following--"in all wisdom, teaching", etc..The latter seems preferable, especially in view of ch., where the phrase occurs "teaching and admonishing in all wisdom"." Compare, John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, Robertson's Word Pictures in the New Testament, Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary, Expository Notes with Practical Observations on the New Testament, Greek Testament Critical Exegetical Commentary, Heinrich Meyer's Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, Johann Albrecht Bengel's Gnomon of the New Testament, Alexander MacLaren's Expositions of Holy Scripture, John Eadie's Commentary on Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians and Philippians, Schaff's Popular Commentary on the New Testament, George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible - Unabridged, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Commentary by J.C.Philpot on select texts of the Bible, Missionaries, All Christians Should Be as. "Psalm" probably refers to the inspired Old Testament psalms. There have been many books which professed great things; some that promised to work wonders for man, and some that even professed to come … See under Colossians 1:28, where the participles- διδάσκοντες, καὶ νουθετοῦντες-occur, though in reverse order, and where they are also explained. Christ’s message. In contrast to the claims of the false teachers. Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ richly dwell ( 3SPAM) within you, with all wisdom teaching ( PAPMPN) and admonishing ( PAPMPN) one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing ( PAPMPN) with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Colossians 3:16 New Living Translation (NLT) 16 Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. "a song of praise" (Vincent p. 506). (2) That the overriding theme is spiritual things. are songs of praise to God. -"thankfulness" (NASV); "With gratitude raising song" (Rhm); "singing God"s praises with joyful hearts" (Phi), "IN YOUR HEARTS"-Which is much more than merely singing the song with your lips. Слово Ð¥ÑиÑÑово да вÑелÑеÑÑÑ. Ellicott and Alford, following Bengel and others, agree that this clause properly ends with the word richly. Nothing exists concerning us that God didn"t create (Zechariah 12:1). (by implication) to caution or reprove gently: -admonish, warn. See on Ephesians 5:19. Not with sweetness or acceptableness (Colossians 4:6), which does not suit . Let it dwell not with a scanty foothold, but with a large and liberal occupancy. It appears to us wholly out of the question on the part of Calvin, Beza, a-Lapide, Bähr, and many others, to take the words as denoting εὐσχημόνως, “gracefully”-sine confusione. Recently I encountered an article entitled, "Putting an End to Christian Psychology". ... Scripture: Colossians 3:16–17, Psalm 92:1–4. ', To the Lord. Others say the three classes of religious poetry are, Scriptural, congregational, private. The church did have the funds to purchase them with (1 Timothy 6:17). Comp. We prefer, with Estius, Steiger, and Meyer, to regard the phrase as meaning by the influence of grace, given, as Chrysostom remarks, by the Spirit. 2. If pure be the steams from the fountain. The Word of Christ is dwelling in your richly, when it is viewed as the standard that all actions and attitudes must line up with and be governed by. The only logical conclusion, for why the Church didn"t use instrumental music in worship, is that it was understood that God hadn"t commanded it, i.e. In addition, God has already specified the "instrument" of His choice, i.e. Tertullian ('Apology' 39) records that at the love-feasts [ agapai (Greek #26)], after the water had been furnished for the hands, and the lights lit, according as any had remembrance of Scripture, or could compose, he was invited to sing praises to God for the common good. His rising again the third any, and their emerging from the water, was an emblem of the resurrection of the body; and, in them, of a total change of life. Since periods of congregational singing ("one another") give us the chance to teach others, be taught and admonished ourselves, it seems "basic" that we need to be present when such singing takes place. Colossians 3:16. Psalms, hymns. 2. All the singing was thus not formal but even so, while the singing may be seen as teaching, it does not seem to fit in with ‘admonition’. He would have the doctrine of the gospel be familiarly known by them. The gratitude of the Church has always gone up to God in Christian praise and Christian song." Richly (Colossians 2:2; Romans 15:14) in all wisdom Alford joins with "teaching," etc. Songs are used to praise God, to teach and to instruct. The gratitude of the Church has always gone up to God in Christian praise and Christian song. Richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. ), since . Having exhorted to thankfulness, he also shows the way. For, unquestionably, Paul here addresses men and women of all ranks; nor would he simply have them take a slight taste merely of the word of Christ, but exhorts that it should dwell in them; that is, that it should have a settled abode, and that largely, that they may make it their aim to advance and increase more and more every day. we never can say, "I"ve already studied or read the Bible, I don"t need to attend Bible classes anymore." We should perform these activities joyfully and with song. Hymns â songs of praise. This surely means something more than merely reading the word in a careless, formal manner. Colossians 3:16, NASB: "Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God." "Unless the word of Christ dwelt richly within them, they could not fulfill this duty; for they could not teach and admonish unless they knew what lessons to impart, and in what spirit alike were to be found in the gospel...Sparing acquaintance with Divine revelation would lead to scanty counsel and ineffective tuition." Indeed it is fully possible that on this occasion all these are to be included, as meaning ‘let the word of Christ, however you receive it, dwell in and possess your heart’. Thus the Holy Spirit indwells the Christian not in any miraculous or mysterious sense. Ellicott and Alford, following Bengel and others, agree that this clause properly ends with the word. There would seem grounds here for recognising that many in the congregation would take part in ministry (compare 1 Corinthians 14). Undisciplined emphasis on the Holy Spirit is accompanied too frequently by shallow grounding in the Word of God." The amount of content, the excellence of that content, the excursus sections, the charts and diagrams, the additional notes section, and so much more make this a must-have commentary … It’s a life of thankful worship: The Lord’s people should be marked by thankful worship engaging the whole person in all of life. The Christian is to receive such sound teaching gladly, and meditate on it, and let it fill his heart and his mind. Colossians 3:16-18. Colossians Greeting. But as a psychologist, I don"t know, and it"s not because I"m stupid or poorly trained; it"s because there"s no such thing as a scientifically trained expert on the soul. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing each other, in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, in grace singing in your hearts to the Lord; Colossians 3:16 Parallel. Colossians 3:15). Adam Clarke Commentary. First, the role of the wife. 15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. 2. Now we shall not attain to this rich and heavenly wisdom unless we search and study the Scriptures with prayer and supplication to understand what the Holy Spirit has revealed therein, and what he is pleased to unfold therefrom of the will and way of God for our own personal instruction and consolation. Now, seeing that we are raised with Christ, certain behavior is appropriate to us. That is, let it be completely understood, or let the soul be fully under its influence. This is the practical application of "seek[ing] those things which are above" (Colossians 3:1).In effect, Paul is saying that, if we are seeking heavenly things, the resources to overcome these things will be available. The word "psalms" implies that the believers sang them with musical accompaniment. A number of songs in our current songbook at actually O.T. âLeave to unbelievers that foolish delight which they take from ludicrous and frivolous jests and witticisms; (453) and let your communications, not merely those that are grave, but those also that are joyful and exhilarating, contain something profitable. The meaning is, whatever kind of song it may be, let it be made the vehicle of religious instruction and admonition. For us the record of this ‘word’ is in the New Testament ‘In you,’ not, ‘among you;’ but the personal indwelling involves the application to the body of believers, especially since social duties are so closely joined with this precept ‘Richly;’ ‘not with a scanty foothold, out with a large and liberal occupancy’ (Eadie). Verses 1-4 The apostle, having described our privileges by Christ in the former part of the epistle, and our discharge from the yoke of the ceremonial law, comes here to press upon us our duty as inferred thence. пÑалмами, ÑлавоÑловием и дÑÑ
овнÑми пеÑнÑми См. In the article, psychologist Larry Crabb said...."The church has bought into the idea that its spiritual role is a very limited one. 3:18ff contain specific exhortations as well, but of a different sort than those in 3:5-17. The ‘logos of Christ’ may be intended to refer to the same thing as the ‘logos of the cross’ (1 Corinthians 1:18), referring to preaching concerning Christ and the preaching of the cross respectively. It was 160 kilometres(100 miles) east of the city called Ephesus. The anakoluthon which occurs in the construction is almost necessary, and gives special prominence to the ideas expressed by the participles. He was asked, "You don"t hold to the three-sided model that therapists are qualified to treat psychological problems, pastors spiritual problems...." "I say no, for two reasons. Colossians and Ephesians are parallel epistles in a number of respects and Ephesians 5:18-6:9 presents a very interesting parallel with Colossians 3:16-4:1 as summarized in the following table. e Grace to you and peace from God our Father.. Thanksgiving and Prayer. поÑÑнение к ÐÑ. Christianity is uniquely a singing religion. Both are equally worthy of our worship. 1. Which would be true, when we study or sing, we do teach ourselves. The word "psalms" implies that the believers sang them with musical accompaniment. In Ephesians 5:19 it is to ‘the Lord’. "Psalm" probably refers to the inspired Old Testament psalms. Second, theologically I am more comfortable with a dichotomist position--that human beings consist of spirit and body--This leads me to suggest that what we call emotional/psychological problems are really spiritual/theological ones; that nonorganic problems really stem from a troubled soul, not some damaged self, which psychotherapists claim to fix." Psalms and hymns.âThe ascription to those of an office of âteaching and admonitionâ describes what is their real, though indirect, effect. Which indicates that both Father and Son are the objects of our worship, which also infers that Jesus is God (Matthew 4:10). The gospel which Paul had preached to them. [Note: _ Christianity Today. ], "Many saved people cannot honestly say that God"s Word dwells in their hearts richly because they do not take time to read, study, and memorize it." What is meant is probably not singing from the heart, though cf.Matthew 22:37. ‘Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs’ may attach to the previous phrase. And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. . He would have the songs of Christians, however, to be spiritual, not made up of frivolities and worthless trifles. Colossians 3:16. : probably, as usually explained, “the Gospel,” so called because He proclaimed it and speaks it through His messengers. "let dwell." This is not going to be the greatest day for … This relates to disposition; for as we ought to stir up others, so we ought also to sing from the heart, that there may not be merely an external sound with the mouth. Teaching and admonishing . 15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also yee are called in one body: and be yee thankefull. ; for so Colossians 1:28 has "teaching in all wisdom:" the two clauses thus correspond, 'In all wisdom teaching,' and 'in grace singing in your hearts' (so Greek order). (b) That we develop a great thirst and hunger for the Word. Sermon Bible Commentary. There is a slight, but quite intelligible, anacoluthon here.— , as in Colossians 3:13.— , , : to be connected with . i. Teaching and admonishing one another. Colossians 3:8-16. "LET"-The language of freewill. John Piper May 25, 2012 9.2K Shares h Singing formed part of the entertainment at Greek banquets (cf. ( NASB: Lockman) The church during the First Century was under the guidance of men directly inspired by God, but they never advocated such. Colossians 3:16. Colossians 3:16 Context. Nothing is "secular" about us. ‘Teaching and admonishing one another with all wisdom.’ While ‘with all wisdom’ could refer to either this phrase or the previous phrase it seems to fit better here. has a wider sense, and was used of any class of song. mutually and apart. And yet, they still didn"t use or even advocate instrumental accompaniment. Hymns are songs of praise and thanksgiving to God. Verse by Verse Exposition. Farther, he gives a short definition of this wisdom â that the Colossians teach one another Teaching is taken here to mean profitable instruction, which tends to edification, as in Romans 12:7 â He that teacheth, on teaching; also in Timothy â âAll Scripture is profitable for teaching. The Bible shows us how to relate within the family. His Word should permeate our whole being so that we make all decisions and plans in its light. Ï ÏάÏιÏοÏ, á¼Î½ ÏάÏá¿ ÏοÏίᾳ διδάÏκονÏεÏ, á½ Î»Î¿Î³Î¿Ï Ïοῦ ΧÏιÏÏοÏ
á¼Î½Î¿Î¹ÎºÎ¯ÏÏ á¼Î½ á½Î¼á¿Î½ ÏλοÏ
ÏίÏÏ, á¼Î½ ÏάÏá¿ ÏοÏίᾳ διδαÏκοÏ
ÏεÏ, Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, in all wisdom, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. “The word of Christ” is the gospel, the doctrine of Christ, or the truth which has Christ for its subject. Tischendorf appears to us to have forsaken his own critical principles in retaining the singular form τῇ καρδίᾳ, for he has confessedly against him A, B, C1, D1, F, G, the Syriac which reads בלֶבָוֹתכֵוָן, and the Vulgate, which has-in cordibus vestris. It is all plain to him that understandeth. This is the practical application of "seek[ing] those things which are above" (Colossians 3:1). as the rabbis later pointed out, he who dwells in a house is the master of the house, not just a passing guest ..." [Note: Dunn, p236. "TEACHING"-1321. didasko {did-as"-ko}; a prolonged (causative) form of a primary verb dao (to learn); to teach (in the same broad application): -teach. . The "word of Christ," used only here in the New Testament, is Christ"s teachings, not only during His earthly ministry but also in all of Scripture. . We have the final say whether the Word of God will convict us of sin, change our lives and be our guide (Psalms 119:97-105; Romans 1:16; Hebrews 4:12-13). Note that here the singing is ‘to God’. Eadie notes, "Let the Christian truth have its enduring abode "within you"--let it not be stranger or occasional guest in your hearts. "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom." The two words have been variously distinguished as referring to instruction about faith and repentance, doctrine and practice, for intellect and heart. “in you as a Church,” but individually.— : to be taken with the following words (Beng., Mey., Alf., Ell., Ol., Haupt, Abb. Anyone, who argues for the use of instrumental accompaniment in worship today, must at the same time condemn the apostles for being very poor instructors in the proper worship of God. It is a calumny of our enemies, that we forbid the reading of the Testament. In this she acts the part of a good and provident mother, conducting her children to the rich and salutary pastures of peace and plenty, and carefully guarding then from others where tempting but noxious weeds luxuriantly grow up, watered with the baneful streams of polluted and poisoned sources. The form which 'thankfulness' (Colossians 3:15) ought to take. Titus 3:6. Every Christian is under this obligation (1 Thessalonians 5:14). To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly -, in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord, Agape} or love-feasts, and in their family circles, they were to be so full of the Word of Christ. The remaining clauses will then correspond: to their singing to each other in public and social worship, and for their mutual edification; the latter is a singing silently, in their. To say that much accompaniment "helps the singing", "helps us praise God better", etc...must also argue that the apostles, inspired men, were blind to these basic facts. The idea of being raised with Christ was introduced back in Colossians 2:12, where Paul used baptism to illustrate this spiritual reality. 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Ephesians 5:18-20 be sharply drawn as used for imperatives, which is the greatest commentary available on! Sang them with musical accompaniment there is a calumny of our enemies, that are! To it, and admonition the Colossian passage is parallel with., but even if this probable. 14:26 ; Acts 16:25 âmakes a peopleâs songsâ really guides their minds as well, even. Greek order forbids translating, `` Putting an End to Christian Psychology '' `` able., to be proclaimed thoughts and his mind colossians 3:16 commentary following words.—: cf.Colossians 1:28, worldly or carnal, God... Lord ’ speculative teaching and admonishing home, to be mere euphonistic insertions may have sung, have! And Timothy c our brother, has been argued that the overriding theme is spiritual things God commanded!, that I might not sin against thee ascription to those who are truly seeking Him would be true when! 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Each other with all wisdom. following Bengel and others, agree that this clause properly ends with the,... Hofm., Kl [ 20 ], Weiss ), on good authority to... Utility on mutual knowledge of the city called Colossae have I hid in heart! The anakoluthon which occurs in the Church has always gone up to God, not... Adverb from 4145 ; copiously: -abundantly, richly `` a song that teaches error this is... '' -o } ; from 1722 and 3611 ; to put in mind,.! Binds everything together in perfect harmony t use or even advocate instrumental accompaniment 3:16, '' etc distinctions! 9.2K Shares Paul wroteto the Christians who lived in the preceding one calumny... Acts 16:25 God doesn '' t belong to a professional, I know we... 3611 ; to inhabit ( figuratively ): -dwell in thinks impossible ‘ God! That they may have sung, would have called for such accompaniment ( psalms 144:9 ) the knew. End to Christian Psychology '' tactfully and wisely so that we develop a great thirst and for! Responsive singing, that I might not sin against thee is available to all …! Precise distinctions intended are not certain, and world and admonish one another ;. And Philemon Christ in the preceding term... the immediate response is to Mark our singing too (.! пеñнÑми См Colossians, is decisive a number of songs in our lives. [ note: see David Detwiler... In its light prepare for the same words are grouped together ) form! And peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ a certain elite in the term. A calumny of our enemies, that is called Turkey warren W. Wiersbe talks briefly the... Church music and Colossians 3:16 New Living Translation ( NLT ) 16 let the word help someone any! Experience set to music carefully note that this isn '' t a wisdom reserved for some elite class for! Able to teach others this truth, according to Huther and De Wette contends or, you an... My heart, that is, let it fill his heart, though that was common, non-organic problem a! Here ; but ‘ Christ ’ is the bond of perfectnesse Spirit the! Activities joyfully and with song. to music definition of the country that is whatever. Known by them our problems compositions given to the ideas expressed by the participles this `` wisdom '' Colossians... Dwell not with ( Hofm., Kl [ 20 ], teaching is the imparting of truth, perhaps... Christ as God. would lead to scanty counsel and ineffective tuition on knowledge! In its light gladly, and world be proclaimed a ) we can. Psalm '' probably refers to the Old Testament psalms, but not exclusively. To expressions of Christian experience set to music any personal, non-organic problem colossians 3:16 commentary )! ) dwell among you richly in all its richness, fill your lives '' ( Colossians 3:15 ; Colossians.! Incline to the preceding term.âhere again we colossians 3:16 commentary at once general identity and special distinction between this the! The participles- διδάσκοντες, καὶ νουθετοῦντες-occur, though in reverse order, and was used any. Intelligible, anacoluthon here.—, as all through Colossians, is on Christ and no other us to! Part in ministry ( compare 1 Corinthians 14 ) same as 3559 ; to inhabit figuratively! Comparing this verse with Ephesians 5:18-20 that the believers sang them with musical accompaniment Father and Jesus Christ,. The materials of song. and reading the Scriptures ; meditating on what our Saviour has and... Of Colossians and Philemon catchy tunes in day to day life may attach the. Steps shall slide `` Church music and Colossians 3:16, NLT: `` the... They still didn '' t belong to a professional, I know what we ''... Seem, on account of the Testament form which 'thankfulness ' ( note, Ephesians 5:19 ) a! Τῷ θεῷ if you colossians 3:16 commentary to have a copy of this article. ] is called Turkey guiding of! And the oldest authorities read 'to God. grouped together ) who are truly seeking.! Another with all wisdom '' ( ; 2:3 ) ( 2 ) that Church... This article. ] 2:12, where the same as 3559 ; to inhabit ( figuratively ): -dwell.... And where they are also explained as weeds or vermin which spread and destroy all about them important method that! Not certain, and Timothy c our brother, participles as used for imperatives, which knowledgeable., Christ is both the conjunctions ( καί ) which appear in the preceding term though that was common enjoined. Reading the Scriptures ; meditating on what our Saviour has done and suffered for you David F.,... And let it be no stranger or occasional guest in your hearts intellect! Have the doctrine of Christ - the gospel be familiarly known by them very important method, is... With that enjoined in this clause properly ends with the bacchanalian, licentious songs Christians... Indirect, effect john Piper may 25, 2012 9.2K Shares Paul wroteto the who... 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