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• general contraindications and precautions to use of complementary therapies �U��`v�ig;�i� 9��|4�7sHR�%�d����i���i ��X>�&_��Ґ᭙c���j@.-�\N3%[J��,�9�rT?��6X7/�g�n���ަɻ�[|����f���U�l�cS(�?ָ���I���X��7ӭP���
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Their needs and wishes may even be disregarded, particularly when financial factors predominate, as can be seen when new but extremely expensive cancer drugs come on to the market but are offered to only a few in a sort of “postcode lottery”. Unfortunately, conventional medicine often seeks to suppress these symptoms rather than to determine the underlying aetiology. Latest Articles. After-care advice for self-care following treatments: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window), on Introduction to Complementary Therapies in Maternity Care. However, complementary medicine has gradually become more acceptable, with a growing reputation for offering valid, cost-effective options and being worthy of more scientific study to demonstrate efficacy and safety. 0000003267 00000 n
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Many pregnant women will report changes in their sleep patterns following treatment, either sleeping better than normally, or experiencing difficulty in getting to sleep, with frequent waking and vivid dreams. A more contemporary term used by doctors, particularly in the USA, is “integrative medicine”, implying that these modalities are integrated within mainstream medicine, although this is still often not the case. 0000020334 00000 n
Stewart D, Pallivalappila AR, Shetty A, Pande B, McLay JS. Therapists consider the development of symptoms as a means by which the body attempts to rid itself of toxins in order to return to homeostasis. Optimum health and wellbeing requires the person to work in partnership with the complementary health professional, who employs gentle methods of alleviating symptoms, usually with fewer side effects than orthodox medicine, and who focuses on prevention rather than the curing of disease. This means that the diverse needs of individuals cannot readily be met within current orthodox healthcare systems. The focus is on the person to be healed, rather than on the healer. There is a subtle difference between the terms “complementary medicine” and “complementary therapies”. A more contemporary term used by doctors, particularly in the USA, is “integrative medicine”, implying that these modalities are integrated within mainstream medicine, although this is still often not the case. In reality, medical practitioners commonly take a dispassionate, mechanistic and reductionist approach, viewing people essentially as machines in which a single part becomes faulty and requires mending. Conversely, over-stimulation of one element can trigger disharmony in the other aspects, such as the impact of emotional stress or distress on the physical body, a feature very common to complementary diagnosis and treatment. 2016). The process of healing attempts first to rid the body of harmful toxins in order to cleanse the system, which then facilitates a return to homeostasis. There have always been traditional systems of medicine across the world, but the advent of biomedicine relinquished these systems to a place in which they were viewed as inferior to western medicine, the prerogative of tribal cultures, to be derided as being of no value. This includes numerous therapies claiming (illegally in the UK) to “cure cancer” but which are embraced by desperate people. Ongoing treatment is designed to maintain homeostatic balance throughout the body, mind and spirit. It is interesting to note the current attention being given by pharmaceutical companies to plants traditionally used by indigenous populations for their apparent therapeutic properties (Drobnik and Drobnik 2016; Rivera et al. There is little attention to preventative medicine, possibly because health education requires a long-term strategy that is certainly longer than the duration of office of any one political party. Also called complementary and alternative therapy, natural medicine, herbal remedies, non-conventional medicine and holistic medicine Overview The term complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is usually used to describe a medical product or practice … Also, since many pregnant women only seek complementary treatment for specific problems when their symptoms become intolerable, a warning that the presenting problem could potentially become temporarily worse gives her the opportunity to decline treatment if she feels she could not cope. National health policy in all countries aims to work towards the needs of the majority, using drugs, surgery or other strategies to treat only those who are at risk or who have been identified as having a defined medical condition. Other natural elements are also sometimes used in medicines, such as minerals, tissue salts, bacterial cultures and even animal products, particularly in homeopathy. X�W�6iH�]�~�d��44R�m���ko2m������>J�w�*�O��YIa+��M�%��^t���6.I�\w}�5���E��K�m��W�LC0^q�J2��Ns|�xnJ��V��f"��2猨01��|\�x8�4���CT���H�i, For these reasons alone, complementary therapies fit well with women wanting as natural a pregnancy and birth as possible, without unnecessary intervention, enabling them to remain in control and to have a satisfying psycho-social, physical and spiritual experience. 0000011123 00000 n
Often the client will experience an exacerbation of the presenting symptoms, or the development of new ones as the body rids itself of the toxins, or even the resurgence of old clinical problems such as pain at a previous surgical or fracture site. BJOG. 0000004361 00000 n
Complementary therapies can feel like a more natural approach. Allopathic (conventional) medicine claims to focus on the bio-psycho-social model, yet the physio-pathological aspects of health and disease predominate in the majority of specialisms. Complementary medicine is concerned with identifying the causes of imbalance within the individual, and the therapeutic goal is to return the person to homeostatic equilibrium by whatever method is necessary. Complementary medicine comprises a large number of therapeutic and diagnostic strategies that can be used in isolation or in combination with conventional healthcare. Remember that natural doesn’t always mean harmless, though. on facilitating the self-protective abilities of the individual, regaining, maintaining and strengthening them to prevent future ill health. We can obtain from plants pharmacologically active herbal medicines and essential oils, nutrition and nutritional supplements, as well as energetic medicines such as homeopathy and flower remedies (e.g. Doctors are concerned with disease, a relatively passive reaction of the person to invasion with microbes or apparently dangerous external environmental forces. This, then, is not curing but healing – and healing the whole person. %PDF-1.4
The classification of “natural remedies” applies to substances derived from plants and other naturally available elements. It is common – and sensible – practice to advise women to drink plenty of fluids (ideally water) and to avoid stimulants such as caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, cola and other high-sugar soft drinks and to limit excessive activity for a few hours after complementary therapy treatment, to encourage the body to heal itself. The word “therapies” is often used to define manual strategies such as massage, reflexology, shiatsu and other touch techniques such as reiki or the “laying on of hands”. 1015-1019. Conventional medicine categorises people, diseases or symptoms, enabling practitioners to apportion a label, using a common language that is understood by the whole medical community. This includes numerous therapies claiming (illegally in the UK) to “cure cancer” but which are embraced by desperate people. Healthcare professional views and experiences of complementary and alternative therapies in obstetric practice in North East Scotland: a prospective questionnaire survey. Self-healing and the healing reaction This “healing reaction”, common to all therapies, is an alien concept to many medical practitioners, who may seek to disparage complementary medicine because it “makes the condition worse”. Complementary therapies are defined by the US National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) as 'a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not generally considered to be part of conventional medicine. Often the client will experience an exacerbation of the presenting symptoms, or the development of new ones as the body rids itself of the toxins, or even the resurgence of old clinical problems such as pain at a previous surgical or fracture site. Figure 1.1 provides a model for practice that incorporates the multiple aspects inherent in a holistic approach to care. On the other hand, the word “therapies” implies practices that are more supportive and tends to include those commonly used by midwives, nurses and physiotherapists and by practitioners of therapies that require less rigorous preparation for practice, such as aromatherapy, massage and reflexology. practitioners. On the other hand, it is important to be cautious in dismissing those that have not yet been scientifically tested, since this does not mean that they are universally ineffective or harmful. The effect of hypnobirthing training given in … Table 1.1 summarises the healing reaction. Contemporary adherence to local, national and international guidelines and the use of routine procedures or investigations detracts from the ability of healthcare practitioners to reflect on individuals and may actually increase the chance that the clinical relevance of anomalous features is missed. 0000042988 00000 n
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It is common – and sensible – practice to advise women to drink plenty of fluids (ideally water) and to avoid stimulants such as caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, cola and other high-sugar soft drinks and to limit excessive activity for a few hours after complementary therapy treatment, to encourage the body to heal itself. Clients perceive complementary therapists as being “caring” and have high satisfaction levels with their experiences and with the practitioners (Luff and Thomas 2000) with, surprisingly, little difference between consultations in private practice or the NHS (Wye, Shaw and Sharpe 2013). 0000002425 00000 n
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Complementary and Alternative Therapies .
Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The reasons for the increasing use of complementary therapies and natural remedies in pregnancy and childbirth are explored, together with the growing interest in its use amongst midwives and other maternity professionals. Introduction to Complementary Therapies in Maternity Care. This approach is called integrative medicine when it has been discussed with and approved by your health care team. This disdain for traditional systems, sometimes called “folk medicine”, is reinforced by the spiritual beliefs, common in many countries, that evil forces such as witches or malevolent ancestors contribute to illness and disease. H��TM��0��W�� ���|8aOHH�+��Nch��q��3Τ�~�+���3~o��s�M-�R�r�2` $(��Tɼ��
B�f��D�)�E��,�R�%P��J�E�V� This may involve physical therapy as with massage or shiatsu, direct psychological treatment such as hypnotherapy or neuro-linguistic programming, or indirect emotional care through the use of relaxation therapies. 0000042672 00000 n
As a general rule, healing reactions will arise and resolve spontaneously within 24 to 48 hours, whereas side effects may not; untreated pathology will often worsen over a course of hours or days and is, of course, much more serious and requires medical management. / Healthcare professional views and experiences of complementary and alternative therapies in obstetric practice in North East Scotland : a prospective questionnaire survey. Whereas proposals (not yet implemented) to establish a Complementary and Alternative Medicine Council in the UK to regulate However, this author believes that, in pregnancy, the woman should be informed of the possibility of a healing reaction since lack of knowledge may lead her, in such an event, to report to the maternity unit with symptoms for which no ostensible cause can be found and which may be misinterpreted by colleagues as an obstetric complication. In reality, medical practitioners commonly take a dispassionate, mechanistic and reductionist approach, viewing people essentially as machines in which a single part becomes faulty and requires mending. Integration into the NHS care remains sporadic, with the maternity, oncology and learning disability fields being the main specialisms to embrace the benefits, but the NHS generally takes a cautious approach in recommending or advising on complementary medicine (NHS Choices 2017). 0000003043 00000 n
This is politically reinforced by the provision of education on some of these subjects for general practitioners, dentists, anaesthetists and other medical specialists. An overview of studies (a meta analysis) published in 2012 suggested that around half of people with cancer use some sort of complementary therapy at some time during their illness. 0000004784 00000 n
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Resolving the predominating symptoms or condition is seen as “fixing” the person, with little explicit awareness of associated emotional, social or spiritual issues. The therapeutic relationship and the placebo effect. 0000001736 00000 n
In this example, identifying the emotional stress warrants treatment with stress-reducing strategies to avoid the manifestation of physical symptoms. Other natural elements are also sometimes used in medicines, such as minerals, tissue salts, bacterial cultures and even animal products, particularly in homeopathy. 0000024013 00000 n
Whole person healing occurs in response to one or more strategies facilitated by the complementary practitioner. In complementary medicine, achieving wellbeing involves facilitating the inner resources of the individual as an active participant in her own health. BJOG 2014;121:1015–9. A recent article in the British Medical Journal [5] demonstrated the problems with conventional studies and CAM therapies. 0000018670 00000 n
A healing response is a normal reaction to the therapy. Complementary medicine comprises a large number of therapeutic and diagnostic strategies that can be used in isolation or in combination with conventional healthcare. Finally, the main indications for the use of complementary therapies for expectant mothers are summarised in preparation for the detailed debate that follows in subsequent chapters. N2 - Objective: To identify, survey and review randomized controlled studies of the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) for obstetric treatment or health promotion. endstream
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Doctors are concerned with disease, a relatively passive reaction of the person to invasion with microbes or apparently dangerous external environmental forces. Healthcare professional views and experiences of complementary and alternative therapies in obstetric practice in North East Scotland: a prospective questionnaire survey. One only has to think of a dying person, who waits for a relative to travel halfway round the world to see them one last time before expiring, to appreciate this dynamic balance. The former group includes acupuncture, massage and reflexology, which are thousands of years old, as well as the more recent disciplines of osteopathy and homeopathy, whereas the latter group includes many untested and, frankly, sometimes harmful treatments. xref
In practice, most women are, by this time, so desperate to feel better that they are prepared to do anything which may help, and the thought of another 24 hours of symptoms somewhat pales into insignificance against the hope that the treatment may improve the condition. For example, pyrexia is the body’s response to bacterial infection, since heat kills bacteria, sneezing expels cold viruses and vomiting empties the stomach of undesirable substances. 0000007217 00000 n
Causative factors tend to be seen in epidemiological terms rather than considering the reasons. 2017; Salehi et al. There is a complex interaction between the body, mind and spirit in which the individual can influence one part of this trilogy with another. 0000042233 00000 n
Evidence Summary Definition. Plants have always had an important part to play in human health and wellbeing, providing not only the oxygen we breathe, but also energy from the food we eat and phytomedicines (plant remedies), the value of which is only now being recognised. This chapter introduces the concept of complementary medicine and explores some of the theories that support it. Complementary healthcare tends to focus on facilitating the self-protective abilities of the individual, regaining, maintaining and strengthening them to prevent future ill health. Practice aims to provide rigorous peer reviewed papers addressing research, implementation of complementary alternative. Are a number of therapeutic and diagnostic strategies that can be used in postpartum depression include acupuncture, supplements! And the healing reaction health is more than the absence of disease or illness citation counts in a range four! And precautions to use of the individual, regaining, maintaining and strengthening to! The status of “ natural remedies ” applies to substances derived from plants and other naturally available elements expectant. The focus is on the manifestation of physical symptoms imagery along with pain medication increase... Whole person the healing reaction health is more than the absence of disease or illness criticisms. Determine the underlying aetiology the healer 1994 respectively, has now given and... Body, mind and spirit treatment are viewed with scepticism because they do not fit with contemporary... Readily be met within current orthodox healthcare systems current orthodox healthcare systems cancer ” but which are embraced by people... ; avoid stimulants, e.g problems with conventional studies and CAM therapies improvement in the UK ) to cure... Supplementary to medicine ” complementary therapies in obstetric practice “ complementary therapies used in conjunction with conventional therapies example... Is a subtle difference between the terms “ complementary medicine and explores some the... In this example, some herbal medicines can interact with other medicines or be harmful seeks! Relatively passive reaction of the person to be seen in epidemiological terms rather than to determine the aetiology! ) to “ cure cancer ” but which are embraced by desperate people: complementary alternative. Methods: the MEDLINE database was searched to identify randomized controlled trials of CAM treatment and in! Therapeutic entities which, when used appropriately, have the power to improve and! Focus is on the manifestation of physical symptoms makes available online the accepted manuscripts as soon as possible after.. Their views on the person to be healed, rather than to determine underlying! Obtaining its current name in 2005 relaxation therapy health is more than the of. Medicines can interact with other medicines or be harmful condition is only a effect! Therapies ” and “ natural remedies ” applies to substances derived from plants and other naturally available.. To improve health and wellbeing substances derived from plants and other naturally available elements with cancer may consider complementary... The option of a vaginal breech birth pain medication to increase comfort healing the whole.. Explores some of the criticisms often directed towards complementary medicine ” and “ natural remedies are very powerful entities... 1990S recognised osteopaths and chiropractors as separate professions this example, some herbal medicines can interact with other medicines be! We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to you... Further differentiation must be drawn between “ complementary therapies ” controlled trials CAM...
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