Courthouse, located at 100 Centennial Mall North, Lincoln, Nebraska, was constructed in 1974. Neb.) Courthouses are located in Lincoln and Omaha. District Courts in the Following Counties are Not Included at This Time: Adams, Arthur, Blaine, Buffalo, Douglas, Grant, Hall, Keya Paha, Lancaster, Logan, McPherson, Phelps, and Webster Juvenile Case Calendars are available for the county courts and the Sarpy, Lancaster and Douglas Separate Juvenile Courts. Opposing counsel or party shall be mailed a copy of the proposed journal entry or order. These lists are pulled from records kept by the Lancaster County District Court, and are not generated by Journal Star reporters. Phone Number All evidence to be adduced during any telephone conference shall be submitted to the Court and to opposing counsel no less than five days prior to the hearing. If opposing counsel objects to the motion it shall be set for hearing as any other motion. Address or FAX number. In Lincoln County contact number: 1-308-534-4350 X 128, 129, 130. He won in the general retention on November 3, 2020.. Jacobsen was appointed by Governor Dave Heineman in October of 2011.. After December 21, 2001 (KOLN) - A former Lincoln television reporter was sentenced on charges of attempted sexual assault on Wednesday in Lancaster County District Court. Fax: 402-441-6190 or 402-441-9449. 3. 4300 (p) Thirteenth Judicial District Court; Magistrate Courts; Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court; Municipal Courts; Bernalillo County Probate Court; Placeholder; Court Administration. County offices are open. Sec. It is a 5-story steel structure with exterior finishes of white terrazzo panels on the ground level, and cut limestone as the finish for the second through fifth floors. ... Court of Appeals, district courts, and county courts. 460 Robert V. Denney Federal Building. Spousal Support or Maintenance (When ordered in conjunction with a child support order), It Should Be Noted That In Nebraska There Is A Dual Certification Process, Certification Records/Arrears Besides being the administrative officer of the court, the Clerks of the District Court are responsible for the record keeping of criminal and civil cases, and maintenance of the court's dockets and processing judgments. There are three divisions in the District of Nebraska, and we staff offices in two of those divisions, in Lincoln and Omaha. 1 … (b) A completed Financial Affidavit for Child Support signed by each party, (c) Certificates of Completion of an approved Basic Level Parenting Education Course signed by each parent, (d) An affidavit signed by a qualified mediator or specialized Alternative Dispute Resolution Facilitator approved by the Nebraska Office of Dispute Resolution setting forth facts to show both parties met for at lease one session lasting 2 hours or more in a good faith attempt to settle the issues relating to custody, parenting time, or visitation. Tuesday -Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm. Welcome to the official website for the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Nebraska. The district courts have concurrent jurisdiction in misdemeanor cases, but nearly all misdemeanor cases are tried in the county courts. 301 North Jeffers St. North Platte, NE 69101. Fifty-three district court judges serve these judicial districts. She was born and raised in Lincoln, NE, and attended Union College where she received bachelor’s degrees in both psychology and social work. Biography The district courts are Nebraska’s general jurisdiction trial courts. Court's Name: U.S. District Court of Nebraska - North Platte: Court's Address: Lincoln County Courthouse, 301 North Jeffers Street, North Platte, NE 69101: Court's Phone Number: Toll Free (866) 220-4381 or (866) 220-4379: Court's Email Address: The Nebraska Supreme Court has cleared the way for Lancaster County's first Costco-affiliated poultry operation. Robert V. Denney Federal Building 100 Centennial Mall North Room 530 Lincoln, NE 68508-3803 (a) Attorney Certificates of Providing Parenting Act Information signed by each attorney who has entered an appearance in the case or, for self-represented individuals, a verified and sworn statement from each parent that each has received and read the Nebraska Parenting Act Information brochure. All state courts operate under the administrative direction of the Supreme Court. The use of ordinary mail for notice of hearing shall constitute sufficient compliance with this rule except as may be otherwise required by statute or Supreme Court rule. (iv) Motion days shall be set for the various counties by the court. Dan B Johnson, Judge. Link: Clerk of the District Court Page Child Support Automated Phone (State): 877-631-9973 Hours Monday through Friday 8 … This means that with a few exceptions, civil and criminal cases of all types may be commenced in and tried by the district courts. District Courts are trial courts of general jurisdiction and are organized into 12 judicial districts to serve all 93 counties in the state. All state courts operate under the administrative direction of the Supreme Court. If there is no objection or if opposing counsel agrees to submit the motion without argument, the Court will review the motion without further hearing. Lincoln, NE 68508-3803 (402) 437-1900 (866) 220-4379 (402) 437-1911 (fax) Lincoln County Courthouse (North Platte court sessions will be held at the Lincoln County Courthouse) 301 North Jeffers St. North Platte, NE 69101. Real Estate and Personal Property taxes are due in the Treasurer’s Office December 1, 2020., 301 N. Jeffers St, North Platte, NE 69101, Testify to the payment process (a subpoena is necessary). Court Calendar Pursuant to General Order 2020-07 , some public court proceedings are being conducted remotely, by video teleconferencing or telephone conferencing. Name of the parties However, the judge will not hear final contested divorces, contested modification of divorce decrees, sentencings, preliminary criminal motions except arraignments, or any final contested matter unless it is assigned to that particular judge. (402) 437-1625. Phone Number 1-402-479-5095, Name Andrew Jacobsen is a judge for Seat 1 of the Nebraska District 3. The party wishing to set a motion by telephone conference shall arrange the time for the conference and shall initiate the conference call and be responsible for the expense of the call. Opposing counsel shall indicate on the motion that there is no objection to the motion, that the opposing counsel objects to the motion but agrees to submit the motion without argument, or objects to the motion. Order Limiting In-Person Courtroom Proceedings, Child Support, Arraignment & Probation Sanction Judges, Instructions on Paying Court-Ordered Child Support, Center for Advanced Land Management Information Technologies, Lancaster County Bid & Business Opportunities, Lancaster County Internal Website - Employees Only. See Andrew R Jacobsen's compensation, career history, education, & memberships. A 31-year-old North Platte man was sentenced to nearly a year in jail as he admitted violating conditions of his probation from two 2019 criminal cases. Welcome to Lincoln County District Court. if there is an objection to the proposed journal entry or order, it shall be the duty of the objecting party to contact the court and state the objection. 301 North Jeffers It shall be the duty of the counsel for the party in whose favor a judgment or decree has been entered to immediately notify the Clerk of the District Court of such judgment or decree. The party or counsel so filing shall obtain a date for the hearing at the next available motion day, or sooner if necessary. All state courts operate under the administrative direction of the Supreme Court. CASE PROGRESSION STANDARDS: In any case where the court has determined that there is a lack of sufficient prosecution under the case progression guidelines established by the Nebraska Supreme Court, or such shorter period as may be appropriate under the circumstances, the court may enter an order to show cause why the case should not be dismissed, or the court may, after notice and opportunity for a hearing, enter a dismissal of the case. Create an Account - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. Stat. If you have not used the web version of this software before, please Request Access before logging into MyInterLinc. F. MOTIONS FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT: Counsel for each party shall submit a brief in support of or in opposition to the Motion for Summary Judgment. The Constitution of the State of Nebraska distributes the judicial power of the state among the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, district courts, and county courts. It presides over divorce cases and is the appellate court for the county courts. Strong, District Courtroom 36 (PDF) Jodi L. Nelson, District Courtroom 37 (PDF) Find My Court Date. Entering the case number will show you how much is due to the court. Lincoln, NE 68508. Find 4 listings related to District Court in Lincoln on 2011-2020: Judge, Third District Court; 1990-2011: Deputy county attorney, Office of Lancaster County Attorney in Lincoln, Nebraska; Awards and associations If you are unsure who the Judge is or if your case is scheduled please contact the Clerk of the District Court's Office at 402.441.7328. The decision to grant or deny a motion for continuance rests finally with the Court. Any member of the public or media wishing to dial in and listen to a remote hearing may request information on how to do so by emailing or calling 402.661.5844. Lincoln County Offices will be closed December 24 and 25, 2020 in observance of Christmas and January 1, 2021 in observance of New Years Day. Court Calendar. Address or FAX number Jacobsen ran for re-election for the Seat 1 judge of the Nebraska District 3. Zach Worthington, 25, a … Any order of dismissal may be set aside within the term upon motion, notice, and good cause shown. There are 12 districts in the state. Court order number, Certification Record/Arrears Card Payments. In Lincoln County District Court on Monday, Joseph M. Boggs was sentenced to 364 days in both cases, and the terms will run at the same time. The Clerk of the District Court retains responsibility for records prior to December 22, 2001 and for judgments not listed in the table shown above. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with the Courts, public agencies, County officials, co-workers and the public. 1. Preliminary hearings are used in county court to determine whether there is enough evidence to establish probable cause in a felony case. District courts have jurisdiction over felonies, civil lawsuits, such as Nebraska child support and custody cases above $51,000 in value, and some appeals of disputed decisions from county courts. Lancaster County District Court Novel Coronavirus and COVID-19 Disease Orders. Mailing Address: Clerk of the District Court 575 South 10th St Lincoln, NE 68508. Please remember to Social Distance and wash your hands to reduce the spread of COVID-19. North Platte, NE 69103, 308-534-4350 ext. Required information: Name. The Third Judicial District Court is a trial court of general jurisdiction serving Lancaster County, Nebraska, which includes the city of Lincoln, as well as several surrounding townships, including: Bennet, Denton, Hickman, and Waverly. The party or counsel shall file a notice of hearing with any such pleading or motion which requires a hearing. COVID-19 POLICY . If a party chooses to answer, the answer shall be filed within twenty (20) days. Rev. The briefs shall contain a reference to the evidence submitted specifically noting the discovery response or portion of the depositions by line and page that is relied upon by that party in regard to whether or not there are material issues of fact to be decided by the trier of fact. (KOLN) - With former Nebraska state senator Kate Bolz running for U.S. Congress, Jacob Campbell and Eliot Bostar are running for her vacant seat in District 29. Minimum sentences Nebraska Supreme Court Internet Payment System. For assistance, e-mail the court or contact the court's Help Desk, available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central Time: Omaha toll free 1-866-220-4381, option 0 Lincoln … 301 N Jeffers St No file may be removed from the courthouse until the Clerk has been notified of the judgment or decree. (ii) Any party required to plead or plead further after a ruling on a special appearance, demurrer, or motion shall do so within ten (10) days. B. 30-Judge Kevin R. McManaman 31-Judge D. CONTINUANCES: Motions for continuances shall comply with Nebraska Statutes and be set for hearing prior to the original date for trial of the matter sought to be continued. The certification shall include copies of any correspondence between counsel in regard to the discovery dispute. These dates shall be binding upon all parties to the litigation unless one or more of them, by motion and upon good cause being shown, but without hearing, request that the case not be handled in the expedited manner as set out in this rule. The United States District Court for the District of Nebraska (in case citations, D. The district courts are Nebraska’s general jurisdiction trial courts. All state courts operate under the administrative direction of the Supreme Court. Deputy-in-Charge: Lisa Smith. (iii) All hearings on all motions or pleadings may be heard by telephone conference. For Divorce Information please contact Lincoln … Welcome to Lincoln County District Court. The main responsibility of the Clerk of District Court is to both protect and provide open access to the records collected and filed in our office. All such documents shall be the same as, or substantially similar to, the forms relating to divorce and parenting found on the Nebraska Judicial Branch Web site, On June 3, 2010, the Nebraska Supreme Court approved the following amendments to Rules of the District Court of the 11th Judicial District 11-4: F. CONTESTED CUSTODY CASES; COMPLIANCE WITH PARENTING ACT. Monday 9:00am – 3:00pm. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Clerk Of District Court locations in Lincoln, NE. North Platte court sessions will be held at the Lincoln County Courthouse. Health and Human Services. Neb.) It hears all felony and civil cases involving more than $10,000. If a party fails or refuses to comply with any part of this rule, the opposing party may file a motion to compel, for sanctions, or for other relief which will be scheduled for hearing by the court. C. PRETRIAL AND POST-TRIAL MOTION: (i) Unless otherwise ordered by the court, all pretrial and post-trial motions or similar filings which require a hearing shall be filed at least three days prior to the hearing. A few of these documents and records are sealed and confidential by law, but most are open to the public domain. Lincoln, NE 68508. The proposed journal entry or order shall be delivered for signature within ten (10) days. There shall be one term of court in each county. United States Bankruptcy Court DISTRICT OF NEBRASKA Honorable Thomas L. Saladino, Chief Judge - Diane L. Zech, Clerk of Court Tuesday -Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm. US District Court for the District of Nebraska. Lincoln County Offices will be closed December 24 and 25, 2020 in observance of Christmas and January 1, 2021 in observance of New Years Day. 24-734 (Reissue 1995) shall not exclude the general public except as provided by law or Supreme Court rule. North Platte, NE 69101, Mailing Address The court Thursday denied a two-part appeal of … Further, all motions for continuance shall be submitted to opposing counsel prior to any hearing. Reach us by telephone during these hours: Mondays 9:00 am – 3:00pm Tuesday thru Thursday 9:00 AM to … 7409 LANCASTER COUNTY DISTRICT COURT STAFF ATTORNEY PAGE 2 Ability to analyze data, write clear, concise legal briefs and prepare legal documents and correspondence. Name of the parties from the University of Nebraska College of Law in 1989. If you are unsure who the Judge is or if your case is scheduled please contact the Clerk of the District Court's Office at 402.441.7328. We help you with the following services: Effective December 22, 2001 the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Child Support Enforcement (CSE) is responsible for certification of child support records on all payments made after December 21, 2001. Case No. The notice of hearing may be placed on the pleading or motion itself and, in any event, is to be served on opposing parties with the pleading or motion. Live Chat; Although every effort has been made to ensure that accuracy of this information, there may be circumstances preventing the timely entry of information into the system. - Increase your productivity, customize your experience, and engage in information you care about. 30-Judge Kevin R. McManaman 31-Judge Please like Lincoln County’s Facebook page for any weather or county building updates. Court order number. No oral testimony may be adduced during any telephone conference. Fax: 402-441-6190 or 402-441-9449. Get reviews and contact details for each business including videos, opening hours and more. 308-535-3527 (f). On any motion day, each judge will hear any case regardless of to whom the case is assigned. Link: Clerk of the District Court Page Child Support Automated Phone (State): 877-631-9973 Hours Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Senior Management . No contested case which involves custody of, or parenting time or visitation with, any minor child or children may be set for final hearing by an attorney or self-represented party unless the following documents have been filed with the Clerk of the District Court: Decisions from the District Court may be appealed to the Nebraska Court of Appeals and/or to the Nebraska Supreme Court. Chambers. The Constitution of the State of Nebraska distributes the judicial power of the state among the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, district courts, and county courts. About the Courts ; Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) Human Resources; Judicial Information Division (JID) Pretrial Release and Detention Reform. Upon such notification the file may be checked out to counsel to allow preparation of the judgment or decree. The district court is a trial court of general jurisdiction. E. DISCOVERY: No motion concerning discovery will be heard by the Court unless the moving party certifies that opposing counsel has been contacted and a good faith effort has been made to resolve any dispute in regard to discovery. With eight judges and one referee, the Third Judicial District Court serves a population of over 317,000. If your search does not show any results, it does not necessarily mean that you do not have a court date. Information available at the Clerk of the District Court Office in the Nebraska county where case is located. Mailing Address: Clerk of the District Court 575 South 10th St Lincoln, NE 68508. District courts also function as appellate courts in deciding appeals from various administrative agencies and from most county court cases. LINCOLN, Neb. Lincoln, NE 471-9103 FAX Phone: 402-441-7328. District courts also function as appellate courts in deciding appeals from various administrative agencies and from most county court cases. District Judge John Colborn said: “It has been an honor and privilege to serve the citizens of the State of Nebraska as a district court judge for the last 20 years." General Information The Robert V. Denney Federal Building and U.S. This means that with a few exceptions, civil and criminal cases of all types may be commenced in and tried by the district courts. Friday 9:00am – 12:00pm. Lori A Maret 575 S 10th Street Lincoln NE 68508. Contract; Real Property; Torts - Injury; Torts - Property; Civil Rights; Prisoner Petitions; Forfeiture / Penalty; Labor; Bankruptcy; Intellectual Property; Social Security; Federal Tax Suits; Other Statutes; Immigration; Cases filed Cases 1 - 10 of 13,496 RSS Feed | View as table. The district courts have concurrent jurisdiction in misdemeanor cases, but nearly all misdemeanor cases are tried in the county courts. Preliminary hearings are used in county court to determine whether there is enough evidence to establish probable cause in a felony case. Every person entering the courthouse will be asked if they have reviewed the posted risk factors and if any apply. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for U S District Court locations in Lincoln, NE. Debra McCarthy – Clerk of District Court A. The Court may, on its own motion after hearing, overrule the motion or strike the pleading from the file for failure to comply with this rule or set the matter for hearing, upon proper notice, and/or assess sanctions, including attorney fees, against the party in violation of the rule. Phone (402) 437-1625. Andrew R Jacobsen is Judge at Nebraska District Court. These rules for the District Court of the Eleventh Judicial District shall become effective upon approval by the Supreme Court and publication in the Nebraska Advance Sheets and shall supplement the Uniform District Court Rules of Practice and Procedure adopted by the Supreme Court. The Constitution of the State of Nebraska distributes the judicial power of the state among the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, district courts, and county courts. Online incident reporting is provided for the convenience of the victim and is available for specific crime types. Each county in the State of Nebraska has a Clerk of the District Court performing the administrative duties associated with the court. Cases by Type of Lawsuit. Recipient: Hon. AUTOMATIC CASE PROGRESSION: When a civil jury case is first filed with the Clerk of the District Court, it shall be immediately given to the assigned judge. Any of the foregoing requirements may be waived by the court upon a showing of good cause and compliance with applicable rules and statutes. Phone: (402) 661-7350 The District of Nebraska is one of 94 federal court districts in the United States. In Lincoln County District Court on Monday, Joseph M. Boggs was sentenced to 364 days in both cases, and the terms will run at the same time. Dan B Johnson, Judge. The Third Judicial District Court is a trial court of general jurisdiction serving Lancaster County, Nebraska, which includes the city of Lincoln, as well as several surrounding townships, including: Bennet, Denton, Hickman, and Waverly. Address or FAX number The District Court of Lancaster County has issued a new Order regarding limiting in-person courtroom proceedings effective November 23 2020 due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. (v) The court shall be available to sign any orders, judgments, journal entries, or to consider any other matter during recess in any trial or at any other time requested by counsel. All state courts operate under the administrative direction of the Supreme Court. Prior to December 22, 2001 Information available at the Clerk of the District Court Office in the Nebraska county where case is located. Contact Health and Human Services Child Support Enforcement Statewide: 1-800-831-4573 Any such telephone proceeding held pursuant to Neb. (vi) It shall be the duty of the counsel for the side in whose favor a decision is rendered or order is made to promptly prepare a journal entry or order. Monday 9:00am – 3:00pm. Any pleading or motion that is filed without a date for hearing being set or without a notice of hearing having been obtained shall be filed by the clerk and immediately brought to the attention of the Court. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for District Court locations in Lincoln, NE. The Constitution of the State of Nebraska distributes the judicial power of the state among the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, district courts, and county courts. Nebraska Judicial Branch. Clerk of the District Court. The court will then determine whether to sign the journal entry or order or require preparation of a new one. Multi-Court Case Calendar. LINCOLN, Neb. Announcements Real Estate and Personal Property taxes are due in the Treasurer’s Office December 1, 2020. The Third Judicial District Court also serves as an appellate court in deciding appeals from certain county court cases and most state administrative agencies. The Constitution of the State of Nebraska distributes the judicial power of the state among the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, district courts, and county courts. Lincoln County Offices will be closed December 24 and 25, 2020 in observance of Christmas and January 1, 2021 in observance of New Years Day. The term shall begin on the first workday in January and end on the last workday of December. Announcements Real Estate and Personal Property taxes are due in the Treasurer’s Office December 1, 2020. First Judicial District Court; Second Judicial District Court; Third Judicial District Court; Fourth Judicial District Court; Fifth Judicial District Court; ... Lincoln County District Court 241; Alamogordo Magistrate Court 191; Court Docket 243; New Mexico Statutes & Rules 149; Records Requests 117; Magistrate Court 104; Self-Help Center 118; Phone: 402-441-7328. The U.S. District Court of Nebraska does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information; nor does it control or guarantee the on-going availability, maintenance, or security of these Internet sites. Lincoln, NE 68508. 100 Centennial Mall North. New records are published weekly on Mondays. The District Attorney heads the Lincoln Prosecutor's Office, directing the attorneys who work for the office. 2. It may also try misdemeanors, although in practice these cases usually are tried in the county courts. Find 2 listings related to Clerk Of District Court in Lincoln on Friday 9:00am – 12:00pm. Call one of the offices listed above for information about North Platte. Jacobsen received his undergraduate degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 1985 and his J.D. The United States District Court for the District of Nebraska (in case citations, D. Lincoln County Offices will be closed December 24 and 25, 2020 in observance of Christmas and January 1, 2021 in observance of New Years Day. His current term ends in 2020. Find district court in Lincoln, NE on Yellowbook. All state courts operate under the administrative direction of the Supreme Court. 4. Prior to joining the OPG, Jordan served as a social worker at the Lincoln Regional Center for 2 year. Visiting Judge, District Courtroom 30 (PDF) Andrew R. Jacobsen, District Courtroom 31 (PDF) Lori A. Maret, District Courtroom 32 (PDF) Kevin R. McManaman Courtroom 33 (PDF) Robert R. Otte, District Courtroom 34 (PDF) Darla S. Ideus, District Courtroom 35 (PDF) Susan I. The Lincoln Police Department is committed to providing quality police services that promote a safe and secure community. Reach us by telephone during these hours: Mondays 9:00 am – 3:00pm Tuesday thru Thursday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM and Friday 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. Staff. As a district court in Nebraska, the Third Judicial District Court has original jurisdiction in all felony cases, domestic relations cases, paternity cases, and equity and civil cases where the amount in controversy involves more than $52,000. : COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF AND DESIGNATION OF PLACE OF TRIAL * Proceeding under pseudonym 4:20-cv-03141 Doc # 1 Filed: 11/23/20 Page 1 of 24 - Page ID # 1. County of court order Find 5 listings related to U S District Court in Lincoln on The Lancaster County District Attorney, located in Lincoln, NE, is an agency that prosecutes criminal cases on behalf of the Lincoln government. There are some requirements and restrictions on courthouse entry pursuant to US District Court of Nebraska’s General Order 2020-10 and 2020-11 (see below). UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN DIVISION Alma*; Isabel*; Antonio*; and Daniel J. Leonard, Plaintiffs, v. Noah’s Ark Processors, LLC Defendant. Contact one of the offices listed above for additional information. The judge shall issue an order setting out the date for pleadings to be complete not inconsistent with the law, a date for completion of discovery, a date for a pretrial conference, and a proposed trial date. Name With eight judges and one referee, the Third Judicial District Court serves a population of over 317,000. United States Courthouse. Announcements Real Estate and Personal Property taxes are due in the Treasurer’s Office December 1, 2020. Before that, she was a social services specialist at a skilled nursing facility. If you don’t know your case number, you may use the Live Help option, or you can contact the District or County court in which the judgment was issued. Career. Attorney heads the Lincoln county ’ s general jurisdiction trial courts file a of. By telephone conference in October of 2011 the Lincoln county contact number: 1-308-534-4350 X,. 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