The game now included 3D-acceleration support (Direct3D), the use of proper textures instead of primitive gouraud-shading and completely redone concourse graphics. [48], In 28 ABY, the Amaxine warriors operated numerous X-wings alongside Y-wings, B-wings, and Imperial TIEs. [56][57], Zay Versio and Iden Versio both flew X-wings in a mission to Athulla. [60], Resistance X-wings mix it up with First Order TIEs in the skies of Takodana, Within hours, the First Order's learned that the droid had escaped to Takodana Castle, and initiated the Battle of Takodana in an attempt to recover BB-8 and the map. [39] Shepherd Squadron operated X-wings in the Battle of Fondor Shipyards[47], The Galactic Concordance treaty was signed in the middle of the Battle of Jakku, which marked the final surrender of the Empire. Later, Inferno Squad would fly X-wings again in a mission to Chinook Station. From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, Amara Kel's Rules for TIE Pilot Survival (Probably). [27] The Alliance used the Harbinger to break through the Siege on Tureen VII and bring relief supplies to the planet's population. This version features further enhanced graphics due to an upgrade to the X-Wing vs TIE Fighter engine. Alliance to Restore the Republic[4]Jedi Order[10]New Republic[11]Amaxine warriors[12]Resistance[3] It features one pre-painted, large-base miniature of the sleek, predatory shuttle that the First Order typically used to escort its high-ranking officers. After the announcement, known to many fans as the Great Retcon, Lucasfilm began publishing new canon material that introduced new X-wing models, including the T-70 and T-85 X-wing fighters. Most X-wings joined the Alliance fleet at a predetermined rendezvous point. Kids can role-play as Resistance hero Poe Dameron and fly into battle with this new-for-January-2020 LEGO® Star Wars™ version of the classic X-wing starfighter (75273) from Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Dameron led a force of X-wings, A-wings, and MG-100 StarFortress SF-17 bombers into battle to cover the evacuation of D'Qar. They are depicted as the primary interceptor and dogfighter of the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic. Currently an unofficial fan-made Star Wars: TIE Fighter remake is being created. The campaign ended with the destruction of an Imperial biotoxin production facility and an Alliance victory. Second Edition has been announced and will be released early at Gen Con 2018, with a wide release on September 13th, 2018. It made its theatrical debut, as the T-65B model, in Star Wars (1977) as the spacecraft piloted by Luke Skywalker and the Red Squadron when Luke destroyed the Death Star. "The versatile X-wing starfighter is the main combat craft of the Rebellion. Dameron attempted to flee in his X-wing, but the ship was damaged and subsequently destroyed. [20][21][22][23][24], X-wings would again see large-scale action against the Empire in the Battle of Vrogas Vas. In a galaxy far, far away.... 163,011 Pages. [30], Later, General Davits Draven deployed X-wings to raid Grakkus Jahibakti Tingi's safe house on Teth. Assorted Rebel starfighters exit hyperspace for an attack on Lothal. [38], In 3 ABY, numerous X-wings served as fighter escorts for the Alliance's GR-75 medium transports during the Battle of Hoth. The Rebel Alliance used the U-wing to deploy troops under the cover of darkness or into the midst of dangerous situations. [42] New Republic X-wings saw action at the Battle of Naalol and the Rebellion on Akiva, both victories for the Republic. The new starfighter was intended to become the backbone of the Imperial Navy, but political forces led to the Galactic Empire deciding to rely on Sienar Fleet Systems' more affordable TIE line. [45] The twelve X-wings of Phantom Squadron took part in the liberation of Kashyyyk, which deprived the Empire of much of its slave labor. The T-65B X-wing starfighter, also referred to simply as the X-wing, is a fighter for the New Republic in Star Wars: Squadrons. [32], X-wings also defended from Imperial forces that launched an attack on the Rebel fleet shortly before the mission to Crait. [42], Luke Skywalker flew an X-wing to undertake a mission to Pillio, where he encountered Del Meeko. Register Start a Wiki. The Resistance was able to destroy the Fulminatrix and escape the system, but the First Order tracked the fleet to the Oetchi system. TIE Fighter. 9493 X-wing Starfighter is a Star Wars set released in 2012. The X-Wing project was finished before any expansions were scheduled so Allianceis the only one of the X-wing series to have no expansion or re-enhanced remake. Legends characters, organizations, titles, creatures, sentient species, droid models, vehicles, vessels, events, weapons, and locations would still be available for authors of new canon material with the approval of the Lucasfilm Story Group. They played a major part in all battles shown in the Original Trilogy. Star Wars: X-Wing is a space simulation video game, the first of the X-Wing combat flight simulator game series. The X-Wing is the basic starfighter for the Rebel Alliance. [16], X-wings and TIEs engage in ship-to-ship combat above the surface of the Death Star, Within days of Scarif, the Empire learned that the Alliance was headquartered at Yavin 4, and deployed the Death Star to crush the Alliance. Also check out the Armada Wiki for our sister game. During the attack on Lothal at least 10 T-65B X-wing starfighters alongside BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bombers participated in the assault, but all were destroyed by the Imperial defenses. The Alliance to Restore the Republic then adopted the X-wing design as its own. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighter, BTL-A4 Y-wing assault starfighter/bombers, mission to rescue the survivors of Alderaan, Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, Darth Vader vs. the Rebel Fleet - Fearsome Fighter Pilot, Stormtroopers vs. Rebels – Soldiers of the Galactic Empire, Star Wars: Rogue One Graphic Novel Adaptation, A New Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy, Episode IV: A New Hope Read-Along Storybook and CD, The Adventures of Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight, Smuggler's Run: A Han Solo & Chewbacca Adventure, Tales from Wild Space: The Flat Mountain of Yavin, The Weapon of a Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Adventure, Choose Your Destiny: A Luke & Leia Adventure. Many Expanded Universe products also featured the X-wings and their crewmembers, including Star Wars: X-Wing, Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance, Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game, and Star Wars: X-Wing Rogue Squadron. [7], In 5 ABY, Incom-FreiTek Corporation introduced the T-70 model, which incorporated many improvements over the T-65 series. The Alliance to Restore the Republic operated T-65B X-wings as early as 1 BBY. The small but drawn-out engagement resulted in each side losing a single starfighter, and it set the stage for the Battle of Endor. The X-wing fighters were originally colored blue, but were changed to red and white because the blue color blended in with the blue-screen during filming. A T-65 X-wing piloted by Antoc Merrick attacks the Scarif Shield Gate. X-wing starfighter Star Wars: X-Wing is a space simulation video game, the first of the X-Wing combat flight simulation games series. The Empire Strikes Back: So You Want to Be a Jedi? While he had developed some skill with telekinesis, his self-doubt led to his ultimate inability to lift his waterlogged X-wing from the bog, and only with Yoda's assistance was the starfighter moved to solid ground. In the novelization of A New Hope, the X-wing squadron is called Blue Wing, and Luke Skywalker'scallsign was Blue Four. It was developed for the DOS, Macintosh, and Microsoft Windows. The X-Wing Starfighter was the primary fighter model used by the Rebel Alliance. The Mandalorian . After each player has locked in his movement decisions, the dials are revealed and ships are moved. [13] By 34 ABY, the New Republic had retired most of its T-70s in favor of the T-85s, which were even more capable than the already impressive T-70s.[9]. [53], Black Squadron was also involved in a mission to Cato Neimoidia, in which it faced off against Clone Wars–era droid starfighters. [10], Luke Skywalker, however, traveled to the Dagobah system to seek out Yoda, the former Grand Master of the Jedi Order. X-Wing was developed for LucasArts by the team which would later become Totally Games with the story created by Lawrence Holland, Edward Kilham, David Wessman and David Maxwell. Before long, a four-sided skirmish erupted over possession of Darth Atrius' lightsabers, with R2 rescuing Skywalker by bringing him the ship. On Skywalker's arrival, the entirety of the Alliance Fleet staged a large-scale assault on the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station, an under-construction Imperial battle station with even more firepower than the original Death Star. On April 25, 2014, Lucasfilm announced that the Expanded Universe would be discontinued and rebranded as "Legends" in anticipation of the upcoming Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. After each player has locked in his movement de… After Yoda's death, Skywalker departed Dagobah for the final time, en route to Sullust to rejoin the Alliance fleet. Season Two. Inferno Squad, a former Imperial special forces unit, flew X-wings against their former comrades in a skirmish on Takodana. The T-65B X-Wing returns in DICE's Star Wars Battlefront II as a Fighter unit. [44], In 5 ABY, the Empire continued to put up resistance against the New Republic's liberation of the galaxy. The X-Wing is customisable with markings for either the Red 5 or Red 6 fighters. Models At least hi attack on Lothal alongside Y-wing starfighters, but all were destroyed by the Imperial defenses. [41], X-wings fought Imperial forces at the Battle of Fondor alongside A-wings and U-wings. X-wing starfighters were a type of starfighter marked by their distinctive S-foils that resembled the High Galactic script's character "X" in attack formation. Wedge Antilles and Lando Calrissian, accompanied by a group of starfighters, led an attack run deep within the bowels of the station and fired ordnance at the reactor core, destroying the station. Fast and visceral, X-Wing puts you in the middle of fierce Star Wars firefights. Named for the distinctive shape made when its s-foils (wings) are in attack position, the X-wing was a class of starfighter used by the Rebel Alliance in their conflict with the Galactic Empire. Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. They were heavily armed with four laser cannons on the S-foils and proton torpedo launchers in the fuselage. In 1998 a bundle of X-Wing and TIE Fighter ported to Windows 95/98 was released. You are on the wiki for First Edition, which will remain available for 1.0 players. 1 Publisher's Description 2 Included Components 2.1 Ships 2.2 Pilots 2.3 Upgrades 2.3.1 Elite 2.3.2 Title 2.4 Tokens 2.5 Reference Cards 3 Additional Information Also known as the “Fang fighter,” the Protectorate starfighter was a fast and sleek Mandalorian craft custom-built for fighter combat. [51], Five Black Squadron starfighters, including four X-wings, engaged the forces of the First Order in a battle over a desert planet. Although these starfighters were all destroyed in a mission to Sibensko, the Amaxine warrior crisis resulted in the formation of the Resistance. A starfighter part of the X-Wing series created in LEGO is seen in the following sets: 7191 X-Wing Fighter 4502 X-Wing Fighter (Luke's Red on Dagobah from Episode V, 2004) 6212 X-Wing Fighter (Luke's Red 5/Wedge's Red 2 from Episode V, 2006) [14], The Alliance had at least three squadrons equipped with the T-65 series by 0 BBY. X-wings from Red Squadron, Green Squadron, and Blue Squadron and Gold Squadron engaged Imperial TIEs and attempted to destroy the Shield Gate, while the capital ships joined the Shield Gate assault and fought the Imperial Star Destroyers. The resulting skirmish in OR-Kappa-2722 led Dameron to trouble with the New Republic authorities, and Dameron defected to the Resistance shortly after. Featuring stunningly detailed and painted miniatures, X-Wing recreates exciting Star Wars space battles from small engagements of only a couple of crafts, to large conflicts where multiple squadrons clash. [18], After the Assault on Cymoon, Luke Skywalker and R2-D2 flew an X-wing to Hradreek in order to obtain credits for the Rebel war effort. — Website description . Upon the successful completion of the rescue, Skywalker returned to Dagobah, fulfilling a promise to Yoda. Star Wars: X-Wing is the first LucasArts DOS computer game set in the Star Wars universe, as well as the lead title in the X-Wing combat flight simulator game series.The player's character flies starfighters, including the eponymous X-wing, for the Rebel Alliance as part of a narrative that precedes and parallels the events of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Incom Corporation (T-65B and T-65C)[1][2]Incom-FreiTek Corporation (T-70 and T-85 models)[3] It is one of the only 2 sets to include Wedge Antilles. The result was another costly victory for the Alliance. B-class X-wing[5]Patrol X-wing[6]T-65B X-wing starfighter[1]Exterior Variant /1[6]Exterior Variant /2[6]T-65C-A2 X-wing starfighter[7]T-70 X-wing starfighter[8]T-85 X-wing starfighter[9] Due to Dagobah's thick fog, Skywalker crashed his X-wing in a swamp. During the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance used T-65B X-wing starfighters and T-65C-A2 X-wings in many battles, including the Battle of Yavin and the Battle of Endor. [40], Seventeen days after the Battle of Endor, X-wings took part in the Battle of Cawa City, which expelled Imperial forces from Sterdic IV. With its four laser cannons and proton torpedo launchers, a squadron of X-wings can easily overwhelm Imperial forces." The battle was a costly defeat for the Alliance, with Blue Squadron completely destroyed and Red Squadron suffering heavy casualties. The First Order also tracked down San Tekka and launched an attack on Tuanul, killing him and all the villagers. At some point after Snoke drew Ben Solo to the dark side of the Force, renaming him Kylo Ren,[58] he and the Knights of Ren[59] killed all of Skywalker's students and burned the Jedi temple. Luke Skywalker, a Force-sensitive Rebel pilot, fired a pair of proton torpedoes into the Death Star's thermal exhaust port, causing a chain reaction in the reactor that destroyed the entire station. Hera Syndulla, Mart Mattin, C1-10P, and R3-A3 survived being shot down, but many other pilots were killed and their astromechs destroyed.The Alliance had at least three squadrons equipped with the T-65 series by 0 BBY. Stackpole's contributions cover the adventures of a new Rogue Squadron formed by Wedge Antilles, while Allston's focus on Antilles' Wraith Squadron. To Skywalker, which will remain available for 1.0 players Lor San and! These included the Z-95 Headhunter starfighter, and Chewbacca minifigures: Beware the Power the... Select and equip your ships, pick your crew, plan your,! [ 58 ] Skywalker went into exile, and adds New game mechanics like the.! Galactic Assault maps youâll be in total control throughout the Outer Rim Territories and Imperial TIEs in a in! Slower, larger-scale space Battle with a greater focus on capital ships your opponents fear the First LucasArts game! 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