So I'm looking for advice on how to make that conversion -- to run 1/4-inch cables out of my recording interface which would then somehow be adapted to raw speaker wire to go into the spring clips on the speakers. Using crimp connectors is one of my favorite ways to connect speaker wire (or power wire, too) as a professional installer. When done properly, speakers are said to be "in phase," which means both speakers are operating the same way. Allow the wire to cool for a few moments. This should also be the case for the negative (black) terminals. I'd love to help everyone find answers to their questions & enjoy good sound. When done, make sure the terminals are nice and tight to be sure they can’t come off over time due to vibration. How to connect speaker wire to car or home speakers using crimp terminals (quick disconnects): How to connect speaker wire to car or home speakers by soldering: Never use a “twist and tape” approach to connecting speaker wire. As you can see from the instructional steps image below, there are 2 ways to get great results and only a few steps for each: using quick disconnect crimp terminals & a crimp tool or using a soldering iron and solder. Shown here are the most common speaker & speaker wire quick disconnect crimp terminal sizes. For plugs with a metal shell, re-install it over the plug. You’ll get the hang of it after a few tries. Insert the bare wire up to the insulation. Speakers have one of two different types of speaker wire terminals — spring clips and binding posts (see illustration below). Color-coded spring clips make it easy to install speakers with the correct polarity. That can let you know directly how much audio cable is likely to be necessary. Insert each side into the exposed holes. General Overview: This square terminal cup features dual spring-clip terminals that will accept pin connectors or bare wire up to 12 gauge. Spring clip connection for optimum audio quality. Right/left identification. He is also a systems administrator for an IT firm in Texas serving small businesses. Insert the twisted end of the red speaker wire into the red spring clip or binding post, and release the spring clip or tighten the nut on the binding post to hold the wire in place. If the insulation is a dark color, the stripe or dash is more likely to be white. Be aware, when your rev, and your speakers, have been in the same space. Place the connector into the crimp tool in the appropriate position in the tool, near the end of the connector. Subwoofers usually have one of two types of speaker wire terminals: spring-loaded binding posts or quick disconnect (slide connector) tabs. Strip the speaker wire using a wire stripper tool or similar for the best results. Crimp connectors, also sometimes called butt connectors, are sold in standard colors for the wire gauge sizes they can be used with. Others have a row of little sockets for you to connect wires to. I recommend stripping enough wire to leave about 3/8″ to 1/2″ wire exposed. Tighten the screw or screws firmly but do not over-tighten. I’ll explain the differences as we go. It’s extremely important to check before you get started. If a speaker wire doesn't have a two-tone color scheme, look for a single stripe or dashed lines (these usually indicate the positive end) along one of the sides. To ensure your speakers function properly, make sure that the wire leading to the positive (red) binding post is also connected to the positive terminal of your receiver or amplifier. That’s a poor connection that causes oxidation, power loss, and can even come off over time. Shape the wire ends into a curved hook style. Rotate the wire to the other side and apply the solder until all of the wire is fully saturated with solder. Then insert your wire, let go of the lever, and you are done! Be sure to insert it fully. (Note: some connectors may have 2 screws). OH well. You can crimp 2 times if you like. When speakers are out of phase, it's most often due to the these connections not being matched up correctly. [Center hole type] Twist the wire tightly and thread the wire through the screw’s center hole. I'm talking about spring clips, which look like this: Usually with spring clips you put speaker wire right in there: Now I'm wondering if anybody knows of an adapter that will go from the speaker wire into the 1/8" audio connection on my sound card, which looks like this: I've looked on … These terminals are either the spring clip or binding post type. Radio Shack sells some 2-piece "Pin" connectors that work well for spring clips. Speaker wires are most commonly found as bare, meaning that you would use a wire stripper to expose the strands at the ends. In fact, they’re exactly the same aside from being 4 or 8 ohms for their impedance (resistance) ratings. Ultimately, though, it’s a lot more convenient to have an “all-in-one” tool like a crimp tool if you’re only doing light work occasionally. There are only a few steps you’ll need to do for connecting speaker wire to subwoofers. After the soldering iron is hot, apply heat to the wire with the tip. The wire should “snap” lightly and will be cut. The most common kinds of positive wire markings are shown here as examples. He passion was home audio and theater systems. Using crimp connectors with speaker wire isn’t very hard – I promise! Otherwise it’s possible for the wire to slip out when pulled. Overview. Here are the steps you’ll need to follow: That’s it, you’re done! nothing happened i just noticed the sound seemed weird and i looked back there and it was loose and not locked down. Scissors aren’t a good choice and the wire can even get jammed inside. 99 |To look for the length for your speakers from your rev. I’ve got some other great information related to speakers, wiring, and more! Be sure not to use too much force as the tabs can get bent if they’re pushed too hard. Also, positive wires that use a “+” print can be a little hard to read sometimes, too. These terminals are also almost always color-coded for easy identification: The positive terminal (+) is typically red, while the negative terminal (-) is typically black. Insert the wire into one end firmly, pushing it into the metal contact inside. Tear 2 short pieces of electrical tape. When done, pull gently on each wire to make sure they’re in place and held properly. If this labeling is difficult to read or identify, use tape to label the ends after you know which is which for quicker identification later. You can quickly disconnect or reconnect you speakers any time since they simply plug into the jacks. Pin connectors are used only with spring clip terminals. Below you’ll find a simple diagram showing you how to splice & extend speaker wire using two of the best ways available. To strip speaker wire you can use a number of tools. Repeat for each wire needed. Hold both ends and tightly twist each end around the other until they’re completely wrapped over each other. It's worth the time to double-check that these wires are correctly connected before powering up and testing the speakers. Holding the wire and the plug, pull gently to be sure the connection is good and the wire won’t slip out. You should see either (+) or (-) symbols (and sometimes text) to indicate polarity. Determine how the wires are to be connected to the speakers. Specifically, the internal wire barrel (connector) is too big for most commonly used speaker wire gauges. Cutting speaker wire (or power wire) normally isn’t hard but you definitely need the right tool. Of the 4 shown, .110″ & .250″ are some of the most common for car and home speakers. When shopping (and especially depending on where you shop) you’ll find several different styles of banana plug connectors that work for speaker wire. Moreover, you can install your own connectors if you don't like to fumble around with bare wires. Crimp connectors, however, give great results in only minutes and this is what I use for most of my professional car & home audio jobs. For added convenience, use banana plugs instead of bare wire for the speaker connections. The banana plug inserts straight into the connector hole, while the spade connector stays secured in place once you tighten down the post. When you're measuring, leave at least 1–2 ft (0.30–0.61 m) of slack in the cable. The length of the speaker wire will depend on how far apart you want your speaker components to be. Take the banana plug with the red stripe and unscrew the bottom about half way and feed the speaker wire into the bottom of the banana plug. In my very detailed speaker wire guide I’ll show you how to connect speaker wire with great results. For side opening use, don’t remove it fully. Technically, the color or labeling of the wires doesn't matter as long as all the terminals match up. find out what size speaker wire you need. Binding posts banana plugs should only take a handful of seconds to add to the speaker wire. With a finger or thumb, push each spring clip one at a time and insert the wire into the hole (insert enough to fit well into the opening). Release the terminal and the wire will be held in place. The reason why is that common tools like regular scissors can’t cut wire properly and can even become damaged. There is a cone at the front of the plug that spreads the wires in the speaker cable out to ensure a good connection. Between the two ways, using solder is extremely reliable but takes more hassle time. [Side hole type] Fold the wire under the insulation. The main trick is to pinch only the wire’s insulation and not the wire strands themselves. Stick the speaker wire in and then tighten the connector to lock it in place (you can see the parts sandwiching together). Keep pressing the cable into the banana plug until you can’t push it any farther. You'll find a ton of great info articles under my How-To & Info menu section or try the search box above. You’re done! Simply press down on the clip, insert the speaker wire, and release. To connect the speaker wire to the back of the plate, just strip the speaker wire and solder the wire to the easily accessed terminal. So, take your time to make sure that all speakers are in-phase: positive-to-positive (red-to-red) and negative-to-negative (black-to-black). You can easily connect speaker wire to most amplifiers or receivers pretty easily. You can find a good deal from online retailers, while local stores can be a bit expensive. Broken speaker plastic connection wire clips - + I have 2 never used 4 inch three-way surround speakers. Twist the tops down and onto the wire firmly to hold it in place. Starting at the insulation and at an angle, tightly wrap the tape until it is fully covered. 10. Leave roughly 1/2″ of bare wire. [Center hole type] Shape the wire into a half-circle, with the wire tilting horizontally away from the insulation. They can be purchased separately to upgrade the tips of your speaker cables. For subwoofers, the tabs are most often two .250″ slide tabs or one .250″ and one .187″ or one .110″ like are used with smaller speakers. Hold the tool & pressure in place firmly so it cannot move. Loosen the set screw or set screw as provided. And the monitor outs on my recording interface are, of course, 1/4-inch. When done, pull gently on each wire to make sure they’re in place and held properly. To begin, follow the wire cutting & stripping steps from the first section (using crimp connectors). Rotate the knurled banana plug knob counterclockwise to open the hole on the banana plug. That’s to prevent the wire from touching each other and causing a short circuit that can permanently damage the output components in an amplifier or stereo. Jerrick Leger is a CompTIA-certified IT Specialist with more than 10 years' experience in technical support and IT fields. This is often where confusion can occur because the labeling isn't always obvious. (If the connectors are too tight, try carefully prying them with a miniature flathead screwdriver or other thin, flat tool), If your speaker wire’s too short, here’s my detailed, Unsure of the right wire gauge to use? Repeat for the 2nd or additional terminals. Twist the wire tightly. Examples of “butt” (crimp) connectors are shown here. Once heated (after a few seconds usually), apply solder enough so that it has flowed fully through the wire. Selecting Your Speaker Wire. Have questions, ideas, or feedback? Here’s how: Even though they require a bit more work than just using bare wire, banana plugs offer extra convenience once they’re in place. There’s normally no difference in how you connect speaker wire to home and car speakers. The subwoofer has a total of 4 sets of spring clips. Let’s start off by covering one of the most important topics: how to connect speaker wire together to extend for more length. The positive terminal (+) is typically red, while the negative terminal (-) is typically black. I recommend using quick-disconnect terminals as they can give an excellent & reliable connection while still being easy to use and removable later. Which is negative? Many tools like wire strippers or crimpers also have a cutting feature built-in. Of the two, the spring-loaded terminals are super easy to use, while the quick-disconnect tabs can be a bit trickier. Then squeeze very firmly. Just cut a little speaker cable and connect the 2 black and 2 red spring clips with that. 16- you will be adequate, and gauge cable is cheap. Here’s a list of the most common ways to tell which is the positive wire: Of the 5 kinds, imprints can occasionally be a little bit harder to notice so sometimes you need to look very closely under good lighting. For spring clip terminals, press down on the red (positive) or black (negative) clips and insert the speaker wire into the slot. It’s possible for a poor connection to become free and then short-circuit to the other speaker wire, causing permanent damage to the amplifier or stereo. While the terminals on the back of stereo equipment tend to be easily identified, the same cannot be said for speaker wires. These types (when the wire is connected through the side) are useful for those interested in daisy-chaining speaker connections. The wire could come out if not connected properly. Banana plug and spade connectors are used only with binding posts. Insert the wire into the small holes in the speaker wire tabs. (, Loosen the set screw, but don’t remove it fully. For car speakers, the tabs are most often a .250″ or .187″ slide tabs and one .110″. There are some great tools that are very affordable that will cut wire very well and make extending speaker wire much easier: Of the 5 listed here, I recommend and use wire cutting pliers as they’re capable of cutting a wide range of wire sizes. Note that banana plugs come in 2 main types: those with a side-mounted set screw and those with a top “tension screw” and either a top-located hole and/or side hole. Then, release the clips. Speaker terminals are typically color-coded to help you match things up correctly; connecting wiring is usually where things go wrong. If the power rating for the older speaker is one-third the max output of the newer amplifier, keep the volume lower or refrain from using the speakers to avoid damage. While you can get by with utility scissors (don’t use standard scissors used for paper or fabrics!) Once the wire is stripped you’re ready to connect it & splice using crimp connectors. One speaker brand & model may use two .187″ or .250″ tabs for example while others may use both a .250″ and a .110″. It’s usually too thick to jam into a spring type connector. Wires must be connected correctly on both the receiver or amplifier and speakers. Hold up both ends to form an “X” shape with the wire facing opposite directions. Most all stereo receivers, amplifiers, and standard speakers (i.e., ones that are able to receive signals through speaker wire connections) feature terminals on the back for connecting speaker wires. Un-screw the back and insert the copper wires up the barrel. Insert the positive speaker wire conductor (typically the side with writing or a moulded ridge), and release the clip to secure. The RCA plugs are to connect to the unit they came with, and the spring clips are at the receiver if I understand Rich correctly. The spring-loaded mechanism holds the wire in … Loosen the set screw or tension screw as provided but don’t remove it fully. You could try these though expensive Spring Clip Terminal Adaptors : Converts a spring clip terminal to accep... or better still replace the speaker terminal plate with some proper sockets that take 4mm banana plugs or spades like these Buy Speaker Connector Plates for Speaker Cabinets Most connection plates are standard sizes so you should be able to find a direct replacement - they will … You don’t have to be a tech person to do it – it’s easy to do it yourself (and save money too) once you know how. Cutting wire is easy with the correct tools. Gary Altunian was a freelance contributor to Lifewire and industry veteran in consumer electronics. The only drawback I see to making a bare wire connection to the back of the receiver is I suspect the speaker wire is very light gage. Allow to cool briefly and repeat for the other wire. Repeat the same for the other side & speaker wire. Strip the speaker wire (about 3/8″ to 1/2″ is fine) and twist the ends tightly to keep the strands in place. The positive speaker terminal (red) on the receiver or amplifier must be connected to the positive terminal on the speakers, and the same applies to the negative terminals on all the equipment. That’s because speaker wire manufacturers sometimes have different internal wire conductor sizes. I’d love to share what I’ve learned from years of audio installation experience to help you get your system up and going! I've attached a picture if you don't know what I'm talking about (If the connectors are too tight, try carefully prying them open a bit with a miniature flathead screwdriver or other thin, flat tool). Mount this keystone adapter into any keystone wall plate or patch panel. 4 output, quick release spring loaded speaker terminal. The receiver has binding posts for every other channel besides the subwoofer, there is only an RCA jack. Push down the plastic red positive spring clip on the back of the TV, exposing the connection hole. Cut & strip the speaker wire (at least 1/2″ length of bare wire is needed). Use up to 14 AWG wire on the front spring clips and 12 AWG wire on the rear. Examples of some of the best ways to cut speaker wire using tools or a pair of utility scissors. To cut wire, just insert the wire and slightly close the tool until the wire is securely held in place & can’t move. Speaker wire terminals. In most cases, a home stereo receiver or amplifier allows connecting speaker wire using the binding posts and/or banana plug jacks. [Center hole type] Push the wire into the bottom of the plug. All Rights Reserved. This is hands-down the most reliable way to extend & splice speaker as when done properly soldered wire is extremely strong and is permanent. Some speakers come with wire sticking out of a hole in the back of the cabinet. 11. Note that some speakers are bi-wire capable, which means the red and black terminals come in pairs for a total of four connections. Although red is listed as fitting 18 AWG wire, I’ve been using blue butt connectors with 18 AWG speaker wire for years without problems. It’s important to fully cover the wire once you’re done. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to For soldering, you’ll need a minimum of 1/2″ to be able to twist the wire together. The spring loaded plastic connection tab on the back of the speaker broke off. Repeat for each wire needed. Features. Make use of a tape measure or chain. Obviously, this is something that is best avoided, because swapping the positive and negative signals can seriously affect system performance. For connectors with metal shells, you’ll need to remove them first in many cases. It's good to twist the bare wire strands tightly so that they stay together as a neat single twisted wire, no matter if your equipment uses spring clips or binding posts. Accepts up to 12 gauge wire. Loosen the binding post twist tops enough to expose the wire hole. These tend to be spring-loaded, where compressing the connector between … A soldering iron can be bought for about $7-$10. Steps for connecting speaker wire to binding post terminals on subwoofers: Steps for connecting speaker wire to quick-disconnect terminals on subwoofers: You’re done! It should match a row of sockets on the back of your amplifier which looks something like this: i took it out and took the spring out and repositioned it and it looks like part of the plastic switch broke off. Hold the speaker and carefully slide the crimp terminals onto each tab. How to connect speaker wire to car or home speakers and car/home amplifiers & stereos, Extending speaker wire (splicing and connecting to other wire), A printed line or series of dashes/lines is on the positive wire, One wire’s insulation is red or a different color than the negative wire (most often red is used), One wire has a copper color and one has a silver finish, The positive wire may have small positive (“+”) symbols and/or wire gauge info printed on it, An imprint or molded stripe is made in the positive wire’s insulation, When done properly, it’s very reliable and the wire won’t come apart, Not affected by temperature changes & time both at home, on a boat, or for car audio, Crimp tools & connectors are widely available and are affordable, Automatic wire strippers with a cutter section, Crimper/stripper tool with cutting feature, Utility scissors – works ok for smaller gauges, not larger. It’s fairly fast and gives professional results with very little hassle or work. I look forward to your suggestions for how I can make my article more helpful to everyone. Strip the wire and leave about 1/2″ of bare wire on each end. I recommend standard wire a standard low-priced wire stripper/crimper (shown above) or similar. Twist the wire tightly by hand to keep the wire strands together. If you’re inserting wire through the center hole you can remove it if you like. [Center hole type] Tighten the tension screw down onto the wire. how to properly wire dual voice coil subwoofers. Despite some of these banana plugs being more expensive than others, nearly all work very well so there’s no reason to pay too much. Dimensions: • Outer dimensions: 2-3/4" W x 15/16" H • Cutout required: 3/4" H x 2" W • Connectors accept 0.205" female disconnect terminals. I recommend this way of connecting wire to nearly everyone. I recommend trying that as since the internal opening is a bit bigger you can be sure they’ll fit with various types of speaker wire. Release the spring clip to hold the wire in place. Examples are: Of course, other issues can create similar sound problems, but incorrect speaker phase is one of the most common mistakes made when setting up a stereo system. The positive speaker terminal (red) on the receiver or amplifier must be connected to the positive terminal on the speakers, and the same applies to the negative terminals on all the equipment. After a few moments, begin applying solder until it flows and covers the hole, wire, and tab near the speaker wire. Have a look and. Measure enough speaker wire to go from your receiver to your speaker. For typical speaker wire like 18 gauge, the wire cutting feature on many other tools works fine. I'm a car audio fanatic and degreed electrical engineer. If you catch the wire inside by squeezing a stripper too hard you’ll likely break off of the wire strands. For crimp connectors, 3/8″ or more should be fine. Female disconnect connectors, or commonly known as fast-on crimp connectors, are built on the rear and can accept up to 16 AWG to provide high fidelity sound by allowing for connection to high wattage speakers. Pull the wire. Tighten the tension screw carefully. Spring clip terminals are one of the simplest and most common types of speaker wire terminals and they’re found nearly everywhere: speaker boxes, amplifiers, stereos, and more. Tightly twist the wire so it can be pushed into the connector properly. Most fall into one of 2 basic categories: those that use a set screw or those that have a binding post style. While soldering gives a high quality and permanent connection, it takes more time & effort. The negative tab is broken on each speaker. Yea, it might help to strip a bit more than typical. This is where you plug-in the positive and negative wire. The insulation could break off and the exposed wire should remain. Spring clips are very easy to work with. First off, I rescue and restore vintage audio Many of the pieces use spring clips to attach speaker wire. Of the 4 shown, .110″ & .250″ are some of the most common for small speakers. Wires must be connected correctly on both the receiver or amplifier and speakers. Shown here are the most common speaker & speaker wire quick disconnect crimp terminal sizes. Here are the steps for connecting to a receiver with banana plugs: Shown: Examples of some of the most common banana plug speaker wire connectors you’ll find for sale today. Push the banana plugs into the jacks firmly. All in all, you’ll need about 10-15 minutes to do this work with a soldering iron vs about 1-3 minutes with crimp connectors. Side hole types are basically a binding post style. I recently got an old set of speakers, and am hooking them up to a Yamaha HTR-4065 receiver. However, nearly all work basically the same and fall under one of 2 categories: The most important thing to know is how to use them with smaller wire as some of the most common wire gauges (like 18AWG wire) don’t fit correctly inside them if not done right. Insert the wire into the connector carefully, making sure it fits under the screw. Get the correct sized quick disconnect crimp terminals needed. How To Connect Speaker Wire – A Detailed Guide For Everyone. Push one of the terminals to open the hole. [Side hole type] Insert the wire into the opening carefully, making sure it fits under the screw. It may not damage any components, but you will most likely hear the difference in output. Which speaker wire is positive? Despite not fitting inside the plugs perfectly, you can use 18AWG and other sizes of speaker wire reliably and without pulling your hair out in frustration! Repeat this process with the black clip and the negative speaker wire, for both speaker outputs. If your wire has light-colored insulation, this stripe or dash may be dark. If you're ever unsure and need to double-check (especially if you have a jumble of wires), you can quickly test the speaker wire connection by using a basic AA or AAA battery. The spring-clips are color-coded for positive and negative terminals. These systems are either biwired or biamped: Biwired: Two sets of speaker wire connect to the same output on the receiver or power amplifier, and you plug them into two sets of terminals on the speaker itself. They’re sold based on the wire gauge they can be used with. 99% of the time, figuring out which wire is positive is really easy once you know what to look for. To open a spring clip, press down on the lever until the clip opens. You can also find speaker wire with its own connectors, which can facilitate connections as well as help quickly identify polarity if they're color-coded. Insert the wires one at a time up to (but not including) the insulation. These pins are firm and easy to insert. Very thin, lean-sounding bass, poor subwoofer performance, or both, A general sense that the system just doesn't sound right. Welcome! RCA Speaker Wire, Speaker Bare Cable to RCA Plug, Gold Plated RCA Connector High Level Audio Cable Open End for Amplifiers and Subwoofer - DIY, 2 M 4.3 out of 5 stars 32 $12.99 $ 12 . With spring clip or binding post style old set of speakers, the or. For about $ 7- $ 10 only the wire and leave about to... Impedance ( resistance ) ratings can even become damaged turning them counter-clockwise tend. Ll show you how to splice & extend speaker wire terminals — spring clips with.. Cool for a total of 4 sets of spring clips, for both this way of connecting to. Of 2 basic categories: those that have a row of little sockets for you to connect speaker using! Heat with a hot soldering iron is hot, apply solder enough so that it has fully! That use a set screw, but i prefer not to use too much force the... 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