The Emerald Mile Quotes Showing 1-30 of 30 “if there is a point to being in the canyon, it is not to rush but to linger, suspended in a blue-and-amber haze of in-between-ness, for as long as one possibly can. “The canyon and her dories embody and elusive riddle. The goal was to nail the all-time record for the fastest boat ever propelled - by oar, by motor, or by the grace of God himself - down the entire length of the Colorado River from Lee's Ferry to Lake Mead. The Emerald Mile is so much more than the epic tale of the 1983 dory speed run through the Grand Canyon, though that adventure is brilliantly told. View all copies of this book. HardCover by Kevin Fedarko The rich history of the events leading up to the story of the Emerald Mile can be a lot to digest, but when eloquently presented, the reader can come to appreciate the beauty of the important background. I believe “ The Emerald Mile” by Kevin Fedarko is a well written and thought provoking book because it explains both the stories of the river running guides of the Colorado River and the engineers of the Glen Canyon Dam in the dilemma of 1983 in the Grand Canyon, with descriptive information from the both ends of the spectrum. Author: Edward Abbey, John Blaustein (Photographer), Martin Litton (Introduction) Paperback Jul 2015. From directly above, the air-tour industry has succeeded in scuttling all efforts to dial it back, most recently through the intervention of Arizona’s senators, John Kyl and John McCain, and is continuing to destroy one of the canyon’s greatest treasures, which is its silence. This was the muffled resonance of a runaway river, the sub-audible bell-tone of water surging with ungovernable force into the throat of the canyon. . The Emerald Mile: Fedarko, Kevin: Books. He believed that whatever was false and ephemeral would be exposed for what it was when set against that mass of geology and light. Where did you come from? Compare Prices. The Emerald Mile: The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through the Heart of the Grand Canyon by Kevin Fedarko, 9781439159866, available at … Fedarko earned a Masters of Philosophy in Russian history at Oxford in 1990. “if there is a point to being in the canyon, it is not to rush but to linger, suspended in a blue-and-amber haze of in-between-ness, for as long as one possibly can. On”, “Out there in the middle of the maelstrom the Eater awaits, heaving and gulping, its mouth like a giant clam’s . His descriptions brought every scene to life for me - even when (or especially when) he goes off on a lyrical tangent - e.g., "... And peeking over the cliffs like a Chinese lantern was a swollen, yellow globe that draped the folds of the surrounding plateau in moonbeams..." sigh. That is not at all accurate. —KENNETH GRAHAME, The Wind in the Willows”, “But what made Litton’s ideas even stranger—and so at odds with prevailing sentiment—was the depth of his rage. The book also touches on the beginnings of conservationism in America. It appealed to two of my interests: engineering, with its descriptions of how the personnel at the Glen Canyon Dam dealt with the huge water inflows from the El Nino event and the damage caused to the spillways, and whitewater rafting, with its descriptions of the fastest ride and how rafting companies, their customers, and the river rangers dealt with the dang. Expecting a mild adventure read, I ordered this book based on some comments in the Outside book club Facebook group. Unlike the record-chasing canyon run recounted in, WOW, best book I've read this year (Of course, it is only Jan. 12th). Glen embodied the glittering inspiration and the tenacious drive of the American century—a spirit that in other contexts had been responsible for harnessing the atom and putting men on the moon. —WALLACE STEGNER”, “The tempestuous stretch of river below that dam, however, represents something no less central to the national ethos: the fact that another aspect of our character as a people derives from an extended encounter with wilderness.”, “He then offered one of the most infamous pronouncements that has ever been made about the Grand Canyon: Ours has been the first, and will doubtless be the last, party of whites to visit this profitless locality. An informative, compelling, amusing, lyrical and, yes, even spiritual narrative on the magnetic attraction of one of the most perfectly beautiful works of nature on this planet...and a cautionary warning of the risks to which it is even now, more perhaps than ever, exposed. It was an amazing trip that I hope everyone has an opportunity to experience. I would have rated it higher if the first part of the book weren’t so slow. "Illegal, Wrong Headed and Glorious." In addition to his travel narratives in Outside, where he worked as a senior editor, Fedarko’s work has appeared in Esquire, National Geographic Adventure, and other publications, and has been anthologized in The Best American Travel Writing in 2004 and 2006. This is almost a perfect book... it combines the story of an event (a speed-run through the Grand Canyon in a dory) and backstory, both near and old in an extremely readable way. I learned so much about the history of the Colorado River and the Grand Canyon, the historical and modern day explorers, and more than I ever thought I would know about dam construction and river hydraulics. Once the book was talking about present day activities the pace picked up and the writing style became more casual. The Emerald Mile The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through the Heart of the Grand Canyon (Book) : Fedarko, Kevin : The epic story of the fastest boat ride in history, on a hand-built dory named the "Emerald Mile, " through the heart of the Grand Canyon on the Colorado river. Kevin Fedarko lives in northern New Mexico and works as a part-time river guide in Grand Canyon National Park. Best Sellers. Hello Select your address All Hello, Sign in. Much to my surprise, The Emerald Mile became one of the best books I've ever listened to. Just”, “Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing—absolutely nothing—half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats. I think this is his first, and only, book. I was in the mood for a fast-paced, non-fiction, tale of daring-do, and instead got a masterwork in conservation-minded natural history ending in a quick tale of individuals engaged in an illega. Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. What makes the book so compelling is the broader narrative - this is not so much a book about a rafting trip it is a book about the Grand Canyon and America's relationship to wilderness. This past August 2018, I had the great privilege to take a 5 day journey down the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. This book started out slowly, and I found some of the flowery prose to be ponderous, but the second half was much better than the first. Kevin Fedarko lives in northern New Mexico and works as a part-time river guide in Grand Canyon National Park. By dint of his own experiences as a refugee and a wanderer, Petschek found the notion to be strangely naive and immature—especially here at the bottom of a chasm whose ramparts offered such irrefutable testimony not only to the smallness of human affairs but also to the universe’s implacable indifference to those hopes and longings.”, “Three generations later, viewed from the standpoint of the digital age, a structure such as Hoover can appear to suffer from a kind of vulgarity of size—a thing so enormous and monolithic as to seem preindustrial, almost primitive. The Emerald Mile: The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through the Heart of the Grand Canyon Like everyone else who had known the river during that era of innocence, Thomas mourned its passing and privately grieved that it would never return. It paints a picture of the complicated feats of engineering that are the dams and of the powerful geologic forces that created the canyon itself. Well I finally finished The Emerald Mile and gave it the extremely rare, for me, five star rating. I knew almost nothing about the Grand Canyon or the Colorado River watershed when I picked up this book, now I’m swimming in information and loving it! Impressively well-researched and very well-written. Hardcover May 2013. We have an unknown distance yet to run; an unknown river yet to explore. Paperback Jul 2014. Overall I really enjoyed the book. The Emerald Mile is a pointe conservation essay cleverly disguised as an adventure book. No”, “Among many other things, those dirtbag river runners uphold the virtue of disobedience: the principle that in a free society, defiance for its own sake sometimes carries value and meaning, if only because power in all of its forms—commercial, governmental, and moral—should not always and without question be handed what it demands. The depictions of The Grand Canyon and the river running experience are stunning. The Emerald Mile is so much more than the epic tale of the 1983 dory speed run through the Grand Canyon, though that adventure is brilliantly told. To the engineers and the technicians who belonged to the world of the dam, Glen was no dead monolith but, rather, a living and breathing thing, a creature that pulsed with energy and dynamism. Slept under the stars every night and cruised, swam and hiked during the day. They did not know how many turns the river would make, how many rapids there might be, or whether their supplies would sustain them through the time it would take to negotiate these obstacles. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics. Having only read an excerpt in Outside magazine a few months ago, I thought the book would be entirely about the story of the speed run of the Emerald Mile; it was so much more. But once I started reading I was enamored by the stories of the history of the canyon and those that experienced and changed it over the years. Can an adventure story be as beautiful as it is heart-stopping and exciting? Few rivers on earth can match such manic swings from benign trickle to insane torrent. Without quite realizing it, he was emerging as a ferocious and rather prescient expositor of a white-hot, no-surrender brand of environmental purism: the unyielding, unapologetic (and, his critics would later charge, unreasonable) defense of wilderness. 05 Sep 13. His writing style was just beautiful! His 2013 release, The Emerald Mile: The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through the Heart of the Grand Canyon, won a NOBA- a National Outdoor Book Award. . This is a fantastic combination of storytelling and research. Buy The Emerald Mile: The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through the Heart of the Grand Canyo: Written by Kevin Fedarko, 2014 Edition, (Reprint) Publisher: Scribner Book Company [Paperback] by Kevin Fedarko (ISBN: 8601417197165) from Amazon's Book Store. And they had no way of knowing that their most serious challenges lay ahead. This one is, and Fedarko's book is as inspiring as a dory itself, flying down a wild river. From BookOutlet (Thorold, ON, Canada) Seller Rating: Available From More Booksellers. Fedarko's first book, The Emerald Mile: The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through the Heart of the Grand Canyon, won the National Outdoor Book Award and the Reading the West Award, and was a New York Times bestseller. Author (s): Kevin Fedarko (Goodreads Author) ISBN: 1439159858 (ISBN13: 9781439159859) The Emerald Mile: The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through the Heart of the Grand Canyon (9781439159859) by Fedarko, Kevin and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices. Read more about our Walkthrough Library experience. List Price: $30.00. The Emerald Mile, at one time slated to be destroyed, was rescued and brought back to life by Kenton Grua, the man at the oars, who intended to use this flood as a kind of hydraulic sling-shot. The Emerald Mile: The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through the Heart of the Grand Canyon by Kevin Fedarko Everyone I know who has read this book has loved it, no exceptions. 1 talking about this. . Recommended! First, high praise for Kevin Fedarko! The Emerald Mile: Best Adventure Book Ever? Kevin Fedarko’s superb book presents the Grand Canyon in a way most people will never see it – from the bottom up, with a strong emphasis on the river that carved the Canyon’s unique features and which provides the most accessible route for the much smaller number of tourists l. Almost five million people visit Grand Canyon National Park annually. The goal was to nail the all-time record for the fastest boat ever propelled--by oar, by motor, or by the grace of God himself--down the entire length of the Colorado River from Lee's Ferry to Lake Mead. That”, “And to say that the citizens of those rival domains did not always see eye to eye was a bit of an understatement, because each represented the antithesis of the other’s deepest values. "The Emerald Mile is the rarest of creations-a magical convergence of words and paper, wood and water, rock and sky, human character and cosmic caprice. Kevin Fedarko’s book The Emerald Mile was first published in the summer of 2013 and became an instant hit with river rats and water geeks alike. The saga of “The Emerald Mile” is a thrilling adventure, as well as a magisterial portrait of the hidden kingdom of white water at the bottom of the greatest river canyon on earth. This was a trip of a lifetime for this decidedly no camping, I need to sleep in a bed at night, no discomfort, but adventurous soul, middle-aged lady. I didn’t expect it to be so dense looking! Yet one only need page through the dam’s elegant blueprints to realize that this is a machine that, in its own way, is as sophisticated as a Boeing 747—a marvel of engineering, of mathematics, of human thinking, of vision, and, yes, of art. He juxtaposes the Glen Canyon Dam engineers' race to avoid catastrophic failures during the huge 1983 spring runoff with what was happen. This one is, and Fedarko’s book is as … It is our cathedral in the desert, and the word our is key because although the canyon belongs to the entire world, we, as Americans, belong particularly to it.”, “He rowed them past the last of the stars. It was an. ... Fedarko will have you posied on the edge of your seat like a high-sider at in Lava Falls. The book provided the exploration history of the Grand Canyon, and while interesting, was a struggle to read through. Not only does the book cover the fastest ride through the Grand Canyon, it also brings to life the explorers who visited and challenged the Canyon over the centuries. Some really amazing feats described in this book. Among many other things, those dirtbag river runners uphold the virtue of disobedience: the principle that in a free society, defiance for its own sake sometimes carries value and meaning, if only because power in all of its forms—commercial, governmental, and moral—should not always and without question be handed what it demands.”, National Outdoor Book Award for History/Biography (2013), PEN/ESPN Award for Literary Sports Writing Nominee for Shortlist (2014), National Outdoor Book Award winners, selected titles, Angie Thomas Invites Readers to a Carter Family Reunion with 'Concrete Rose'. Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Plot Summary of “The Emerald Mile” by Kevin Fedarko. So great! May 7th 2013 The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through the Heart of the Grand Canyon This book started out slowly, and I found some of the flowery prose to be ponderous, but the second half was much better than the first. Footage from Challenge At Glen Canyon is in the public domaine. Slept under the stars every night and cruised, swam and hiked during the day. Kenton Grua in the 2000s. He rowed them straight into and beyond the break of day. Well-told, deeply-researched, engaging to read book. The Emerald Mile Summary. Browse Recommendations; Choice Awards; Genres; Giveaways; New Releases Quotes By Kevin Fedarko. There is a section of the book toward the end that is, but the majority of it is quite the opposite. Among many other things, those dirtbag river runners uphold the virtue of disobedience: the principle that in a free society, defiance for its own sake sometimes carries value and meaning, if only because power in all of its forms—commercial, governmental, and moral—should not always and without question be handed what it demands.”, “The English novelist J. There is also a lot of information about dams and the environmental aspect of building them. While some visitors undertake back-country hikes, most people are content to enjoy the views from the South Rim, and do not venture much below the rim. By dint of his own experiences as a refugee and a wanderer, Petschek found the notion to be strangely naive and immature—especially here at the bottom of a chasm whose ramparts offered such irrefutable testimony not only to the smallness of human affairs but also to the universe’s implacable indifference to those hopes and longings. I loved every minute of the book. To”, “And Petschek had asked—because he was genuinely puzzled by this—why so many people, Americans especially, seemed to feel that happiness was an entitlement. At first it just seems like it's about some dudes trying to break a speed record for running a river, but it turns out to be a history of the Colorado River, the Grand Canyon, the Glen Canyon dam, conservation ... and then the adventure aspect of running the Colorado in flood stage. —EDWARD ABBEY”, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. Published by Scribner Book Company, 2013. So great! Refresh and try again. In the midst of this crisis, the decision to launch a small wooden dory named "The Emerald Mile" at the head of the Grand Canyon, just fifteen miles downstream from the Glen Canyon Dam, seemed not just odd, but downright suicidal. The Emerald Mile, at one time slated to be destroyed, was rescued and brought back to life by Kenton Grua, the man at the oars, who intended to use this flood as a kind of hydraulic sling-shot. Compare Prices. In truth, no one who had tasted those liberties could look back on that time with anything other than a deep sense of longing. Just”, “And Petschek had asked—because he was genuinely puzzled by this—why so many people, Americans especially, seemed to feel that happiness was an entitlement. Fastest trip ever through Grand Canyon Jump to media player The BBC talks to the author of The Emerald Mile which chronicles the fastest ever boat trip through the Grand Canyon. The Emerald Mile, at one time slated to be destroyed, was rescued and brought back to life by Kenton Grua, the man at the oars, who intended to use this flood as a kind of hydraulic sling-shot. The Devil’s Spittoon. The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through the Heart of the Grand Canyon To float, to drift, savoring the pulse of the river on its odyssey through the canyon, and above all, to postpone the unwelcome and distinctly unpleasant moment when one is forced to reemerge and reenter the world beyond the rim-that is the paramount goal.”, “But they have preserved an aspect of the American persona that is uniquely vital to the health of this republic. Fascinating story. Error rating book. But once I started reading I was enamored by the stories of the history of the canyon and those that experienced and changed it over the years. Forever Eddy. At age 12, Grua was enthralled by a whitewater rafting trip taken with his father on the Green River, a tributary of the Colorado River. What a life it would have been to be a guide on the Colorado in th. Almost five million people visit Grand Canyon National Park annually. It's a story about how the El Nino event and the inherent wildness of the Colorado River fought against man's attempts to tame the river and almost won, almost causing a huge disaster. 1 talking about this. The Emerald Mile The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through the Heart of the Grand Canyon (Book) : Fedarko, Kevin : The epic story of the fastest boat ride in history, on a hand-built dory named the "Emerald Mile," through the heart of the Grand Canyon on the Colorado river. Refresh and try again. His descriptions brought every scene to life for me - even when (or especially when) he goes off on a lyrical tangent - e.g., "... And peeking over the cliffs like a Chinese lantern was a swollen, yellow globe that draped the folds of the surrounding plat. In the midst of this crisis, beneath the light of a full moon, a trio of river guides secretly launched a small, hand-built wooden boat, a dory named the “Emerald Mile”, into the Colorado just below the dam’s base and rocketed toward the dark chasm downstream, where the torrents of water released by the dam engineers had created a rock-walled maelstrom so powerful it shifted giant boulders and … It may not be much of an overstatement to say that, along with splitting the atom and sending the Voyager spacecraft beyond the solar system, Hoover is the most remarkable thing this country has ever pulled off. Start by marking “The Emerald Mile: The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through the Heart of the Grand Canyon” as Want to Read: Error rating book. Not only does the book cover the fastest ride through the Grand Canyon, it also brings to life the explorers who visited and challenged the Canyon over the centuries. “Beyond the rapids themselves, the river also concealed a host of other obstacles, wicked spots whose names offered a sufficiently graphic warning of what they would do to you if you let them. The frequency of that vibration was impossible for the ear to pick up, but it registered unmistakably on the hairs of the forearms, the wall of the chest, and deep in the belly. The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through the Heart of the Grand Canyon. Yet the truth, like an eddy, runs in the opposite direction. Powell wasn’t overstating their ignorance. Excepting when the melting snows send their annual torrents through the avenues to the Colorado, conveying with them sound and motion, these dismal abysses, and the arid table-lands that enclose them, are left as they have been for ages, in unbroken solitude and silence. . Info/Buy Search for Another Book. Ok, if you have an issue with whitewater, don't read this before going on a Colorado River trip. Priestley was British, but he had placed his finger on an abiding American truth: the notion that the canyon stands as one of our most important touchstones—a kind of roofless tabernacle whose significance is both natural and national. Info/Buy. In addition to his travel narratives in Outside, where he worked as a senior editor, Fedarko’s work has appeared in Esquire, National Geographic Adventure, and other publications, and has been anthologized in The Best … its mind a frenzy of beige-colored rapid foam. Kenton Grua was born and raised in Vernal, Utah. Kevin Fedarko lives in northern New Mexico and works as a part-time river guide in Grand Canyon National Park. —NORMAN MAILER”, “Historians often minimize or discount the impact that any one individual can have on human destiny-and for good reason. B. Priestley once said that if he were an American, he would make the final test of whatever men chose to do in art, business, or politics a comparison with the Grand Canyon. Less than a sixth of the book told the "epic story" while the remainder described the grand canyon, its history, its dams, the politics behind the dams, and a variety of stories of other river rafters. This was one of the most beautifully written books I've read in a long time. . I would have rated it higher except for the fact that the first 100 pages were a struggle. From one of Outside magazine’s “Literary All-Stars” comes the thrilling true tale of the fastest boat ride ever, down the entire length of the Colorado River and through the Grand Canyon, during the legendary flood of 1983. Which is why part of him sometimes rebelled at the very restrictions he sought to enforce, if only because rules—even rules that were universally accepted as necessary and good—seemed to cut so directly against the spirit that the river had once embodied. The Emerald Mile Fedarko, Kevin. New / Hardcover / Quantity available: 0. As the snowmelt cascades off those summits during the spring and spills toward the Sea of Cortés, the water drops more than two and a half miles. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. To Kenton Grua and the river folk who inhabited the world of the canyon, however, the dam was an offense against nature. With the melt-out in late May and early June, however, the river’s flow can undergo spectacular bursts of change. The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through the Heart of the Grand Canyon. For the son of a dory boatman from the Golden Age of Guiding it was a joy and vindication to read of the superheroes of my childhood in print. The Emerald Mile, at one time slated to be destroyed, was rescued and brought back to life by Kenton Grua, the man at the oars, who intended to use this flood as a kind of hydraulic sling-shot. I learned so much about the history of the Colorado River and the Grand Canyon, the historical and modern day explorers, and more than I ever thought I would know about dam construction and river hydraulics. We need wilderness preserved—as much of it as is still left, and as many kinds—because it was the challenge against which our character as a people was formed. —ROBERT FROST”, “From every direction, the place is under assault—and unlike in the past, the adversary is not concentrated in a single force, such as the Bureau of Reclamation, but takes the form of separate outfits conducting smaller attacks that are, in many ways, far more insidious. I have spent two years reading the Donald Worster A RIVVER RUNNING WEST, the Live of John Wesley Powell and am just now half-way through. Author Kevin Fedarko, a former senior editor for Outside Magazine and part-time river guide, has delivered us one of the best adventure books of our time. A horrifying uproar, all things considered. The Emerald Mile from Dymocks online bookstore. Despite lots of friends recommending this book, it took me a while to get to it. He lives and works in Flagstaff, Arizona. The book was well-written, informative, well-structured, and interesting, but it was not as advertised. Here’s our review. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published Welcome back. When it comes to saving wilderness, we cannot be extreme enough.” In”, The Emerald Mile: The Epic Story of the Fastest Ride in History Through the Heart of the Grand Canyon. My GoodReads review "Wow, just wow. This book had a lot more to it than I expected. For all these reasons, Hoover is regarded by many civil engineers as one of America’s most impressive achievements. Kenton Grua and Georgie White, first professional river guide. Check out The Emerald Mile by ReJoin The Team on Amazon Music. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this book. The book provided the exploration history of the Grand Canyon, and while interesting, was a struggle to read through. This means that the bulk of the Colorado’s discharge tends to come down in one headlong rush. Like fascist architecture, that soaring wall of concrete, for all its Art Deco adornments, can strike the postmodern eye as embarrassingly elephantine and childishly simplistic. In the midst of this crisis, the decision to launch a smallwooden dory named the Emerald Mile at the head of the Grand Canyon, justfifteen miles downstream from the Glen Canyon Dam, seemed not just odd butdownright suicidal.The Emerald Mile, at one time slated to be destroyed, wasrescued and brought back to life by Kenton Grua, the man at the oars, whointended to use this flood as a kind of hydraulic … We spent the past year living on the road full time and exploring all of the National Parks in the lower 48 states (you can watch our videos from the trip below). I would have rated it higher except for the fact that the first 100 pages were a struggle. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. This is a great book about an epic adventure through the Grand Canyon. Each winter, storms lumbering across the Great Basin build up a thick snowpack along the crest of the mountains that line the perimeter of this plateau—an immense, sickle-shaped curve of peaks whose summits exceed fourteen thousand feet. I highly recommend this to anyone interested in the outdoors or natural history. Kevin Fedarko is a painter - he just uses words instead of paint. "The Emerald Mile is the rarest of creations–a magical convergence of words and paper, wood and water, rock and sky, human character and cosmic caprice. Right angle, you could detect a faint thrum, a kind basal! Book by endless the emerald mile goodreads based on some comments in the Grand Canyon National annually... America ’ s most impressive achievements but it was the trip of lifetime. —Edward Abbey ”, “ life is either a daring adventure or nothing at.... To run ; an unknown river yet to run ; an unknown river yet to explore th... 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