We respect the individual choices that students make for career paths. This procedure will be applied to break all ties. It is the policy of Eastern Connecticut State University to ensure equal access to its events. Need a break from cramming math formulas, memorizing enzymes, or feverishly writing (in French!) 150+ Fitness Partners Already Industry Leader! We submit claims for services in a timely manner. This network requires you to login through their portal, and you will be redirected there in 4 seconds or. How do I handle the findings of my work to ensure confidentiality when appropriate? Administrative postponements or cancellations occur when the weather or other uncontrollable factors make postponing games necessary. In the course of doing business, the University creates and receives information that could directly affect the success of its business ventures or those of its current or prospective business partners. that seven-page research paper which you put off for two weeks? We comply with all laws relating to pricing, competition and business arrangements. We compete at USAG Junior Olympic level 9 rules, however our team members range from levels 6 to 10. We will not make representations on behalf of the University without official authorization. ), Register the minimum number of players to the team (when applicable). Once leagues/tournaments are full, teams will be placed on a waiting list and may be accepted into the league in the event a spot becomes available. While a key element is reporting inappropriate activity, I want to emphasize that the most important element of any compliance or ethics program is working cooperatively to assure a positive climate of openness and integrity. The official athletics website for the University of Connecticut Huskies A top-ranked research institution, campuses across Connecticut built to inspire, the global community that is UConn Nation. As our state’s flagship public land and sea grant institution, we promote the health and well being of Connecticut’s citizens through enhancing the social, economic, cultural and natural environments of the state and beyond. These questions are intended to be thought provoking and assist employees by providing examples of matters that each of us may face during our employment with the University. Any injuries or accidents occurring during Recreational activities should be reported immediately to on-duty personnel. All UConn female undergraduate and graduate students, as well as female faculty, staff and community members are eligible to participate in this division. Check your inbox for a message from NoReply@imleagues.com to activate this account and log into imleagues.com.. It's simple enough — UConn is a great university. If games are postponed, participants will be notified via RecRegistration. 150+ Fitness Partners Already Industry Leader! While this goal is simply stated, its attainment requires concerted effort on the part of all members of the University community, particularly faculty, administrators and staff. We protect human subjects by securing institutional review and approval for any research. UConn Intramurals encourages individuals to participate in accordance with their own expressed gender identity. We comply with all workplace safety and health regulations and will report unsafe conditions, equipment or practices to our supervisors or other appropriate University officials. Although we may release general information about alumni or other supporters, we respect an individual donor’s intent and honor all requests for anonymity. Any player or fan who has to be removed or ejected from a game or playing area for conduct of an unsportsmanlike nature is automatically ineligible from further competition and will be suspended for any major infractions. These values are essential and enduring tenets of our organization. If the player refuses to leave within a reasonable amount of time, the game may be forfeited and the team captain will be held accountable. We acknowledge that University Communications is the University’s primary and official liaisons to the news media – international, national, regional, state and local – and that this department is responsible for initiating, developing and maintaining effective, productive and beneficial relations with the news media in communicating University news and in responding to media requests. The University of Connecticut recognizes education as one of its primary missions and strives to maintain a professional environment conducive to the development of its students. Conduct of Faculty, Administrators and Staff. The participant will be issued their UConn ID back, once their pinnie is returned to the scorekeeper. In the case of an injury or other reasons, a team can finish with less than 8 players. We allow potential or current participants to withdraw from a study at any time without prejudice. We use appropriate internal financial controls to safeguard assets and to ensure compliance with all internal and external accounting rules and regulations. Please login to visit this page or feature. We value an environment that is free from harassment, intimidation, bullying, incivility, disrespect and violence. Student conduct is governed by the applicable codes of conduct and professional standards of conduct adopted by their schools. For Co-Rec sports, students who do not wish to identify as either male or female may participate without identifying as long as the team they are participating on does not exceed the maximum number of males or females listed in the rules for that sport. A t-shirt with full sleeves (short or long) must be worn underneath the pinnie issued by UConn Recreation. For additional information please refer to the appropriate website or contact the office at the phone numbers or email addresses noted below. We respect the individual freedom of faculty, staff and administrators to express their personal opinions on University actions and policies, while also recognizing that University Communications is responsible for coordinating official University comment on all matters regarding the institution. Have I ensured that the public engagement effort is consistent with the University’s mission and vision? We grant access to our research data to co-investigators involved in generating the data. Rights to such property may be transferred to other parties (such as commercial sponsors) only with express written authorization. A key element in assuring University-wide compliance is a system for reporting potential violations. More videos from our residential students are available on our #LiveOnAndLearn page. Research materials, inventions or devices developed through the use of University resources are the property of the University. We disclose financial conflicts of interest to University administrators and, as appropriate, manage such conflicts in accordance with existing policies and procedures. The primary purpose of public engagement is to serve external constituents in a manner that leads to enhanced teaching and research. We attend required instructional and training sessions when dictated by funding or oversight agencies. We will not use state resources for personal use or for use unrelated to our University responsibilities. We do not accept gifts, including food and beverage, from vendors, lobbyists or any other person or entity that is doing business with or seeking to do business with the University unless permitted under the Connecticut Code of Ethics for Public Officials. Am I culturally sensitive to the diverse needs of community members and partners, starting with the selection and training of my University team members? Large Selection of Official Apparel Exclusives Flat-Rate Shipping Office of the Associate VP for Diversity and Equity, Office of the Executive VP for Administration and CFO, Facilities Operations and Building Services, Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations, Office of the Provost and Executive VP for Academic Affairs, Office of the Vice Provost and Chief Information Officer, https://compliance.uconn.edu/reporting-concerns/reporting-overview/. For leagues, teams will be approved in the order in which they complete registration. Website: https://www.cga.ct.gov/apa/. Full-time students at the University of Hartford with a valid student ID card. We adhere to appropriate policies and procedures to ensure that we retain certification in all aspects of program function as required by institutional, state and federal regulatory agencies. The University of Connecticut Board of Trustees is the body that is ultimately responsible for ensuring full compliance. 100+ Club Partners Fastest Growing Solution! We protect the private and confidential information that is provided by our patients and research participants, faculty, administrators, staff, students, volunteers and others. Public engagement, which includes outreach and public service, consists of all activities where the University offers its resources, both human and physical, to external constituencies in such a manner where there is a partnership or that engaged scholarship results. Register for Eastern Intramural Sports through IM Leagues! These programs provide various structured sport opportunities for our participants. Our websites may use cookies to personalize and enhance your experience. Only one ex-varsity letter winner is eligible to be on an Intramural team’s roster for each sport, or related sport, in which the student lettered. The official game clock will start running as scheduled. Users Guide – Registering a Team Users Guide – Joining a Team Users Guide – Captain’s Adding Players Users Guide – Free Agents Register for Intramurals Hours and Contacts All roster additions must be completed through the FusionIM portal. We, as employees of the University, accurately account for our time and properly document when seeking reimbursement for work-related expenses. For a complete list of general Intramural Sports Policies, please reference the participants guide at recreation.uconn.edu. We strive to deliver health care that is based on contemporary scientific knowledge and technology. As members of an academic community, we seek to foster a spirit of civility and collegiality through open and honest communication. We utilize such resources properly and protect property against loss, theft, misuse and waste. Officiate intramural sports as outlined by staff during Officials’ Training Clinics. We comply with all applicable federal, state and local government laws and regulations and strive to follow ethical business practice standards. We will apply the spirit of the rules and fairness to all situations. Through teaching, research, engagement and service we embrace diversity and cultivate leadership, integrity and engage citizenship in our students, faculty, staff and alumni. Confidentiality of faculty, staff, patient and student records is respected and maintained in accordance with University policies and procedures, federal laws and state regulations. By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the University Senate, Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment and Related Interpersonal Violence. Medical Anthropology at the University of Connecticut provides students with the tools they need to conduct applied and theoretical research on health issues. Education is a key component of this program. Research data are considered the property of the principal investigator or the joint property of collaborating individuals when research data are generated by a principal investigator working in collaboration with one or more faculty colleagues. We bill for medically appropriate services that are clearly and accurately documented in the medical record. Send the download link to your phone: All team registrations will be accepted through RecRegistration during the proper league or tournament registration period. If the opposing team is not ready to play 10 minutes after the scheduled game time, a forfeit win will be declared for the waiting team. We are responsible and accountable for our actions and are expected to make reasonable efforts to comply with all applicable federal, state and local government laws and regulations. We strive for responsible engaged scholarship and community-based programs to the benefit of communities by involving our partners in the planning, execution, and dissemination of the knowledge gained by such programs. current baseball players may not play softball). Our faculty and students seek to create new knowledge and are committed to sharing ideas, research findings and the products of intellectual and creative pursuits with the broader community. Here you will find official University policies and procedures that govern the daily activities of our faculty, staff and the entire University community. Fax: (860) 486-4527, Website: https://compliance.uconn.edu/ We do not accept secondary employment that will impair our independence of judgment as to our official duties or which will require us to disclose confidential information. When signing up to play Intramurals via RecRegistration, students will be asked to self-identify their gender. How will my actions reflect how the University is viewed in the community? 2 Choose to wait until the opponent arrives to compete. For more information, please see our University Websites Privacy Notice. Physical property and intellectual property, including data, Government relations and political activity. Dear Colleagues: The University of Connecticut is committed to assuring the highest standard of integrity in all aspects of University life and in all University and University-sponsored activities. Welcome to Intramural Sports! It is strongly recommended that all participants have a physical examination prior to participating. We promote and support the University’s comprehensive commitment to diversity and equity, providing equitable opportunity for all students and staff, including women and members of minority groups. We are responsible for complying with all workplace safety and health regulations and will report unsafe conditions, equipment or practices to appropriate University officials, as required by law. Members of the University community shall perform their duties in a fair and ethical manner in accordance with established policies, procedures and regulations. How do I teach and engage my students in the work of the community as they apply classroom learning to real world situations? We believe the reputation of the University is tied to its responsiveness to the needs of the citizens and communities of the State. INTRAMURAL SPORTS & TOURNAMENTS Note: Rules are governed by current National Intramural Recreational Sports Association (NIRSA) Flag Football Rules with the following modifications. A key ingredient of an effective Compliance Program is the establishment of a Code of Conduct. We respect each student as a valuable individual regardless of age, race, color, nationality, ethnicity, ancestry, marital status, gender, disability, religion, sexual orientation or personal beliefs. We properly acknowledge sponsorship of research in our publications and presentations. General Intramurals. We comply with all state guidelines regarding procurement activities. I want to thank you for understanding and adhering to these standards, and for your commitment to the highest level of ethical conduct in fulfillment of our institutional responsibilities. We do not engage in partisan political activities while on state time nor will we use University resources for the purposes of influencing a political election. If a participant does not have their UConn ID, they will not be eligible to participate. In the event of a tie involving more than 2 teams, the procedure will be followed until one or more teams has been eliminated and the procedure will begin again with the remaining teams until all ties have been broken. But there are reasons why UConn Recreation runs the program in the way that it does, according to Bhavin Parekh, UConn Recreation associate director for intramurals and club sports. Knowledge: Members of the University community value truth, the pursuit of truth, intellectual curiosity and academic freedom. UCONN. Rules / Gameplay. Federal, state and local regulations which govern our activities are increasingly complex, and as the University’s activities expand in size, scope an… The game may be forfeited and the offending individuals immediately suspended. Teams will be placed in round robin … Where is the trail official supposed to be positioned on a corner kick? The University expects these standards to be maintained by all academic, research and relevant support staff, students and their supervisors and other individuals conducting research or involved in the peer review process within or on behalf of the University. We, each faculty and staff member involved in patient-related activities, are expected to understand and support the applicable Patient’s Bill of Rights and Responsibilities. All undergraduate and graduate students registered at the University of Connecticut at the Storrs Campus are eligible to participate in any Intramural Sports or Tournaments. Additional apparel may be unapproved based on the specific sport/activity. We strive to make all purchasing decisions based on the best interests of and value to the University. Use this board to discuss University of Connecticut athletic teams that do not have a board of their own. jeans or dress shoes), Bare feet, sandals, work-boots, or five-finger shoes, Exposed jewelry of any kind (rings, earrings, bracelets, Fitbits, etc. To that end, the University believes that the purposes of an educational institution are best served by attracting and developing scholars of proven professional and personal competence and integrity and by assuring those teachers and scholars freedom to expand human knowledge and understanding. We actively engage students in community experiences as part of our service learning priority. 100. Managers and supervisors have an elevated responsibility to demonstrate these behaviors and support their expression in the workplace. We abide by all federal and state laws and regulations, in addition to the University’s policies and procedures, regarding the care, transport, maintenance and use of animals. We believe all members of the University community are entitled to an environment that ensures collegiality and mutual respect. Intramural points earned for the sport. SPECIAL INTRAMURAL RULES 1. This includes reviewing medical findings with each patient, as well as discussing alternative treatment options and the associated risks and benefits. Tournament structure may be changed when it is necessary to accommodate special circumstances. We reach out to and engage communities in reciprocal partnerships. Important Links and ResourcesAssistance Who to call for Assistance Please this document as a resource to determine who to call for Student Employment inquiries. We maintain accurate and timely financial records in accordance with the University’s policies and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. INTRAMURAL SPORTS & TOURNAMENTS Note: Rules are governed by the National Federation of High School Associations (NFHS) with the following adaptations. Teams receiving their 2nd Unacceptable rating in the same season, will be removed from the league or playoffs. The University follows fair business practices in its contracting. As individuals and as an institution, we also strive to follow ethical business practices and to act as good stewards of the resources made available to us. Research data generated by postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, research trainees or others who have had significant intellectual input, shall be considered the joint property of the collaborating individuals. We engage all human subjects, or their appropriate representatives, before initiating a research protocol, in a meaningful informed consent process including explanations of possible risks and benefits. The University of Connecticut Ethics Statement. Full-time students at the University of Hartford with a valid student ID card. The waiting team will be given a scoring advantage. This document serves to guide the daily operations of our University system including: External Relations and University Advancement, Resources, Additional Information, and Reporting. Please login to visit this page or feature. Offender is fouled outside the box. We acknowledge and support students’ rights to question faculty members, the administration and staff in good faith. Examples include books, journal articles, newspapers, images, audio, and video in physical or electronic form owned or borrowed by the University or the instructor. Learn more about the art you see around you on campus. The UConn Intramural Sports program offers three divisions of competition: Men’s, Women’s and Co-Recreational. The University of Connecticut adheres to established business standards in its conduct as an institution of higher education and as a health care provider. STUDENT INTRAMURAL PROGRAM ASSISTANT Assists faculty and staff with recreation/athletics activities and programs. All members of the University community have a responsibility to treat each other with consideration and respect. We do not tolerate plagiarism, falsification, or fabrication of research data, or other scientific misconduct. We abide by all federal and state laws and regulations, in addition to the University’s policies and procedures, when performing studies involving human subjects. General Duties: Responsible for enforcing departmental and University policies and procedures in all matters pertaining to UConn Recreation. These sports are offered during the 2020-21 academic year. All players who signed in for the team prior to the forfeited game will no longer be eligible to continue participating in that sport for the remainder of the season. Materials subject to copyright are generally not the property of the University. We adhere to federal and state laws which provide guidance for the political activities of the University employees. The Division of Athletics operates a broad-based program of intercollegiate athletics and recreational and intramural opportunities that reflect the ethical philosophy of the University, the interest of the student body and the desires of the University’s internal and external constituencies. The University’s computer and telecommunication networks are University resources that are provided to employees, students and volunteers to allow them to carry out the functions of the institution. These sports include flag football, indoor soccer, volleyball, basketball, and many more. The University values an environment that promotes a spirit of civility and collegiality, while fostering open and constructive intellectual debate. If you wish to report suspected violations of laws, regulations, rules, policies, procedures, ethics or any other information you feel uncomfortable reporting to your supervisor or faculty administrator you may also contact the Office of University Compliance directly using the phone numbers or email addresses listed below. Specific criteria for what constitutes Acceptable and Unacceptable ratings can be found in the rule packet for each sport. Practical Considerations for Public Engagement and Outreach Principles and Standards. 100. The Foundation staff works in cooperation with offices and departments across the University but which is organizationally independent of the University itself. You can file a complaint with the Auditors of Public Accounts by calling (860) 566-1435 or toll free at (800) 797-1702. It’s that season again. Our actions are beyond reproach and avoid both the fact and the appearance of impropriety. Teams are encouraged to wear their own color-matching jerseys with visible numbers on the back. Federal, state and local regulations which govern our activities are increasingly complex, and as the University’s activities expand in size, scope and prominence, it is important that all of us understand relevant policies and know what is required in terms of compliance and reporting. UCONN. At the Board’s direction, the University has established a Compliance Program to help in our efforts to adhere to all federal, state and local regulatory requirements. The University supports the efforts of its faculty, administrators and staff to achieve and maintain professional standards. Eligibility definitions and rules for participation in any intramural event are as follows. Where is a penalty kick taken from? We seek prior approval of appropriate University committees when research involves hazardous chemical substances, bio-hazardous materials or radioactive materials. Policies and Rules for each are available below. Click below for information on how to access our new online registration. Connecticut is currently in Phase 2.1: As Connecticut continues taking steps to protect residents from the spread of COVID-19, the state is currently in Phase 2.1 of its reopening plans.It previously had been in Phase 3, however due to a spike in cases statewide, the state rolled back to Phase 2.1, which is a slightly modified version of Phase 2, effective November 6, 2020. Players may join a team whenever they want, including at game time. In an institution this large and active, there may be areas of confusion; regrettably, there may also be instances in which individual behavior does not meet appropriate ethical expectations. By continuing without changing your cookie settings, you agree to this collection. In addition to collaborations in the arts and humanities, we encourage constructive partnerships in new areas of interdisciplinary excellence, such as Health and Human Behavior, the Environment, and Human Rights. FORMAT: This is a 7-player co-rec league. Conducted by students or faculty, service and, as well as current policies... Out their duties with professionalism codes of conduct as well as current University policies and procedures that govern the activities. Questions to Ask Yourself ” after each set of standards manner in with... Campuses across Connecticut built to inspire, the administration and staff with recreation/athletics activities and programs three divisions competition. Treat each other with consideration and respect appropriate institutional review and approval for any.! Members compete all-around while others event specialize when seeking reimbursement for work-related expenses to our research to protection! 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