Take out the pulp of fresh berries and use as a tincture to cure Paralysis. Add it to your bathing water and take a warm bath. Traditionally, vitex was used to stimulate breast milk production in nursing mothers, boost fertility and relieve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Lagundi (scientific name: Vitex negundo) is a shrub that grows in the Philippines. Boil leaves of Vitex Negundo. Vitex, scientifically known as Vitex agnus-castes and colloquially known as chaste tree is an important contributing factor to herbal medicine.It is of particularly used in problems related to female health and well being. is vitex curable for PCOS , High Prolactin and Problem in Conceiving.. It is a muscle relaxant and pain relieving herb. Vitex negundo (VN) L. (Verbenaceae) is a small aromatic plant with typical five foliolate leave pattern that is native to China, Japan, and India. Take some freshly chopped berries of Vitex Negundo. This small book is an introduction to Ayurveda, written by Dr. Vikram Chauhan - MD (Ayurveda). It is used in the treatment of Vata and Kapha. Other traditional uses are to treat various skin ailments like vitiligo, leucoderma and leprosy, eye diseases, biliousness, intestinal worms, children arthritis and nervous disorders. It is also called Vitex negundo, Chinese chaste tree, five-leaved chaste tree, horseshoe vitex, and nisinda. The perspiration occurs and helps in reducing Fever. That is mainly due to vata vitiation in the body. Nirgundi oil extracted from the leaves, fruit as well as the roots of the nirgundi tree are used for a range of health benefits. Health benefits of lagundi. Lagundi, also known as Negundo Chaste Tree, Cut-Leaf Chaste Tree, Five-Leaved Chaste Tree, Indian Privet, Horseshoe Vitex, Lenggundi, Nirgundi, Sindvar, Negundo, Dabtan, Dangla, Khemao, etc. It is obtained from an aromatic shrub called Vitex negundo which has bitter, pungent, astringent taste, rose colored flowers and small brown fruits that is used for medicinal purpose. Please do not use SMS English, Short Text and Words like hi, hello. … It belongs to anti poisonous and anti-worm group of herbs. The scientific name of nirgundi is Vitex negundo… Familie: Lippenblütlerartige (Verbenaceae) Englische Namen: Chinese chastetree, Five-leaved chaste tree. Vitex affects the pituitary gland in the body. Take 15-20 drops once a day for One week. Vitex Negundo is a medicinal herb. It is a feeling that is triggered in nervous system. Make a layer of Vitex Negundo leaves on a cloth. Lagundi or Vitex negundo has been traditionally used as herbal medicine by Philippine and Indian folks. The Vitex agnus-castus fruit, also known as chasteberry or monk’s pepper, is about the size of a peppercorn. Vitex negundo is a well-known medicinal herb that is used in Indian System of Medicine. Useful in headache, sciatica, rheumatic arthritis, synovitis. store.planetayurveda.com/products/nirgundi-oil, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Health benefits: It is useful in reducing painful swellings. In cold winter areas (especially USDA Zones 5-6), it is more often grown as a 3-5' tall woody perennial. Lagundi or Vitex negundo is a famous shrub that grows in the Philippines. It treats diseases caused due to vitation of Vata and Kapha, Headache, Skin affections, Wounds, Swelling, Asthmatic Pains, male and female Sexual ailments and Reproductive problems. It is an Ayurvedic herb with numerous health benefits in it. Vitex negundo, commonly known as the Chinese chaste tree, five-leaved chaste tree, or horseshoe vitex, or nisinda নিশিন্দা is a large aromatic shrub with quadrangular, densely whitish, tomentose branchlets. This gland is frequently referred to as the master gland as it controls the hormonal secretions from the lymph nodes as well as the organs, like the ovaries. Can I drink wine while taking lagundi tablets? Nirgundi is very useful herb in morbid conditions of vata like epilepsy, insomnia and vertigo since it works as a brain tonic. It basically acts as an analgesic and extremely useful for conditions associated with spleen, liver and thyroid. Chinese chastetree (Engl.) Nirgundi Uses, Benefits, And Actions Nirgundi’s actions are analgesic (acting to relieve pain), anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, vulnerary (wound healing), diuretic (increasing production of urine), and diaphoretic (inducing perspiration). The appearance of Five leaved chaste: It has anticonvulsant, antioxidant, and bronchial relaxant and hepato-protective activities. Vitex Benefits for Female Health. Five-leaved chaste tree (Engl.) Drink 5 ml root decoction of Vitex Negundo once a day. These wonderful herbs increases Nirgundi oil's actions and make it more efficient. When it comes to easing symptoms of PMS — breast tenderness, cramps, cranky mood, and all — vitex is the queen of herbs. Vitex Negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Tablet is used for Bacterial infections, Inflammation, Pain, Hepatotoxicity, Oxidative stress, Convulsions, Allergy, Snake venom and other conditions. Some of the components found in nirgundi are phenol, dulcitol, alkaloid- vitricine, B-sitosterol, camphene, orientin, arteemetin, onoterpens, anguside eurostoside and aucubin. It is a panacea solution in vast range of respiratory diseases like cough, asthma, bronchitis and pleura inflammatory conditions, spondylitis and ascites. Vitex is often used to enhance fertility, especially in women who don't ovulate regularly. Drink the leaf tea of Vitex Negundo ( Samhalu ) thrice a day. Vitex negundo is a well-known medicinal herb that is used in Indian System of Medicine. It is a multipurpose and versatile herb. Vitex benefits When I use green tea or other like that things to reduce fat then my sleep goes out , I am in trouble for using this what should I do.i think another problem occur that is sever dryness of hands, cuts.where is the problem and remedies.please inform me in my address.thanks a lot those who are provide human services, this is paid homage to u from me. Use it for steam inhalation. If we talk about pain, it is mentioned as shoola in ayurvedic books by authors. The Food and Drug Administration of the Philippines has also approved clinical trials for vitex negundo, locally known as lagundi, as a supplemental treatment for COVID-19 patients. You may ask and answer a query. Other traditional uses are to treat various skin ailments like vitiligo, leucoderma and leprosy, eye diseases, biliousness, intestinal worms, children arthritis and nervous disorders. Our expert typically replies in a few minutes. Commonly known in the Ilocos region as dangla, lagundi has been clinically tested to be effective in the treatment of colds, flu, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, and pharyngitis. ]. Pain is a feeling which may be sharp or dull, something that is unpleasant to mind and body. One can feel localized pain like hand, foot, back, chest etc. Many of us are still unaware of it. Stir well and tightly close the lid. Are there any other symptoms along these ? It has long been used in the Philippines as a natural antitussive or cough remedy. Heterophylla, Vitex negundo var. Lagundi, also known as Negundo Chaste Tree, Cut-Leaf Chaste Tree, Five-Leaved Chaste Tree, Indian Privet, Horseshoe Vitex, Lenggundi, Nirgundi, Sindvar, Negundo, Dabtan, Dangla, Khemao, etc. cannabifolia (Siebold & Zucc) Hand.-Mazz. Vitex negundo is a medicinal tree. Many of us are still unaware of it. Usage: Nirgundi oil is used for external application only. 1. Lagundi has the scientific name of Vitex negundo and it is endemic in the Philippines. Vitex negundo L. is one of the important plant from traditional system of medicine found all over the world. 3. This, in turn, assists in easing conditions of discomfort such as menstrual cramps and uterine fibroids, besides treating infertility. Lagundi uses, health benefits, side effects, warnings of use. Lagundi (scientific name: Vitex negundo) is a large native shrub that grows in Asia and Southeast Asia such as the Philippines and India and has been traditionally used as herbal medicine and is an important medicinal plant in Ayurvedic and Unani systems of medicine.The extracts from its leaves and roots are mostly considered to provide the most health benefits. The appearance of Five leaved chaste: Use it while sleeping. [11] Las raíces y las hojas se utilizan en el eczema , la tiña y otras enfermedades de la piel, trastornos del hígado, agrandamiento de bazo, dolores reumáticos, gota, abscesos, dolor de espalda; y las semillas utilizadas como vermífugo . is a large shrub recognized for its wide variety of health benefits. In English, it is known as the five-leaved chaste tree or Chinese chaste tree. It is also called Vitex negundo, Chinese chaste tree, five-leaved chaste tree, horseshoe vitex… Lagundi is generally used for the treatment of coughs, asthma symptoms, and other respiratory problems. Vitex negundo L. is one of the important plant from traditional system of medicine found all over the world. Whole Plant, Fruit, Dried Leaf, Root, Seed, Flower, Vitex Negundo is a medicinal herb. Do you know this herb by any other name ? 627, JLPL, Industrial Area, Sector-82, Mohali-140306, Punjab (India). This, in turn, assists in easing conditions of discomfort such as menstrual cramps and uterine fibroids, besides treating infertility. This plant has been used for hundred of years in India and in the Philippines, where the health department endorsed its use as an herbal medicine.. Vitex negundo can be used to repel house flies. All information is provided on the website is only for educational purposes and is not meant to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Hence treatment with some vata shamak dravyas would be beneficial and effective here. Externally apply leaf paste of Vitex Negundo over inflamed Spleen. Vitex negundo, commonly called chaste tree, is a deciduous shrub or small, multi-trunked tree which typically grows to 10-15' tall (occasionally larger) in warm winter climates. Properties of Vitex negundo as a medicinal plant include antihistamine, antioxidant, and anticonvulsant uses. This may be mild, moderate or even severe. The fruits of Vitex negundo abound in terpenoids, which contribute towards rectifying hormonal imbalance in the female system. The leaf extract of Vitex Negundo has great Insecticidal properties. Eases Symptoms of PMS and PCOS. It has antipyretic and anti-arthritic properties and is used in diseases like typhoid fever, malaria fever, worms, dermatose and adenitis. The power and efficacy of the herb is also described in the books of Charaka Samhita. How to Treat Lichen amyloidosis in Ayurveda? Duration of Usage: Externally it can be used for a very long period of time without any side effect. Vitex negundo is the richest source of stable Vitamin C. This richness in Vitamin C makes the Nirgundi one of the best anti-inflammatory and anti-biotic Uses : Because of its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties, the plant is useful in treating sores and skin infections. Vitex Negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Tablet may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. Vitex negundo is indicated in Joint Disorder, Low Back Pain, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis (Amavata), Sciatica, Spondylosis, and Vata Vyadhi. Nirgundi Vitex negundo | Best herb for management of pain - YouTube Nirgundi has been used for centuries to reduce inflammation and swelling of joints due to rheumatism and injuries. The scientific name of this plant is Vitex negundo.It has been used as a traditional herbal medicine since centuries. It helps to get rid of Dull Skin. This article lists the ways in which Vitex benefits the body. Lagundi, also known as Negundo Chaste Tree, Cut-Leaf Chaste Tree, Five-Leaved Chaste Tree, Indian Privet, Horseshoe Vitex, Lenggundi, Nirgundi, Sindvar, Negundo, Dabtan, Dangla, Khemao, etc. You may take its capsules or may have its tea, one cup daily for a month. Vitex negundo (VN), commonly known as "chaste tree", is an ethnobotanically important plant with enormous medicinal properties. Vitex negundo is used for treating stored garlic against pests and as a cough remedy in the Philippines. How Evans Syndrome can be Managed by Natural Remedies? Vitex Negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Capsule is used for Pain, Inflammation, Hepatotoxicity, Oxidative stress, Convulsions, Bacterial infections, Allergy, Snake venom and other conditions.Vitex Negundo L. (Lagundi Leaf) Capsule may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. Los raigaños y les fueyes utilizar nel eczema , la tiña y otres enfermedaes de la piel, trestornos del fégadu, agrandamientu de bazu, dolores reumáticos, gota, abscesos, dolor de llombu; y … It has long been used in the Philippines as a natural antitussive or cough remedy. Vitex negundo se utiliza para tratar con el ajo contra las plagas y como remedio para la tos en Filipinas. Your Query - This is a community service. Well, as we are going to discuss about nirgundi oil here, this is an amazing herbal oil/formulation that is best for all kinds of pain. The results may vary from person to person, therefore, before using these products, consult your doctors. Ayurveda says that balance of three doshas of body – Vata, Pitta and Kapha is health and vitiation leads to various health problems. It is used externally in the form of paste or oi and orally in the form of powder, leaf juice or water decoction. Vitex may help the body regulate estrogen, which is necessary in the first half of the cycle for ovulation, and progesterone, which helps maintain a pregnancy. Vitex benefits are said to include hormonal health, menstrual cramps relief and it may ease symptoms of menopause. It is used. Being diuretic it facilitates the micturition. It is mostly prepared with sesame seed oil. Boil handful leaves of Vitex Negundo. It can eventually reach a height of up to 25 feet. Vitex agnus-castus is the most common vitex used medicinally. Basically, if you’re a woman, this herb can probably help! Relieves Anxiety: However, even natural remedies like vitex can cause side effects and may interfere with some medications. Vitex negundo utilizar pa tratar col ayu contra les plagues y como remediu pa la tos en Filipines. It is a richest source of vitamin C among Indian goose berry which makes it one of the best anti-inflammatory and anti-biotic herb. i have a lot of no nirgundi tree but i do,not know the uses of this tree please. *Lagundi (scientific name: Vitex negundo) is a large native shrub that grows in Asia and Southeast Asia such as the Philippines and India and has been traditionally used as herbal medicine and is an important medicinal plant in Ayurvedic and Unani systems of medicine. Can feel localized pain like hand, foot, back, chest etc cure Paralysis ease respiratory complaints explain. Recognized for its wide variety of health as an effective herbal medicine with proven therapeutic value bees!, yoga and herbs and properties and described in the Ayurvedic text ‘ Charaka Samhita ’ increases nirgundi,. 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